Daftar 150 orang terkaya di Indonesia, (updated)



10 Orang Terkaya di Indonesia 2017, Siapa Saja?

Selasa, 21 Maret 2017 | 20:04 WIB
IstimewaMenteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani berbincang dengan para konglomerat Indonesia

NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com – Majalah Forbes baru-baru ini merilis daftar orang terkaya di dunia. Daftar tersebut mencakup para miliarder dari seluruh dunia, tidak terkecuali dari Indonesia. Lalu, siapa saja orang terkaya di Tanah Air?

Mengutip Forbes, Selasa (21/3/2017), Hartono bersaudara, yakni Budi dan Michael Hartono masih berada pada peringkat pertama dan kedua orang terkaya di Indonesia.

R Budi Hartono dan Michael Hartono, keduanya memperoleh kekayaan dari Djarum Group, yang tidak hanya bergerak di industri rokok, namun juga beragam industri lainnya. Adapun pada peringkat ketiga adalah Sri Prakash Lohia.

Berikut ini adalah 10 orang terkaya di Indonesia versi majalah Forbes.

1. R Budi Hartono : 9,4 miliar dollar AS
2. Michael Hartono : 8,9 miliar dollar AS
3. Sri Prakash Lohia : 5,4 miliar dollar AS
4. Chairul Tanjung : 4,6 miliar dollar AS
5. Tahir : 2,8 miliar dollar AS
6. Murdaya Poo : 2,1 miliar dollar AS
7. Theodore Rachmat : 1,9 miliar dollar AS
8. Mochtar Riady : 1,9 miliar dollar AS
9. Prajogo Pangestu : 1,8 miliar dollar AS
10. Peter Sondakh : 1,7 miliar dollar AS

Selain nama-nama tersebut, beberapa konglomerat juga masuk dalam daftar orang terkaya di Indonesia.

Ciputra, misalnya, tercatat berada pada posisi 11 dengan kekayaan mencapai 1,6 miliar dollar AS. Sukanto Tanoto berada pada peringkat 13 dengan kekayaan mencapai 1,5 miliar dollar AS.

Sementara itu, Hary Tanoesoedibjo berada pada peringkat 20 dengan kekayaan mencapai 1,1 miliar dollar AS.

Daftar 10 Orang Terkaya di Indonesia Tahun 2016

March 10, 2016

10 orang terkaya di Indonesia ini masuk dalam daftar orang terkaya di dunia versi Forbes

Belum lama ini Forbes merilis daftar orang terkaya di seluruh dunia. Indonesia pun kembali “menyumbangkan” taipan termasyur ke dalam daftar tersebut. Sejumlah nama masih bertahan pada posisi teratas sejak tahun lalu. Pun, terdapat juga nama-nama baru yang masuk dan mengisi jajaran 10 orang terkaya di Indonesia. Tahun ini posisi teratas masih ditempati oleh adik kakak Michael dan Budi Hartono.

Penasaran, siapa saja penduduk Indonesia yang namanya masuk dalam daftar 10 orang terkaya di Indonesia versi Forbes? Simak selengkapnya di sini.

1. Budi Hartono

Doc: Forbes

Umur : 75 tahun

Kekayaan : US$ 8,3 miliar (setara Rp 110 triliun)

Jenis Usaha : BCA dan Djarum

Lagi dan lagi, Budi Hartono kembali menduduki posisi teratas dalam daftar orang terkaya di Indonesia. Peringkatnya dalam daftar orang terkaya di dunia adalah ranking 141. Posisinya naik satu tingkat ketimbang tahun lalu. Di usianya yang sudah mencapai 75 tahun tak lantas membuat kekayaan Budi Hartono menurun. Justru, pundi-pundinya kian bertambah berkat melambungnya harga saham yang mereka miliki di Bank Central Asia. Selain dari BCA, kekayaan Budi Hartono juga datang dari Djarum Group, perusahaan keluarga yang memproduksi rokok kretek terbesar di Indonesia.

2. Michael Hartono

Doc : newinbridge

Umur : 76 tahun

Kekayaan : US$ 8,1 miliar (setara Rp 107,38 triliun)

Jenis Usaha : BCA dan Djarum

Sama seperti adiknya, Budi Hartono, sang kakak Michael Hartono juga masih menempati posisi kedua dari 10 orang terkaya di Indonesia. Tahun ini, Michael menempati peringkat 146 orang terkaya di dunia. Bersama sang adik, Michael juga memegang aset berharga di Bank Central Asia. Hal lain yang menyumbang pendapatan besar Michael adalah dari industri rokok kretek yang merupakan perpaduan cengkeh, tembakau dan bahan lainnya.

3. Chairul Tanjung

Doc: Forbes

Umur : 53 tahun

Kekayaan : US$ 4,9 miliar (setara Rp 68,8 triliun)

Jenis Usaha : Perbankan, media, & ritel

Pemilik CT Corp ini naik satu peringkat dalam 10 orang terkaya di Indonesia. Sebelumnya Chairul Tanjung berada di peringkat empat. Sementara dalam jajaran orang terkaya di dunia, pengusaha berjuluk anak singkong ini berada di urutan 286. CT Corp milik Chairul Tanjung menjalankan sejumlah bisnis penting di Indonesia. Mulai dari perbankan, media, gaya hidup, hiburan hingga perkebunan. CT memegang sejumlah waralaba terkenal seperti Wendy’s, Versace, Mango dan Jimmy Choo Indonesia. Ia juga dikenal memiliki taman hiburan megah, Trans Studio.

4. Sri Prakash Lohia

Doc: Forbes

Umur : 63 tahun

Kekayaan : US$ 4,2 miliar (setara Rp 55,7 triliun)

Jenis Usaha : Polyester

Peringkat kekayaan Sri Prakash Lohia turun satu tangga dibanding tahun lalu. Sumber kekayaan pria keturunan India ini datang dari perusahaan tekstilnya yang berada di 18 negara, yakni Indorama Group. Indorama memulai bisnisnya dalam pembuatan benang pintal pada 1976. Kini mereka lebih bergerak pada produk industri termasuk polietilen, polypropylene yang digunakan untuk thermoplastic dan sarung tangan medis.

5. Bachtiar Karim

Doc: Forbes

Umur : 59 tahun

Kekayaan : US$ 3,2 miliar (setara Rp 42,5 triliun)

Jenis Usaha : Perkebunan

Pengusaha yang menduduki peringkat 527 orang terkaya di dunia ini sangat suskes di sektor perkebunan sawit. Bachtiar Karim mendirikan kantor pusatnya, PT Musim Mas di Medan, Sumatera Utara. Musim Mas merupakan perusahaan minyak sawit yang terbesar dan menjadi penyuplai untuk banyak bisnis. Jaringan distribusinya bahkan telah mencapai ke 80 negara. Musim Mas baru saja bergabung dengan  Indonesian Palm Oil Pledge. Perusahaan itu menandatangani perjanjian pada 2015 dengan perkebunan kelapa sawit Malaysia.

6. Mochtar Riady

Doc: Forbes

Umur : 86 tahun

Kekayaan : US$ 2,1 miliar (setara Rp 27,9 triliun)

Jenis Usaha : Perbankan, properti, & rumah sakit

Pengusaha dan CEO Lippo Group ini menduduki peringkat 6 dalam daftar 10 orang terkaya di Indonesia. Lippo Group yang saat ini yang kini dijalanlan anaknya James dan Stephen membawahi berbagai bidang usaha, antara lain di perbankan, properti, dan rumah sakit. Keberadaan Lippo Group sendiri bermula dari dioperasikannya Lippo Bank. Dari Lippo Bank inilah akhirnya Lippo Group tumbuh pesat, bahkan hingga merambah ke luar negeri.

7. Tahir

Doc: Forbes

Umur : 63 tahun

Kekayaan : US$ 2 miliar (setara Rp 26,5 triliun)

Jenis Usaha : Perbankan, properti.

Beliau adalah pemilik Mayapada Group dan juga pemilik lisensi Forbes Indonesia. Pada tahun 2015, ia menjual saham Bank Mayapada senilai lebih dari 150 juta dolar. Hasilnya ia belikan dua bangunan, satu di Indonesia dan satu lagi di Jepang. Tercatat ia juga masih memiliki setengah miliar saham di bank dan bisnis properti lain di Indonesia dan Singapura. Tahun ini Tahir menduduki daftar 10 orang terkaya di Indonesia, sebelumnya ia tidak berada pada daftar tersebut.

8. Murdaya Poo

Doc: Forbes

Umur : 75 tahun

Kekayaan : US$ 1,9 miliar (setara Rp 25,2 triliun)

Jenis Usaha : Energi, konstruksi, IT, kayu dan perkebunan

Murdaya Poo adalah orang terkaya ke-8 di Indonesia. Di dunia, ia menjadi orang terkaya ke-959 dengan kekayaan mencapai US$ 1,9 miliar atau setara Rp 25,2 triliun. Murdaya juga tercatat sebagai pemilik Jakarta International Expo yang merupakah salah satu venue konvensi dan pameran terbesar di Jakarta.

9. Peter Sondakh

Doc: Forbes

Umur : 66 tahun

Kekayaan : US$ 1,8 miliar (setara Rp 23,9 triliun)

Jenis Usaha : Pertambangan, perkebunan, hotel dan transportasi

Peter Sondakh adalah nama besar di balik kesuksesan Rajawali Group. Beliau bukan hanya konglomerat yang sukses menjalankan usaha di sektor pertambangan dan perkebunan saja. Ia juga membangun St Regis, sebuah superblock serba guna di Jakarta yang akan selesai awal 2016 ini.

10. Eddy Kusnadi Sariaatmadja

Doc: Forbes

Umur : 62 tahun

Kekayaan : US$ 1,6 miliar (setara Rp 21,2 triliun)

Jenis Usaha : Teknologi dan media

Eddy merupakan pengusaha sukses yang bergerak di industri teknologi dan media. Salah satu perusahaannya yang terkenal adalah PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (Emtek). Pada 2015, Emtek memperluas usahanya dengan membeli 20 persen saham Bobobobo.com, sebuah perusahaan yang menjual produk gaya hidup. Ia juga memegang distribusi eksklusif Compaq Indonesia. Melalui bisnisnya tersebut, Eddy menjadi orang terkaya ke-1.121 di dunia.

Daftar Lengkap 50 Orang Indonesia Paling Kaya 2014

Forbes Rilis 50 Orang Paling Kaya di Indonesia Tahun Ini

Agust Supriadi, CNN Indonesia
Kamis, 04/12/2014 06:40 WIB
Forbes Rilis 50 Orang Paling Kaya di Indonesia Tahun Ini(CNNIndonesia GettyImages)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Majalah Forbes kembali merilis daftar orang terkaya di Indonesia di 2014. Sejak menjadi pemuncak pada 2009, posisi Budi dan Michael Hartono tidak tergeser dari posisi nomor satu hingga tahun ini.Total kekayaan Hartono bersaudara tercatat sebesar US$ 16,5 miliar atau setara dengan Rp 203,3 triliun. Pundi kekayaan keduanya meningkat lebih dari US$ 1 miliar berkat naiknya harga saham Bank Central Asia (BCA) hingga 50 persen dalam setahun terakhir.

Mengekor di posisi kedua Susilo Wonowidjojo, yang merupakan rival bisnis rokok Hartono bersaudara. Setelah sempat turun US$ 2,1 miliar pada tahun lalu, kekayaan Bos PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM) ini meningkat signifikan menjadi US$ 8 miliar atau setara dengan Rp 96,46 triliun pada tahun ini. Meningkatnya kekayaan Susilo juga berkat kenaikan harga saham perusahaannya, GGRM, hampir 60 persen. Susilo berhasil mendepak Eka Tjipta Widjaja dari peringkat kedua orang terkaya.

Posisi berikutnya ada Anthoni Salim, dengan total kekayaan sebesar US$ 5,9 miliar atau Rp 72,57 triliun. Meskipun kekayaannya susut US$ 400 juta pada tahun ini, Bos Salim Group ini masih bertahan di posisi ketiga orang terkaya di Indonesia. Selain perusahaan mie instannya yang terkenal, PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk, Salim juga tercatat memiliki bisnis lain di industri telekomunikasi, ritel, properti dan perbankan.

Bos Sinar Mas Group, Eka Tjipta Widjaja, bertukar posisi dengan Susilo Wonowidjojo dengan menempati peringkat keempat. Nilai kekayaannya tercatat sebesar US$ 5,8 miliar atau Rp 71,36 triliun, turun drastis dibandingkan tahun lalu US$ 7 miliar.

Selanjutnya ada Sri Prakash Lohia dengan total kekayaan US$ 4,4 miliar atau Rp 54,14 triliun. Bos Indorama Group ini bertukar posisi dengan Chairul Tandjung (CT), yang pada tahun lalu berada di peringkat kelima. Meskipun kekayaan CT meningkat US$ 300 juta menjadi US$ 4,3 miliar (Rp 52,89 triliun), tetapi Bos Trans Corp ini tidak mampu mempertahankan posisinya yang turun ke urutan keenam.

Bos perusahaan obat Kalbe Farma, Boenjamin Setiwan menempati urutan ketujuh dengan harta kekayaan sebesar US$ 3,5 miliar atau Rp 43,17 triliun.

Disusul kemudian oleh Mochtar Riady di posisi kedelapan, dengan nilai kekayaan US$ 2,7 miliar atau Rp 33,26 triliun. Bos Lippo Group ini punya bisnis di banyak sektor, mulai dari perbankan, media, properti, dan rumah sakit. Bisnisnya dijalankan oleh dua anaknya, Stephen Riady dari Singapura dan James Riady di Indonesia.

Peter Sondakh berada di urutan kesembilan dengan nilai kekayaan US$ 2,3 miliar atau Rp 28,34 triliun. Rajawali TV merupakan investasi terbarunya, di samping juga menjalankan bisnis lainnya di sektor pertambangan, perkebunan, hotel and transportasi.

Kesepuluh ada nama Bos Asian Agri, Sukanto Tanoto, dengan nilai kekayaan US$ 2,11 miliar atau Rp 26 triliun.

Berikut daftar 50 orang terkaya di Indonesia versi Majalah Forbes yang dikutip dari situs resminya:

1.Budi dan Michael Hartono (US$ 16,5 miliar)
2. Susilo Wonowidjojo (US$ 8 miliar)
3. Anthoni Salim (US$ 5,9 miliar)
4. Eka Tjipta Widjaja (US$ 5,8 miliar)
5. Sri Prakash Lohia (US$ 4,4 miliar)
6. Chairul Tanjung (US$ 4,3 miliar)
7. Boenjamin Setiawan (US$ 3,5 miliar)
8. Mochtar Riady (US$ 2,2 miliar)
9. Peter Sondakh (US$ 2,3 miliar)
10. Sukanto Tanoto (US$ 2,11 miliar)
11. Tahir (US$ 2,1 miliar)
12. Bachtiar Karim (US$ 2 miliar)
13. Putra Sampoerna dan Keluarga (US$ 1,9 miliar)
14. Theodore Rachmat (US$ 1,9 miliar)
15. Murdaya Poo (US$ 1,7 miliar)
16. Kusnan dan Rusdi Kirana (US$ 1,7 miliar)
17. Eka Tjandranegara (US$ 1,7 miliar)
18. Martua Sitorus (US$ 1,7 miliar)
19. Eddy Katuari dan Keluarga (US$ 1,7 miliar)
20. Kuncoro Wibowo dan Keluarga (US$ 1,6 miliar)
21. Ciputra dan Keluarga (US$ 1,5 miliar)
22. Ciliandra Fangiono dan Keluarga (US$ 1,5 miliar)
23. Husodo Angkosubroto dan Keluarga (US$ 1,5 miliar) (baru)
24. Hary Tanoesoedibjo (US$ 1,4 miliar)
25. Purnomo Prawiro (US$ 1,3 miliar) (baru)
26. Edwin Soeryadjaya (US$ 1,3 miliar)
27. Djoko Susanto (US$ 1,3 miliar)
28. Achmad Hamami dan Keluarga (US$ 1,2 miliar)
29. Kartini Muljadi dan Keluarga (US$ 1,1 miliar)
30. Low Tuck Kwong (US$ 1,1 miliar)
31. Husain Djojonegoro dan Keluarga (US$ 1 miliar)
32. Benny Subianto (US$ 1 miliar)
33. Harjo Sutanto (US$ 950 juta)
34. Alexander Tedja (US$ 935 juta)
35. Soegiarto Adikoesoemo (US$ 930 juta)
36. Aksa Mahmud (US$ 860 juta)
37. Garibaldi Thohir (US$ 855 juta)
38. Sjamsul Nursalim (US$ 830 juta)
39. Hashim Djojohadikusumo (US$ 825 juta)
40. Eddy Kusnadi Sariaatmadja (US$ 820 juta)
41. Abdul Rasyid (US$ 805 juta) (baru)
42. Lim Hariyanto Wijaya Sarwono (US$ 800 juta)
43. Arifin Panigoro (US$ 680 juta)
44. Irwan Hidayat (US$ 660 juta) (baru)
45. Sudhamek (US$ 655 juta)
46. The Ning King (US$ 650 juta)
47. Jogi Hendra Atmadja (US$ 630 juta)
48. Prajogo Pangestu (US$ 570 juta)
49. Handojo Santosa (US$ 555 juta)
50. Trihatma Haliman (US$ 500 juta)

Daftar Lengkap 50 Orang Indonesia Paling Kaya 2013

JUM’AT, 22 NOVEMBER 2013 | 10:10 WIB
Daftar Lengkap 50 Orang Indonesia Paling Kaya

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Majalah Forbes merilis daftar 50 orang paling tajir se-Indonesia. Di antara nama-nama tersebut, ada nama Chairul Tanjung di posisi 5 dengan nilai kekayaan US$ 4 miliar. Ada pula nama Hary Tanoesoedibjo di posisi ke-22. Pria yang hendak mencalonkan diri sebagai calon wakil presiden dari Partai Hanura ini memiliki nilai kekayaan US$ 1,35 miliar. Nama Hashim Djojohadikusumo masuk di posisi ke-42. Adik Prabowo Subianto ini memiliki nilai kekayaan US$ 700 juta.

Berikut daftar lengkap 50 orang paling tajir se-Indonesia versi Forbes:

1. R. Budi & Michael Hartono, nilai kekayaan US$ 15 miliar
2. Eka Tjipta Widjaja & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 7 miliar
3. Anthoni Salim & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 6,3 miliar
4. Susilo Wonowidjojo & family, nilai kekayaan U$ 5,3 miliar
5. Chairul Tanjung, nilai kekayaan US$ 4 miliar
6. Sri Prakash Lohia, nilai kekayaan US$ 3,7 miliar
7. Boenjamin Setiawan & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 3 miliar
8. Peter Sondakh, nilai kekayaan US$ 2,7 miliar
9. Mochtar Riady & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 2,5 miliar
10. Sukanto Tanoto, nilai kekayaan US$ 2,3 miliar
11. Putera Sampoerna & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 2,15 miliar
12. Tahir, nilai kekayaan US$ 2,05 miliar
13. Bachtiar Karim, nilai kekayaan US$ 2 miliar
14. Theodore Rachmat, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,9 miliar
15. Martua Sitorus, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,85 miliar
16. Murdaya Poo, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,75 miliar
17. Ciliandra Fangiono & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,7 miliar
18. Achmad Hamami & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,5 miliar
19. Kartini Muljadi & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,42 miliar
20. Eddy Katuari & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,4 miliar
21. Low Tuck Kwong, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,37 miliar
22. Hary Tanoesoedibjo, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,35 miliar
23. Ciputra & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,3 miliar
24. Edwin Soeryadjaya, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,2 miliar
25. Djoko Susanto, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,17 miliar
26. Eka Tjandranegara, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,15 miliar
27. Harjo Sutanto, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,14 miliar
28. Soegiarto Adikoesoemo, nilai kekayaan US$ 1,04 miliar
29. Kusnan & Rusdi Kirana, nilai kekayaan US$ 1 miliar
30. Garibaldi Thohir, nilai kekayaan US$ 960 juta
31. Sjamsul Nursalim, nilai kekayaan US$ 950 juta
32. Lim Hariyanto Wijaya Sarwono, nilai kekayaan US$ 940 juta
33. Kuncoro Wibowo & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 910 juta
34. Husain Djojonegoro & family, nilai kekayaan US$ 875 juta
35. Sudhamek, nilai kekayaan US$ 830 juta
36. Eddy Kusnadi Sariaatmadja, nilai kekayaan US$ 820 juta
37. Benny Subianto, nilai kekayaan US$ 790 juta
38. Aksa Mahmud, nilai kekayaan US$ 780 juta
39. Jogi Hendra Atmadja, nilai kekayaan US$ 760 juta
40. Santosa Handojo, nilai kekayaan US$ 750 juta
41. Prajogo Pangestu, nilai kekayaan US$ 745 juta
42. Hashim Djojohadikusumo, nilai kekayaan US$ 700 juta
43. Kiki Barki, nilai kekayaan US$ 680 juta
44. Alexander Tedja, nilai kekayaan US$670 juta
45. The Nin King, nilai kekayaan US$ 650 juta
46. Winato Kartono, nilai kekayaan US$ 590 juta
47. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, nilai kekayaan US$ 460 juta
48. Trihatma Haliman, nilai kekayaan US$ 450 juta
49. Arifin Panigoro, nilai kekayaan US$ 420 juta
50. Sutjipto Nagaria, nilai kekayaan US$ 390 juta


Ini 10 Konglomerat Teratas Indonesia 2012
Aboerizal terlempar dari daftar 10 besar orang terkaya..
Kamis, 29 November 2012 | 14:00 WIB

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Tahun ini, Indonesia terus mencatat pertumbuhan kelas menengah yang signifikan. Hal itu berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan kekayaan beberapa konglomerat di negeri ini.

Akan tetapi, harga komoditas batubara yang tertekan sepanjang tahun turut menggerus aset para taipan yang memiliki eksposur atau bisnis di sektor tersebut.

Tahun ini, Forbes menaksir total kekayaan 40 orang terkaya di Indonesia mencapai 88,6 miliar dollar AS. Angka tersebut 4 persen lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.

Inilah daftar 10 konglomerat teratas di Indonesia versi Forbes yang dirilis Rabu (28/11/2012) waktu setempat:

1) R Budi dan Michael Hartono; 15 miliar dollar AS

2) Keluarga Eka Tjipta Widjaja; 7,7 miliar dollar AS

3) Keluarga Susilo Wonowidjojo; 7,4 miliar dollar AS

4) Keluarga Anthoni Salim; 5,2 miliar dollar AS

5) Chairul Tanjung; 3,4 miliar dollar AS

6) Sri Prakash Lohia; 3 miliar dollar AS

7) Sukanto Tanoto;  2,8 miliar dollar AS

8) Peter Sondakh; 2,6 miliar dollar AS

9) Keluarga Boenjamin Setiawan;  2,35 miliar dollar AS

10) Keluarga Putera Sampoerna; 2,3 miliar dollar AS

Catatan saja, Forbes menyusun daftar ini berdasarkan komposisi kepemilikan saham dan informasi keuangan yang diperoleh dari keluarga dan perorangan, bursa saham, analis, dan sumber-sumber lainnya. Jumlah kekayaan juga memperhitungkan kepemilikan saham yang dimiliki oleh keluarga besar seperti pada penghitungan kekayaan Susilo Wonowidjojo.

Kekayaan yang diperoleh dari perusahaan publik dihitung berdasarkan harga saham dan nilai tukar uang per 14 November 2012. Sementara itu, dasar penghitungan untuk perusahaan tertutup menggunakan perusahaan sejenis yang saha

Daftar 150 orang terkaya di  Indonesia versi Globe Asia

    1. Aburizal Bakrie
    2. Budi Hartono
    3. Eka Tjipta Widjaja
    4. Sudono Salim
    5. Putera Sampurna
    6. Rachman Halim
    7. Soekanto Tanoto
    8. Eddy William Katuari
    9. Prajogo Pangestu
    10. Murdaya Poo
    11. Hary Tanusoedibjo
    12. Martua Sitorus
    13. Arifin dan Hilmi Panigoro
    14. Hasjim Jojohadikusumo
    15. Peter Sondakh
    16. Edwin Soeryadjaya   ( Saratoga Investama)
    17. Boejamin Setiawan ( Kalbe Farma)
    18. Mochtar Riady (Lippo Group)
    19. Osbert Lyman (Satya Djaja Raya)
    20. Trihatma Haliman ( Agung Podomoro)
    21. Teddy P Rachmat  ( Triputra Group /Adaro)
    22. Chairul Tanjung  ( Para Group)
  1. Husain Djojonegoro  ( ABC Group)
  2. Ciputra
  3. Aksa Mahmud
  4. Sugianto Kusuma ( Agung Sedayu Group)
  5. Sjamsul Nursalim ( Gajah Tunggal)
  6. Rusdi Kirana  ( Lion Air)
  7. Dasuki Angkosubroto ( Gunung Sewu Group)
  8. Kartini Mulyadi  ( Tempo Scan)
  9. Paulus Tumewu ( Ramayana)
  10. Jan Darmadi
  11. George & Sjakon Tahija   ( Austindo Energy)
  12. Martias  ( First Resources)
  13. Eka Tjandranegara ( Mulia Group)
  14. Sri Prakash Lohia ( Indo Rama)
  15. Eddy Sariaatmadja ( SCTV)
  16. Kiki Barki
  17. Teddy Thohir  (Trinugraha Tohir)
  18. Tan Siong Kie ( Rodamas Group)
  19. Gunawan Jusuf ( Sugar Group)
  20. Bachtiar Kasim ( Musim Group)
  21. Alexander Tedja ( Pakuwon Group)
  22. Mu’min Ali Gunawan ( Panin)
  23. Jacob Oetama ( Kompas Granmedia)
  24. Hadi Surya
  25. A.H.K  Hamami ( Trakindo Utama)
  26. Subianto Tjandra  (Atedja Group)
  27. Soetjipto Nagaria  (Summarecon)
  28. Sofjan Wanandi ( Gemala Santini Group)
  29. Sudwikatmon (Indika)
  30. Tan Kian ( Dua Mutiara)
  31. Sutanto Djuhar (  First Pacific)
  32. Soegiarto Adikoesomo (Aneka Kimia Raya)
  33. Yos Soetomo
  34. Adyansyah Masrin  (Lautan Mas)
  35. Kris Wiluan (Citra Mas Group)
  36. Tatang Hermawan
  37. Benjamin Jiaravanon
  38. Rudi Suliawan (Mid Plaza)
  39. Hutomo Mandala Putra
  40. Handojo Santosa
  41. Sandiaga Uno
  42. The Nin King
  43. Didi Darwis
  44. Hendry Onggo  (Ratu Sayang Group)
  45. Burhan Uray
  46. Suryadi Darmadi
  47. Honggo Wendratmo (Tirtamas Group)
  48. Ginawan Tjondro
  49. Dahlan Iskan
  50. Djunaedi Joesoef
  51. Jogi Hendra Atmadja
  52. Luntungan Honoris
  53. Bambang Trihadmodjo
  54. Yusuf Merukh
  55. Soegiharto Sosrodjoyo
  56. Siswono Yudohusodo
  57. Muljadi Budiman
  58. Johannes Kotjo
  59. Eddy Tan
  60. Rudy  Unjoto
  61. A Tong
  62. Sugianto
  63. Mardjoeki Atmadiredja
  64. Sudhamek
  65. Jusuf Kalla
  66. Airlangga Hartarto
  67. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono
  68. Ibrahim Risjad
  69. Basuki Wiwoho ( Tripatra group)
  70. Cahyadi Kumala ( Bukit Sentul)
  71. Djoko Susanto
  72. Sendi Bingel  (Sumatra Tobacco)
  73. Pontjo Sutowo
  74. Budi Purnomo Hadisurjo
  75. Sigit Harjoyudanto
  76. Benny Subianto
  77. Ana Bambang Mantofani (Kirana Tanker)
  78. G Lukman Pudjiadi
  79. Tan Tjai Kie
  80. Sukamdani Gitosardjono
  81. Alim Markus
  82. Iskandar Widyadi
  83. Susanto Lim
  84. Widarto
  85. Soejono
  86. Mintardjo Halim
  87. Hendry Pribadi
  88. Surya Djuhadi
  89. Benny Soeherman
  90. Ilham & Tareq Habibie (Ilthabi Rekatama)
  91. Siti Hardjanti Rukmana  (Citra Lamtoro Gung)
  92. Setiawan Djody
  93. GS Margono
  94. Raam Punjabi
  95. MS Hidayat
  96. Jahja Santoso
  97. John Chuang
  98. Suryadharma Paloh
  99. Ishack Charlie ( Kurnia Tetap Mulia )
  100. Atang Latief
  101. Karnaka Surjaudaja  (NISP)
  102. Dick Gelael
  103. Marimutu Mariwanen (Busana Apparel)
  104. A Siang Rusli (Kurnia Tetap Mulia)
  105. Hendro Setiawan
  106. Joe Kamdani
  107. Benjamin Suriadjaja   (Surja Internusa)
  108. Jacobus Busono
  109. Bambang Setijo
  110. Muljadi ( Gunung Geulis)
  111. Purnomo Chandra  (Blue Bird )
  112. Sugiono Wiyono  (Trikomsel)
  113. Hendro Gondokusumo  ( Dharmala Intiland)
  114. Fajar Suhendra
  115. Putra Masagung
  116. Usman Admajaya
  117. Rosan Roeslani ( Recapital)
  118. Boedi Miranata
  119. Rachmat Gobel
  120. Husen Sutjiadi
  121. Kaharudin Ongko
  122. Johannes Siegfried
  123. Rachmat  Mulia  Suryahusada  (Bank Bumi Artha)
  124. Supramu Santosa (Star Energy)
  125. Husen Lumanta
  126. Shanti Poesposutjipto
  127. Awong Hidjaja
  128. Probosutejo

Ini Dia 40 Orang Terkaya Indonesia
Nurul Qomariyah – detikFinance


Budi Hartono (Foto: Forbes)

Jakarta – Majalah Forbes kembali merilis daftar orang terkaya Indonesia di tahun 2011. Dalam daftar tersebut, terdapat nama-nama baru yang muncul dalam daftar 40 orang terkaya di Indonesia.

Dalam daftar yang dirilis Forbes, Kamis (24/11/2011) itu, posisi 3 besar orang terkaya tahun 2011 masih dipegang oleh Hartono bersaudara (pemilik Djarum), Susilo Wonowidjojo (Gudang Garam), dan Eka Tjipta Widjaja (Sinarmas Grup).

Kekayaan ketiga orang itu naik US$ 7,5 miliar menjadi US$ 32,5 miliar atau 38% dari total kekayaan 40 orang terkaya di Indonesia yang masuk dalam daftar Forbes tersebut.

Sebanyak 40 orang terkaya Indonesia yang masuk dalam daftar tersebut, kekayaannya mencapai US$ 85,1 miliar atau naik 19% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.

Berikut daftar 40 orang terkaya Indonesia:
1. R. Budi & Michael Hartono (US$ 14 miliar).
2. Susilo Wonowidjojo (US$ 10 miliar).
3. Eka Tjipta Widjaja (US$ 8 miliar)
4. Low Tung Kwok (US$ 3,7 miliar)
5. Anthoni Salim (US$ 3,6 miliar)
6. Sukanto Tanoto (US$ 2,8 miliar)
7. Martua Sitorus (US$ 2,7 miliar)
8. Peter Sondakh (US$ 2,6 miliar)
9. Putera Sampoerna (US$ 2,4 miliar)
10. Achmad Hamami (US$ 2,2 miliar)
11. Chairul Tanjung (US$ 2,1 miliar)
12. Boenjamin Setiawan (US$ 2 miliar)
13. Sri Prakash Lohia (US$ 1,7 miliar)
14. Murdaya Poo (US$ 1,5 miliar)
15. Tahir (US$ 1,4 miliar)
16. Edwin Soeryadjaya (US$ 1,35 miliar)
17. Kiki Barki (US$ 1,3 miliar)
18. Garibaldi Thohir (US$ 1,3 miliar)
19. Sjamsul Nursalim (US$ 1,22 miliar)
20. Ciliandra Fangiono (US$ 1,210 miliar)
21. Eddy Wiliam Katuari (US$ 1,2 miliar)
22. Hary Tanpesoedibjo (US$ 1,19 miliar)
23. Kartini Muljadi (US$ 1,15 miliar)
24. TP Rachmat (US$ 1,140 miliar)
25. Djoko Susanto (US$ 1,040 miliar)
26. Harjo SUtanto (US$ 1 miliar)
27. Ciputra (US$ 950 juta)
28. Samin Tan (US$ 940 juta)
29. Benny Subianto (US$ 900 juta)
30. Aburizal Bakrie (US$ 890 juta)
31. Engki Wibowo & Jenny Quantero (US$ 810 juta)
32. Hashim Djojohadikusumo (US$ 790 juta)
33. Soegiarto Adikoesoemo (US$ 770 juta)
34. Kuncoro Wibowo (US$ 730 juta)
35. Muhammad Aksa Mahmud (US$ 710 juta)
36. Husain Sjojonegoro (US$ 700 juta)
37. Sandiaga Uno (US$ 660 juta)
38. Mochtar Riady (US$ 650 juta)
39. Triatma Haliman (US$ 640 juta)
40. Handojo Santosa (US$ 630 juta).

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40 Orang Memiliki Harta Rp 761,7 Triliun

Nilai total produk domestik bruto Indonesia versi Badan Pusat Statistik sampai triwulan III-2011 sudah mencapai Rp 5.472,9 triliun atau rata-rata per triwulan Rp 1.824 triliun. Jadi, total PDB hingga akhir tahun 2011 diperkirakan mencapai Rp 7.396,5 triliun.

Definisi PDB yakni nilai barang dan jasa yang diproduksi warga dari suatu negara selama periode satu tahun. Dalam memproduksi ini, warga negara tadi bisa saja menggunakan faktor-faktor produksi yang ada dalam negara itu atau faktor produksi yang berada di negara lain. Para tenaga kerja Indonesia di luar negeri masuk dalam hitungan terakhir ini.

Intinya, total PDB sebanyak Rp 7.396,5 triliun tadi merupakan hasil kerja keras seluruh warga negara Indonesia di mana saja mereka berada. Jika hasil kerja keras tadi dibagikan kepada sekitar 240 juta penduduk, maka masing-masing penduduk mendapat Rp 30,8 juta. Persoalannya, apakah pendapatan Rp 30,8 juta ini merata untuk setiap penduduk?

Majalah Forbes terbitan hari Kamis lalu secara tak langsung memberikan jawaban ”tidak merata” atas pertanyaan di atas. Forbes mengungkapkan daftar 40 orang terkaya di Indonesia. Total kekayaan mereka mencapai 84,82 miliar dollar AS atau setara dengan Rp 761,7 triliun (kurs Rp 9.000 per dollar AS).

Di posisi orang terkaya di Indonesia ditempati dua bersaudara, R Budi dan Michael Hartono, pemilik pabrik rokok Djarum dan Bank Central Asia (BCA) dengan kekayaan bersih 14 miliar dollar AS atau setara Rp 126 triliun. Menyusul Susilo Wonowidjojo, pemilik pabrik rokok Gudang Garam dengan kekayaan 10,5 miliar dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 94,5 triliun.

Lepas dari akurasi data yang disampaikan Forbes, sangat jelas bahwa 40 orang kaya Indonesia ini menguasai sekitar 10 persen dari PDB negara ini. Entah berapa besar pendapatan mereka per tahun. Dengan kekayaan mencapai Rp 126 triliun, secara pendapatan mencapai Rp 345 miliar per hari.

Sementara sebagian besar dari warga harus berbagi pendapatan atas 90 persen dari PDB yang tersisa. Jika pendapatan per kapita Rp 30,8 juta, berarti sebagian besar berpenghasilan Rp 85.000 per hari. Dalam kenyataan, masih ada warga berpenghasilan kurang dari satu dollar AS atau Rp 9.000 per hari.

Pesan yang ada, semoga para warga kaya di Indonesia ini menjadi pembayar pajak yang taat. Jangan berkongkalikong dengan aparat untuk menghindari pajak Juga tak lupa melakukan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Biar anugerah kekayaan tadi bisa ikut dirasakan oleh warga negara lainnya.


GlobeAsia150 Richest Indonesians (1-25)

By Globe Asia on 3:42 pm June 1, 2012.
Category Archive

1. Eka Tjipta Widjaya, 89
Sinar Mas Group
Palm plantaions, pulp & paper, property, finance, mining, telecommunications
$12.5 billion

For the second year running, Eka Tjipta Widjaya tops the GlobeAsia Rich list. Although now inactive in business, his vast fortune continues to grow, led by returns from his business in the commodities sector. His Singapore-listed Golden Agri Resources is the world’s second- largest palm oil company with total market capitalization of $6.7 billion. Eka’s other prize possession, Asia Pulp and Paper, is one of the world’s largest integrated businesses of its type. Although the group has been targetted by environmental groups, it has vigorously denied allegations of environmental degradation. Eka’sless controversial businesses in the property and finance sectors also continue to perform well. He raised $239 million from listing his coal unit Golden Energy Mines last year.

2. Robert Hartono, 71 and Michael Hartono, 72
Djarum Group
Cigarettes, banking, agribusiness, property, electronics, IT
$11.8 billion

R Budi Hartono and his brother Michael Bambang Hartono have been a dominant force in Indonesian business for many years. Starting with cigarette- maker Djarum, founded by
their father in 1951, the brothers have ventured into new lines of business including palm oil at Hartono Plantation Indonesia. They are active in the property sector and their electronics business produces local brand Polytron.Theirprimeassetisthe controlling share in Bank Central Asia, the country’s largest private lender, whose profit grew 20% to Rp10.2 trillion last year. Djarum’s Global Digital Prima Ventures has made a reported Rp1 billion investment in Kaskus, Indonesia’s largest online forum, while the Djarum Foundation is a strong supporter of the arts, education and is particularly well known for its support of badminton.

3. Anthony Salim, 63
Salim Group
Foods, Automotive, Agribusiness
$8.5 billion

Anthony has transformed his food company PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. into a national champion with a global presence. Indofood’s Indomie is probably the world’s most recognized instant noodle brand. Indofood’s net income surged 4.2% in 2011 to Rp3.08 trillion, with its agribusiness unit contributing 24% and outstripping growth in other divisions by adding 32.7% duringtheyear.Thecompany will more than triple its capital expenditure this year to Rp6.4 trillion ($698 million), with a full 50% to go to new planting, maintenance and milling capacity at the agribusiness unit, operated by Indofood Agri Resources Ltd, PT PP London Sumatera Indonesia Tbk. (LSIP) and PT Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk., which went public last year and raised Rp3.4 trillion. Anthony also owns 18% of PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk., a fast-growing car manufacturer and distributor which reported Rp970 billion in net income last year. Anthony, through his Hong Kong-based First Pacific, recently was reported to have made a $700 million offer for the Philippines’ ailing flag carrier Philippines Airline.

4. Martua Sitorus, 52
Wilmar International Holding
CPO, agribusiness, food trading
$4.2 billion

Together with Singaporean businessman Kuok Khoon Hoon, Martua founded Singapore-listed Wilmar International in 1991. Wilmar is now one of the world’s largest palm oil companies with a presence in 20 countries. The company claims to have invested $3.6 billion over the years it has operated in Indonesia, where PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia Gresik is currently constructing an industrial complex in East Java, which will include flour mills and a jet fuel refinery when completed in 2013.

5. Susilo Wonowidjojo, 55
Gudang Garam
Cigarettes, agribusiness
$3.5 billion

Last year, the family benefited from the strong performance of its flagship cigarette maker Gudang Garam, where net income surged 20% to Rp4.14 trillion ($455 million) while sales rose 14% to Rp37.69 trillion. Although cigarettes remain the core business, the family has been expanding rapidly into palm oil. Gudang Garam’s Matahari Kahuripan Group has developed into one of Indonesia’s largest palm oil companies and reportedly owns 1.7 million hectares of concession area across Indonesia. Susilo’s Gudang Garam is expected to benefit from the World Trade Organization’s ruling to reopen the US market to clove-flavored cigarettes.

6. Dato Low Tuck Kwong, 63
Bayan Resources
Coal mining
$3 billion

Starting with construction and engineering companies, Singapore-born Low never looked back after he entered the coal business in 1985. In a country where coal has put a smile on the face of several billionaires, Low emerged as the front-runner. Net income at Bayan Resources doubled to Rp1.87 trillion last year. The company has secured long term contracts to supply coal to two Indian power producers, Thermal Powertech Corporation India and Universal Crescent Power Private. Last year the company added six coal miners with assets in East Kalimantan to its growing portfolio. Outside the coal business, the entrepreneur has interests in a gas field in East Kalimantan under Provident

7. Sukanto Tanoto, 62
Royal Golden Eagle
Plantations, pulp & paper
$2.4 billion

Sukanto is sometimes seen as personifying the Medan Chinese culture, typified by hard work and boldness in taking risks. Starting as a supplier of spare parts for oil and gas companies, he then established himself as the pioneer in the plywood business in the country. Unlike others who fell into problems with supply, Sukanto has diversified across the globe. His Royal Golden Eagle group is now a sprawling business empire with interests in various lines of business and assets spanning from Brazil to China. The group’s pulp & paper unit APRIL is one of the world’s largest with its premium brand PaperOne sold in over 60 countries. Asian Agri, a palm plantation unit, manages over 160,000 hectares in Sumatra, while energy firm Pacific Oil and Gas is involved in three oil and gas blocks in Sumatra and is working on power plant and gas terminal projects in China.

8. Putera Sampoerna, 62
Sampoerna Strategic
Agribusiness, investment
$2.3 billion

Putera has invested in various sectors since setting out on a new course in 2005 when he sold the family cigarette empire PT HM Sampoerna to Phillip Morris for $5.2 billion. Putera’s assets are managed mainly by Sampoerna Strategic, an investment firm with interests in agribusiness, telecommunication, property and plywood. Palm oil unit Sampoerna Agro reported a 73% increase in net income to Rp3.14 trillion last year. Putera’s latest venture is the banking sector where he has purchased 85% of Bank Dipo Internasional. Elder son Michael Sampoerna is president commissioner of Sampoerna Strategic, while daughter Michelle runs philanthropic programs through the Sampoerna Foundation. Putera is a recipient of the US Department of Commerce “Peace through Commerce Medal Award.”

9. Aburizal Bakrie, 65
Bakrie Group
Property, CPO, investment, energy
$2.2 billion

While the focus of current public attention is Aburizal’s determined push to be nominated as Golkar Party’s presidential candidate for 2014, others are concerned by his family company’s continuing debt problems. While holding company Bakrie & Brothers has interests in coal, property, energy, infrastructure, palm oil and telecommunications, shares in many have been sold off to raise cash. Only in April, the holding company sold down its holdings in three of its companies for what the Reuters news agency said was a total Rp124.7 billion ($13.63 million). After the transactions, Bakrie & Brothers said it owns 26.4% of Bakrie Sumatera, 7.8% of Bakrieland and 8% of Energi Mega Persada, according to the agency. And, as this magazine went to press, London-listed Bumi Plc. was reported by Bloomberg to be looking for about $100 million needed as loan collateral, after shares in the company fell 29% in April, triggering the call for cash. While Bloomberg quoted sources familiar with the problem as saying Bumi Plc. would definitely be able to come up with a solution, the problem compounded the debt picture.

10. Peter Sondakh, 60
Rajawali Group
Investment, mining
$2.2 billion

Hit hard by the Asian financial crisis in 1998, Peter was forced to watch his assets dwindle away. He is known however as a businessman with a good eye for sound investments and it did not take him long to get back into the top ranks of Indonesian business. He made a killing on an investment in Indonesia’s largest cement maker, state-owned PT Semen Gresik Tbk., in 2008 and then a year later sold his ownership of PT Bentoel, Indonesia’s fourth largest cigarette-maker, to British American Tobacco. Peter pocketed Rp12 trillion from the transactions and turned his focus to mining, agribusiness and property under his holding company Rajawali Corporation. The company recently acquired a 19.9% stake in Australia-based Indo Mines Ltd for $13.2 million. Rajawali owns 23.6% of toll-road contractor PT Nusantara Infrastructure and its Express group, Indonesia’s second-largest taxi operator, is expected to go public late this year. The group also owns 90% of PT Bukit Asam Transpacific Railway, a joint venture for the construction of a 300-km coal railroad in Sumatra.

11. Theodore P Rahmat, 68
Triputra Group, Adamo
$1.9 billion

It has been less than a decade since Teddy Rahmat left his position as the president director of giant Astra International and began to push his Triputra Group to its current position of prominence. Triputra’s interests include palm oil, rubber, coal and manufacturing. Teddy aims to transform his rubber unit PT Kirana Megatara, currently Indonesia’s largest producer of processed rubber, into the biggest in the world, with Kirana’s current 640,000-ton output to hit 1 million tons in five years. In the palm oil business, his Triputra Agro Persada owns 388,000 hectares of plantations. Together with Garibaldi Thohir, he owns PT Padang Karunia Group, a coal miner with three operations in Kalimantan and an annual production target of 15 million tons by 2015. Underpinning Teddy’s wealth is his 13% holding in PT Adaro Energy, the country’s second-largest coal miner, where he serves as vice president commissioner.

12. Boenjamin Setiawan, 79
Kalbe Farma Group
$1.8 billion

Equipped with a doctorate in pharmaceutical science, Dr. Boen, as he is known, founded Kalbe Farma Group in 1966 and developed it into Southeast Asia’s largest listed pharmaceutical company. With revenue of Rp10.9 trillion and net income at Rp1.5 trillion in 2011, Kalbe Farme has a market capitalization of Rp33 trillion. Subsidiary Bintang Toedjoe is the producer of energy drink ExtraJoss, a market leader in Indonesia and with a strong presence in other Southeast Asian markets. The company’s latest venture is in the hospital business through Klinik Mitrasana, with 27 branches opened and plans for another
20. Dr. Boen is a recipient of the Ernst & Young Lifetime Entrepreneurial Award.

13. Kiki Barki, 73
Tanito Harum Group
Coal mining
$1.6 billion

Like many, Kiki Barki has benefited from strong demand for coal and has used the interest to expand his Harum Energy into a very profitable operation. The company’s net income was Rp1.7 trillion last year, a 55% increase on a year earlier. After raising Rp2.86 trillion from the company’s IPO in 2010, Kiki recently sold another 10% of his shares for Rp2.4 trillion. Harum has four subsidiaries: PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, PT Santan Batubara, PT Layar Lintas Jaya and PT Tambang Batubara Harum.

14. Mochtar Riady, 84
Lippo Group
Diversified property, media, hospitals, retailing and finance group
$1.6 billion

Veteran banker, businessman, and philanthropist. Founded and built a $8 billion pan-asia group. One of Indonesia’s most highly respected patriarchs. Made fortune by founding and building up country’s top banks, Bank Central Asia, Panin, and Lippo. Controls Indonesia’s largest property group, hypermarkets and department stores, malls, media and hospital networks. Devotes much of his time to his philanthropic activities. His education foundation has a network of 51 schools and universities with 35,000 students and nine hospitals, including the Mochtar Riady Comprehensive Cancer Center, Indonesia’s first

world-class cancer treatment hospital. In partnership with Mitsui, last month launched Lippo Star Satellite, heralding a new era in telecommunications and helping bridge Indonesia’s digital divide.15. William Katuari, 61
Wings Group
Consumer goods
$1.5 billion
Eddy William Katuari’s Wings Group continues to challenge giants like Unilever, Proctor and Gamble and Indofood in the highly competitive consumer goods businesses. Backed by partnerships with multinational companies like Thailand’s Siam Cement Group and Japan’s Lion Corporation, Wings Group has a firm foothold in the Indonesian market. In toiletries, Wings provides cheaper products for Indonesian consumers with soap brand Nuvo and Ciptadent toothpaste. The company has eroded Indofood’s dominant position in the instant noodle market with Mie Sedaap, a brand launched in 2003. Wings is also a producer of natural fatty alcohols at Ecogreen Oleochemical, formerly known as Salim Oleochemical, and has 100,000 hectares of palm oil plantation under GAWI group.16. Sri Prakash Lohia, 59
Indorama Group
Textiles, petrochemicals
$1.45 billion
Sri Prakash Lohia has built a $7 billion global business empire using his considerable business skills and ability to operate in difficult markets. Operating from Jakarta and London, Lohia has steered his Indorama Ventures to become a global force with a presence in 18 countries. Indorama today is the world’s largest producer of polyester, with an annual production of five million tons, and PET, used to make plastic bottles, controlling one-third of global supply. In the next five years he intends to pump $5 billion into his Indonesian operations, building a new petrochemical plant, a state-of-the-art polyester plant and to venture into the oil and gas sector. He is the brother-in- law of Lakshmi Mittal, one of the richest men in the world.17. Edwin Soeryadjaja, 63
Saratoga Capital
Mining, infrastructure
$1.4 billion
As the son of William Soeryadjaya, founder of the Astra empire, Edwin is a familiar face among the Indonesian business elite. Using Saratoga Capital, a company he founded together with Sandiaga Uno, as an investment vehicle, Edwin has steadily expanded his business interests, which now include coal mining, plantations, infrastructure and telecommunication. He is a major shareholder in PT Adaro Indonesia, the country’s second- largest miner with a net income last year of over Rp5 trillion. Saratoga recently sold its shares in Tower Bersama Infrastructure for Rp1 trillion while Interra Resources Ltd is a growing oil and gas firm with investments in Myanmar as well as Indonesia. Saratoga also owns 51% of Mandala Airlines, which recently made a return to the skies. He was named entrepreneur of the year by Ernst and Young in 2010, recognizing his re-emergence as a major force in the business landscape.18. Samin Tan, 50
Borneo Lumbung Energi & Metal
Investment, mining
$1.3 billion

Samin Tan is an active player in the boardroom quarrel between the top two owners of Bumi Plc., the London-listed entity that groups assets in Bakrie family coal mines and his own Borneo Lumbung Energy. The spat began when a letter was leaked in which London banking scion Nathaniel Rothschild, one of the major forces behind the creation of the firm, demanded a radical clean-up of corporate governance by the Indonesian side. Samin entered the fray when Borneo Lumbung paid $1 billion for a 23% stake in Bumi Plc. in January. Samin reinforced the Bakrie side, and in March Bumi’s boardroom voted out Rothschild as the company’s chairman and put Samin in his place. The businessman is a relative newcomer to the top ranks of Indonesian business: After 15 years in accounting, he teamed up with Surjadinata Sumantri in 2002 to open an investment firm, Renaissance Capital. Net income at Borneo Lumbung Energi last year was Rp1.8 trillion.

19. Djoko Susanto, 62
Sigmantara Alfindo
$1.3 billion

Djoko’s Sigmantara Alfindo is the principal owner of PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, the operator of the Alfamart minimart chain. With over 6,000 outlets and still expanding, Alfamart is the largest minimart chain in Indonesia. This year it has set aside Rp950 billion for expansion including opening 800 new outlets and a distribution center. First quarter net income this year was Rp375 billion, a 4% increase year-on- year. Sigmantara recently paid Rp981 billion to increase its holding in Alfamart to 61.52%.

20. Kartini Muljadi, 81 and Handojo Slamet Muljadi, 47
Tempo Group
Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics
$1.3 billion

Started in 1953, Kartini Muljadi’s PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk. originally traded in pharmaceutical products before commencing its own large- scale commercial production
in 1970. The company is now an established player in the over-the-counter medicine market, making popular brands such as cold medicine Bodrex and Hemaviton energy drink. In the cosmetics market, it holds the rights to distribute well-known brands including Estee Lauder and Revlon in the country. Kartini runs the respected commercial and corporate law firm Kartini Mulyadi and Rekan, handing over day-to-day operation of Tempo to her son Handjojo as the group’s CEO. Net income was Rp586 billion last year, a 15.6% increase on the previous year. The company recently opened its new headquarters at building on a prominent corner of Jakarta’s Golden Triangle business district, The group has a new factory in Bekasi up and running which boosts annual production capacity to 7.5 billion pills.

21. Tahir, 60
Mayapada Group
Banking, property, duty free
$1.2 billion

Tahir started his Mayapada Group as a garment business in 1986. The company has grown into a diversified business empire with stakes in banking, property, hospitals, media and duty-free shops. Private lender Bank Mayapada continues to flourish amid competition from giants like BCA and Bank Mandiri. He is a license holder for LVMH- brand duty-free shops and has properties in Jakarta’s business district. Mayapada, together with Crystal Air, also created a premium charter airline called My Crystal. Last year, Tahir donated $30 million to National University of Singapore (NUS). He is the head of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s council for China, placing him at the forefront of the growing Indonesia-China bilateral economic partnership, and is the son-in-law of Mochtar Riady, founder and owner of Lippo Group. He is an Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year.

22. Teddy Thohir, 77 and Garibaldi Thohir, 46 
PT Trinugraha Thohir
Mining, investment, media
$1.15 billion

Garibaldi Thohir is the son of Teddy Thohir, the co-founder of Astra Internasional, now Indonesia’s largest listed company. He is the CEO as well as a shareholder at PT Adaro Indonesia, Indonesia’s second- largest coal miner, which he has led on a steady path of success. Last year, his investment outfit Trinugraha Capital paid Rp1.4 trillion for 45% of BFI Finance, a financing company with Rp5 trillion worth of assets. Brother Erick Thohir is a basketball fan and has a stake in US basketball club Philadelphia 76ers.

23. Murdaya Poo, 71 and Siti Hartati Murdaya, 66
PT Central Cipta Murdaya
Footwear, property
$1.15 billion

The couple oversees a diversified business empire spanning from footwear to information technology from holding company PT Central Cipta Murdaya. The company is the developer of Jakarta’s Central Business District project in Kemayoran, valued at $8 billion and expected to break ground this year, while IT firm Berca Hardayaperkasa plans to spend $500 million to expand its broadband network. The couple has close ties with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and Siti Hartati is a member of the ruling Democratic Party’s board of patrons as well as a prominent member of the Buddhist community.

24. Chairul Tanjung, 49
CT Corporation
Media, retail, banking, property
$1.15 billion

Chairul last year rebranded his Para Group to become CT Corp. His business empire includes television broadcasting, banking, retail and fashion. He is part- owner of the Carrefour chain of supermarkets and the Alfamart mini-market chain. He recently purchased Detikcom, Indonesia’s largest online media, for $70 million and injected $7 million into the South Sulawesi Regional Development Bank in exchange for 24.9% of shares in the lender. Success with his first integrated theme park in Makassar is being duplicated in the West Java capital of Bandung and he is said to be planning more than 20 such theme parks across the country. Serving as the chairman of the National Economic Council, Chairul is one of the best- connected of the Indonesian elite and, although he has denied speculation on a political future, several pollsters regard him as a prospective presidential candidate.

25. Prajogo Pangestu, 61
Barito Pacific
Petrochemicals, energy, mining
$985 million

After years of hibernation following the 1998 crisis, Prajogo returned to success by setting a new course for his holding company Barito Pacific. The company owns interests in petrochemicals, energy, timber and plantations. It is the majority shareholder in Chandra Asri Petrochemical, which earlier this year broke ground on the construction of a $145 million factory to produce butadiene in Cilegon, Banten. Barito last year generated $101 million from selling 7.13% of Barito’s shares in PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical to SCG Chemicals Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of Thailand’s Siam Cement Group. Subsidiaries PT Grand Utama Mandiri (GUM) and PT Tintin Boyok Sawit Makmur (TBSM) man-age 14,000 hectares of palm oil plantation. His Star Energy, which began operation in 2007, plans to add two new geothermal working areas and two oil and gas fields to its portfolio.

26. Hary Tanoesoedibjo, 47
Bhakti investama, Global Mediacom
Media, financial services, energy
$980 million

Hary reached the main stage of Indonesian business from an early start as an investment wizard with his family-owned securities firm Bhakti Securities, now MNC Securities. Through investment firm Bhakti Investama, Hary has spread his net widely and his portfolio now includes coal, property and oil and gas. He started his empire by buying heavily indebted companies struck down by the 1998 economic crisis. Bhakti Investama has nine coal concessions, although only one is producing, and plans to add another five to achieve total reserves of 500 million tons. The centerpiece of his business empire is Global Mediacom, Indonesia’s largest integrated media company. While there is talk of a public listing by Global Mediacom, a dispute with ‘Tutut’ Suharto over the former TPI television station remains unresolved. Last year, Hary surprised many with his decision to join with the newly-established political party the National Democrats (NasDem) with fellow media mogul Surya Paloh.

27. AHK Hamami, 76
Trakindo Utama, ABM Investama
Heavy equipment, coal
$960 million

Hamami won the license to sell and service Caterpillar heavy equipment back in 1970 and
his PT Trakindo Utama has always been a dominant player in the sector. Trakindo is an integrated company focusing on the heavy equipment business, with subsidiaries ranging from logistics to leasing. Hamami’s latest success story is his coal mining unit ABM Investama, which went public last year and raised Rp2 trillion. The miner’s net income tripled to Rp412 billion last year.

28. Syamsul Nursalim, 70
Gajah Tunggal
Tires, retail, minerals, paper
$942 million

Syamsul Nursalim owns PT Gajah Tunggal, Southeast Asia’s largest tire manufacturer which booked Rp11 trillion in revenue last year. His business interests also include Mitra Adi Perkasa (MAP), a fast growing retailer with 1,062 outlets across Indonesia. Net income of MAP, which is is the license holder for global brands such as Starbucks and Zara, climbed 55 % to Rp360 billion while its share prices have doubled last year.

29. Martias, 74 and Tjiliandra Fangiano, 36
First Resources
$940 million

Martias made his fortune with the boom in the palm oil business after some tough pioneering years. He founded First Resources, now one of the country’s leading palm oil companies, in 1992. The Singapore-listed company, now run by his son Tjiliandra Fangiono, manages 130,000 hectares of plantation and operates nine mills. Net income last year was $205 million. First Resources recently paid $38.5 million to acquire another palm oil company, PT Kalimantan Green Persada. First Resources has also set up an airline company, PT Matthew Air Nusantara.

30. Ciputra, 81
Ciputra Group
$905 million 

Ciputra is a legend in the Indonesian property sector and continued to gain ground in 2011. His Ciputra Group remains one of the largest property companies in the country and boasts housing projects in the wider Asian region. Assets include integrated townships, housing, apartments, commercial and recreation facilities. The group has three publicly listed property firms: PT Ciputra Development, PT Ciputra Property and PT Ciputra Surya. The art lover’s latest project is Ciputra World, an integrated center located in Central Jakarta, while in East Java, three new housing complexes are currently being developed. Overseas,thereis Ciputra Hanoi International City, the largest integrated city development in Vietnam. Other projects are in Cambodia and India and more are slated for China. Ciputra has established schools and a university to help produce more entrepreneurs.

31. Hariyanto
Adikoesoemo, 67
AKR Corporindo
Oil trading, distribution, chemicals
$886 million

Hariyanto is one of the most elusive businessmen, but his AKR Corporindo has moved from modest beginnings as a chemical distributor in 1960 into a leading energy distributor. With its extensive port and logistic networks, the company is the first private company to distribute gasoline in Indonesia. Since2009,thecompanyhas dived into the coal mining
and shipping businesses. AKR exported 52,000 tons of coal from its Central Kalimantan mine for the first time in March. Although still strong in chemical business, it recently sold 68.8% of shares at PT Sorini, the world’s second-largest producer of sorbitol, an essential ingredient for cosmetics and toiletries, to US-based Cargill. The company received Rp1.6 trillion, pushing its consolidated profit to Rp2.2 trillion. Its shares are among the best performers on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, gaining 190% year-on-year as of April.

32. Mu’min Ali Gunawan, 73
Panin Group
Banking, property, insurance
$885 million

Panin Financial, controlled by theGunawanfamily,continues to resist offers for its 44.68% stake in Panin Bank; Australia & New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) owns another 38.82% and the public the remaining 16.5%. Earlier this year, Mumin reiterated his stance that the lender, with credit growth of 23% in 2011 and net profit increasing by 8% to Rp1.63 trillion, doesn’t need any help. The group also controls three insurance companies and has a 54.35% share in PT Clipan Finance. Mumin is also CEO of Panin Sekuritas Tbk., a stock brokerage in which Panin owns 40.02% of shares. Panin Financial is reportedly planning to sell 40% of shares in its insurance unit Panin Life for Rp1.8 trillion.

33. Eddy Sariaatmadja, 60 and Fofo Sariaatmadja, 49
Television, IT, minerals, investments
$860 million

Eddy Sariatmadja and brother Fofo are the principal owners of PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi,
a first-generation Indonesian technology firm. Elang, with Rp7.1 trillion worth of assets, booked a 39% increase in net income to Rp738 billion last year while its share price, as of March 30, was 216% higher than its position a year earlier. Eddy’s first business landmark came when SCTV, now one of Indonesia’s leading TV stations, was founded in 1999. Last year, SCTV paid Rp496.5 billion for 27.24% of shares of rival Indosiar. SCTV’s net income was Rp912 billion last year, 41% up on a year earlier.

34. Hashim Djojohadikusumo, 58
Arsari Group
Investment, energy, pulp & paper
$850 million

Hashim made $1.8 billion when he sold his Central Asian oil business to concentrate on business back home. Today, Hashim is leader of a business empire with an estimated turnover of $1.2 billion. He has a production forest concession of around 700,000 hectares in Kalimantan, palm oil plantations in Sumatra and tea estates in West Java. He still has an interest in the oil and gas business through CITIC Canada Petroleum. Recently, he told GlobeAsia of a plan to venture into the tin mining business in Bangka and he is also eyeing opportunities in bio-ethanol production. His brother Gen. (Ret.) Prabowo Subianto is chief patron of the Greater Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) and a likely presidential candidate in 2014. Much of the money to fuel Prabowo’s political ambitions is believed to come from Hashim.

35. Trihatma K Haliman, 60
Agung Podomoro Group
$835 million

Trihatma’s rise to prominence reflects the success of the Agung Podomoro Group, a property developer concentrating on the high rise apartment sector. Since it went public in 2010, the group has been aggressively buying other companies and investing in new markets. The group has established two new subsidiaries to expand its business in Makassar, eastern Indonesia’s largest city, and has spent Rp210 billion for 65% of shares in Pandega Citraniaga, a Balikpapan-based property company. The company’s net income rose 143% to Rp684 billion last year.

36. HM Aksa Mahmud, 67
Bosowa Corporation
Cement, infrastructure, trading, energy
$810 million

Aksa has developed his Bosowa Corporation into a business empire concentrating on eastern Indonesia. Cement unit PT Semen Bosowa Maros is the company’s core business. Bosowa has now gone in a new direction, expanding into highly-competitive western Indonesia through PT Semen Bosowa Batam, with production capacity of 1.2 million tons. Meanwhile PT Semen Bosowa Banyuwangi recently broke ground for the construction of a Rp700 billion cement factory in Banyuwangi regency, East Java. Bosowa is eyeing to boost its cement production to 10 million tons in the next five years with plans for factory enlargement and construction of pipelines. The corporation owns a stake in PT Nusantara Infrastructure, active in several toll road and power plant construction projects. Bosowa is also the sole distributor of Mitsubishi cars and trucks in eastern Indonesia, and has an extensive car dealership network for Mercedes-Benz, Proton and Hyundai brands. These day the brother-in-law of former Vice President Jusuf Kalla dabbles in politics, leaving the business to his sons to run.

37. Rusdi Kirana, 49
Lion Group
$750 million

Rusdi and his brother Kusna are aiming to establish the largest regional air carrier in Southeast Asia, and possibly beyond. They have expanded what was a family-owned travel agency, Lion Tours, into Boeing’s biggest customer in history as Indonesia’s largest budget carrier, Lion Air. Rusdi is well known for being aggressive in developing his business interests. The company made headlines last year with the signing of a record $22.4 billion deal to purchase 230 planes from Boeing. Lion Air is establishing a new full-service airline division called Space Aviation Service, scheduled for operation later this year. Overseas, the company remains on a 2007 ban by the European Commission of the use of its airspace by a number of Indonesian carriers. While many others have had the ban lifted, it still remains for Lion, which has also had customer-service issues. Concerns over standards were rekindled with the arrests of three pilots and a co-pilot since September for using illicit drugs. The company has delayed its IPO, and says it will only resume it after capturing 60% of market share, but says it can afford to fund the Boeing order.

38. Sandiaga Uno, 43
Saratoga, Recapital
Private equity, investment
$710 million

Young and active, Sandy is a self-made millionaire whose experience in climbing up corporate ladders helped propel him to his position today. After years of working abroad, Sandiaga returned home and set up investment advisory firm Recapital in 1997. A year later, Sandy and Edwin Soeryadjaya founded Saratoga Capital, an investment company whose expanding portfolio includes interests in Adaro – Indonesia’s second-largest coal miner – infrastructure, telecommunication, palm oil and now airlines, with the re-launch of Mandala Air. He serves as a vice-chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) with a special focus on small and medium enterprises and is a member of the National Economic Council.

39. Agus Lasmono
Sudwikatmono, 41
Indika Energy
$700 million

The heir of the late Sudwikatmono, a cousin of former President Suharto and business partner of Salim Group founder Liem Sioe Liong, Agus works together with Wiwoho Basuki Tjokronegoro at Indika Energy, the country’s third largest coal producer. The company banked a huge profit when it resold 27.5% of shares in mining contractor PT Petrosea for Rp36,000 per share, having paid a mere Rp10,402 per share when it bought them from Citigroup Global Markets and Macquarie Capital. Indika generated $116 million from the transaction, providing the company with capital to purchase 85% of PT Multi Tambangjaya, a coal miner operating in Central Kalimantan, for $132 million.

40. HM Lukminto, 66
Sritex Group
Textiles, garments, hotels
$700 million

Lukminto owns one of the largest integrated textiles companies in Southeast Asia, with processes ranging right from the spinning of yarn to finished garments. Last year his company achieved revenue of more than Rp6 trillion ($620 million). The best-known product of the group is military uniforms, which it exports to more than 70 countries. Besides textiles the group owns and controls properties in Java including a three-star hotel in Solo. The group employs more than 35,000 workers, making it one of the biggest employers in Indonesia.

41. Suryadi Darmadi, 62
Duta Palma Nusantara Group
Palm Oil Plantations
$695 million

Duta has come under the spotlight of the international environment movement, amid widespread public rejection of its operations in Riau, where most of the company’s plantations are located. Locals accuse the company of breaches such as unlicensed operation, tax evasion and indifference to community concerns, with no contribution for development. Riau’s Indragiri Hulu Regional House of Representatives recently set a three-month deadline for the company and its subsidiaries to pay taxes and settle all licensing issues while in April last year the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), the main sustainable palm oil body, suspended Duta’s membership over what it said were breaches of sustainability policies. The company manages a total of 160,000 hectares of palm oil plantation in Sumatra and Kalimantan.

42. Hartadi, 59 and Husodo Angkosubroto, 57
Gunung Sewu Grup
Pineapple plantations, property, life insurance
$695 million

From what was initially a distributor and producer of foodstuffs, Gunung Sewu has become a holding company with interests in property, agribusiness and life insurance. Food remains the core business of the company, founded by the brothers’ late father Dasuki Angkosubroto in 1950. Subsidiary PT Great Giant Pineapple is the world’s third-largest producer of canned pineapple, a venture that helped kick-start Gunung Sewu’s livestock and banana businesses. In property, the brothers run PT Duta Anggada Realty Tbk., a developer with Rp4.1 trillion worth of assets including several landmark Jakarta buildings including Bapindo Plaza and Chase Plaza, and PT Farpoint Prima, which has growing interests in Jakarta and Bali. The holding company controls SequisLife, a leading domestic insurance firm with assets of Rp6.7 trillion in 2010.

43. Wiwoho Basuki
Tjokronegoro, 72
Indika Energy
Coal mining, construction, energy
$690 million

Wiwoho was a partner of Sudwikatmono, the cousin of the late President Suharto, and now works with his former partner’s son, Agus. They control Indika Energy, a coal mining operation with Rp18 trillion worth of assets. With a masters degree in petroleum engineering from the University of Kansas, Wiwoho has extensive knowledge of the industry and serves as Indika’s president commissioner.

44. Husain Djojonegoro, 63
ABC, Orang Tua Group
Consumer goods
$685 million

Husain’s father Chandra started Orang Tua Group as a producer of herbal drinks in 1948. With his children Husain, Hamid and Pudjiono now in charge, the company has become a sprawling consumer goods company, creating over 40 brands and dominating some market segments for toothpaste, biscuits and beverages. Its best-known brand is ABC batteries, a leader in the domestic market and a strong presence in 68 countries. In Indonesia, the company’s strong distribution and logistics network represents a major asset.

45. Johan Lensa, 62
J Resources International
$680 million

Indonesian businessman Johan lensa has cashed out his huge coal mining contractor business and is now in the property business.

46. Jakob Oetama, 81
Kompas Gramedia Group
Print Media, TV, hotels, bookstores
$670 million

Jakob Oetama is the co-founder and owner of Kompas Gramedia Group, the largest media group in Indonesia. Still active as a participant in debate and dialogue on national issues and a great supporter of the arts, his media business includes at least 50 publications, including the respected Kompas daily, while the company also has over 100 bookstores across Indonesia. Its latest push is into the television business, launching free-to-air KompasTV last year. Kompas’ interests in the property sector, which include the Santika hotel chain, is currently concentrating on convention halls. It has opened the Nusa Dua Convention Center, the meeting venue for last year’s ASEAN Summit, and is currently constructing a 150,000sq-m convention center in Banten together with Sinar Mas. Subsidary Dyandra Promosindo is a leading event organizer.

47. Sugianto Kesuma, 61
Agung Sedayu, Bank Artha Graha
Property, banking
$660 million

Sugianto now devotes most his time to Tzu Chi, a Buddhist international humanitarian  organization. He is a long-term partner of Tomy Winata in the Artha Graha Group, which owns mid-ranked lender Bank Artha Graha, significant property interests and an expanding infrastructure player. The group is pressing to be the lead contractor for the proposed 31-km bridge project connecting Sumatra and Java, while Jakarta International Hotel and Development plans to build the world’s fifth tallest building in 2020. His own Agung Sedayu Group runs property businesses in Jakarta and surroundings areas.

48. Gunawan Jusuf, 58
Sugar Group
Sugar plantations, refineries, distribution, bio-energy
$650 million

Gunawan Jusuf made a turnaround from his securities company Makindo in the mid-1990s to focus on the cane plantation and sugar refinery business with PT Sugar Group Companies (SGC). Most of his assets were formerly owned by the Salim Group but were seized by the government in the wake of the 1998 financial crisis. Relations between Salim and Gunawan are reported to be cool at best. The company’s Gulaku, Indonesia’s first branded sugar, has a strong hold on the market and SGC owns over 65,000 hectares of sugar plantation. Gunawan’s latest venture is in ethanol with subsidiary PT Indo Lampung Distillery, which claims annual capacity of 70 million tons. The company is under pressure from Lampung’s Tulang Bawang regent over a land dispute.

49.AlexanderTedja, 67
Pakuwon Group
$635 million

Founded in 1982, Pakuwon Group is a major player in the property sector and claims to be to be the pioneer of the integrated property development concept in the country. Pakuwon, which recorded net income in 2011 of Rp378 billion with Rp5.7 trillion worth of assets, has always demonstrated a knack for placing itself in strategic areas in Indonesia’s two largest cities, Jakarta and Surabaya. Popular Tunjungan Plaza is strategically located in the heart of Surabaya and, despite the fact that it is the largest operation of its type in east Indonesia, still has plenty of space for further development of condos and a hotel. In Jakarta, its ongoing Kota Kasablanka project will comprise three office towers and two apartment blocks with estimated investment of Rp2.7 trillion. Daughter Irene Tedja is married to Murdaya Poo’s son, Prajna Murdaya.

50. Jogi Hendra Atmadja, 66
Mayora Group
Food, biscuits
$620 million

Most Indonesians are fondly familiar with the Mayora theme song, One More from Mayora (Satu Lagi dari Mayora). Jogi established PT Mayora Indah Tbk. in 1977 and is focused on the food industry in both domestic and export markets, with the latter accounting for 35% of the company’s revenue in 2011. Mayora’s top brands are Kopiko, a popular coffee candy, and cereal drink mix Energen, which controls 93% of the domestic market. Last year net profit fell 3% to Rp483 billion, as higher commodities prices pushed the company’s cost of operation higher. The company plans to sell Rp500 billion in conventional bonds to finance Rp750 billion in capital expenditure this year.

51. Jan Darmadi, 71
Jan Darmadi Group
Hotels, property
$595 million

Jan Darmadi built his fortune on property, with his 57.67% stake in PT Jakarta Setiabudi International Tbk., a property company which he founded in 1975, still his major asset. The company was one of the earliest players in the development of Jakarta’s Setiabudi district, for many years now a premium location for property. The company controls assets including the Plaza Setiabudi office center, Setiabudi Apartment, Kuningan Apartment, Setiabudi Residence, Raddin Ancol Hotel, Formula 1 Menteng Hotel, Grand Hyatt Bali, the Hyatt Bali and Hyatt Regency. Jan is by no means content to rest on his laurels and now plans to add Setiabudi Skygarden, an apartment complex of three towers, and Hyarta Residence, a premium housing complex in the heart of Yogyakarta. Other plans include budget hotels in Semarang, Yogyakarta and Jakarta and an entry to the Medan property sector. The company’s net income last year was Rp200 billion, a 15% increase on 2010.

52. Benjamin Jiaravanon, 40
Charoen Pokphan Indonesia
Animal feed
$592 million

Benjamin serves as the executive chairman of PT Charoen Popkhand Indonesia, an Indonesian unit of Thai-based Charoen Popkhand Group. The Indonesian company produces animal feed and processed poultry food products, while its Thai parent is a large conglomerate of businesses with a diversified portfolio including telecommunications, automotive and retail. The Indonesian unit has posted stellar performance since 2009, with net income consistently above Rp1.5 trillion and reaching Rp2.3 trillion last year. Benjamin is married to Erlin Katuari, a daughter of Eddy Wiliam Katuari of the Wings Group.

53. Osbert Lyman, 62
Lyman Group/Satya Djaja Raya Group
Property, timber
$590 million

Starting his business from timber and trading, Osbert’s interests grew into property, plantations, construction, building materials and telecommunication. His timber unit, PT Erna Djuliawati, manages a 184,206-hectare concession area in Central Kalimantan and takes pride in adhering to international standards of sustainable management. Osbert’s interests in property include the Hotel Shangri-La Jakarta and the iconic BNI tower, Indonesia’s tallest building. The group was founded by the late Susanto Lyman in 1959.

54. Tomy Winata, 54
Artha Graha Group
Banking, hotels, agribusiness
$585 million

Tomy, with senior partner Sugianto Kesuma, has a strong portfolio led by property assets. Bank Artha Graha is a midsized operator which last year posted Rp100 billion in net income, while infrastructure and agribusiness are more recent pursuits. In property, Tomy controls Jakarta’s Sudirman Central Business District and the Borobudur Hotel, while he has been aggressive in seeking a major role in the planned 31-km long bridge connecting Java and Sumatra, putting up $60 million for a feasibility study. He also plans to build Indonesia’s tallest building, Signature Tower, by 2020. PT Sumber Alam Sutera sells hybrid rice seeds in a bid to boost Indonesia’s food production, while PT Sumber Mujur Plantation and Industry has over 70,000 hectares of palm oil plantation in Sumatra. Long known for his strong connection with the Indonesian Army, a number of retired officers occupy strategic positions at his companies.

55. Eka Tjandranegara, 65
Mulia Group
Hotel, office buildings, building materials
$582 million

Together with brothers Joko and Gunawan, Eka laid the foundation of what has become the powerful Mulia Group from a start-up in the construction business in the early 1970s. Now the group claims to be Indonesia’s largest commercial property developer with iconic landmarks like Wisma Mulia, Menara Mulia, Wisma GKBI office towers and Taman Anggrek Mall and apartments in its growing portfolio. On the building materials side, PT Mulia Industrindo Tbk., established in 1986, specializes in producing glass and ceramic tiles and boasts a financial services unit. Glass unit PT Muliaglass exports to 50 countries and ceramic operation PT Muliakeramik Indahraya is one of the largest in Indonesia. Already with one swank hotel in Jakarta, the group will open its second in Bali later this year.

56. George Tahija, 54 and Sjakon Tahija, 59
Austindo Nusantara Jaya
Agribusiness, tobacco, insurance, natural resources
$580 million

George, like his late father Julius, knows the ins and outs of the resources business in the country, while brother Sjakon is an optometrist who runs six eye clinics across the country. George played an important role in the establishment of PT Freeport Indonesia, whose Grasberg copper and gold mine is the world’s largest, where he still serves as a commissioner. The brothers’ businesses in agribusiness, tobacco, insurance, healthcare and renewable energy are managed by holding company PT Austindo Nusa Nusantara Jaya. Interests in agribusiness are growing. Austindo has 54,680 hectares in its land bank for palm oil, manages 40,000 hectares of sago forests in West Papua, and is constructing a 1.2-MW biogas power plant in Bangka Belitung together with Germany’s Aufwind Schmack Asia Holding GmbH. PT Gading Indonesia Tobacco, which processes tobacco for cigars and cigarettes, has penetrated markets in Europe and China. George is a director of Australia listed gold exploration firm Arc Exploration, which ran foul of local residents and activists in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara in February, losing its license to explore the area. Austindo recently sold its car rental and financing unit, Austindo Nusantara Jaya Rent, to a group of investors led by Saratoga.

57. The Nin King, 80
Argo Manunggal Group
Textiles, steel trading, property
$578 million

The is known as a smart businessman quick to adapt to new markets and challenges. Started in 1949 as a textile trading company, Argo Manunggal’s most valuable assets are now in property, with two listed property developer firms: Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate Tbk. and Alam Sutera Realty Tbk. The Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate, which listed on the bourse in April raising Rp300 billion, is growing due to strong demand for industrial facilities close to Jakarta. It booked a net income of Rp83 billion last year. Another industrial countries and ceramic operation PT Muliakeramik Indahraya is one of the largest in Indonesia. Already with one swank hotel in Jakarta, the group will open its second in Bali later this year.

56. George Tahija, 54
Sjakon Tahija, 59
Austindo Nusantara Jaya
Agribusiness, tobacco, insurance, natural resources
$580 million

George, like his late father Julius, knows the ins and outs of the resources business in the country, while brother Sjakon is an optometrist who runs six eye clinics across the country. George played an important role in the establishment of PT Freeport Indonesia, whose Grasberg copper and gold mine is the world’s largest, where he still serves as a commissioner. The brothers’ businesses in agribusiness, tobacco, insurance, healthcare and renewable energy are managed by holding company PT Austindo Nusa Nusantara Jaya. Interests in agribusiness are growing. Austindo has 54,680 hectares in its land bank for palm oil, manages 40,000 hectares of sago forests in West Papua, and is constructing a 1.2-MW biogas power plant in Bangka Belitung together with Germany’s Aufwind Schmack Asia Holding GmbH. PT Gading Indonesia Tobacco, which processes tobacco for cigars and cigarettes, has penetrated markets in Europe and China. George is a director of Australia listed gold exploration firm Arc Exploration, which ran foul of local residents and activists in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara in February, losing its license to explore the area. Austindo recently sold its car rental and financing unit, Austindo Nusantara Jaya Rent, to a group of investors led by Saratoga.

57. The Nin King, 80
Argo Manunggal Group
Textiles, steel trading, property
$578 million

The is known as a smart businessman quick to adapt to new markets and challenges. Started in 1949 as a textile trading company, Argo Manunggal’s most valuable assets are now in property, with two listed property developer firms: Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate Tbk. and Alam Sutera Realty Tbk. The Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate, which listed on the bourse in April raising Rp300 billion, is growing due to strong demand for industrial facilities close to Jakarta. It booked a net income of Rp83 billion last year. Another industrial and copper miner PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, although there is an ongoing legal dispute between the two companies related to Newmont’s divestment process. Another subsidiary, PT Merukh Iron and Steel, has struck a deal with Luxembourg-based Paul Wurth Engineering and German firm SMS Siemag AG to construct two steel plants in East Nusa Tenggara, estimated to cost $46 billion. The plants, when completed in 2015, will have a capacity of 7 million tons. Lucky, who has yet to prove himself as wily as his father, states that the company has secured a $14 billion loan commitment from a group of banks and investment firms to finance the plan. He also owns a hotel in Singapore and appears to have an appetite for more property assets.

61. Sutjipto Nagaria, 72
$555 million

Sutjipto’s Summarecon Group has been a major force behind the transformation of the urban landscape of Jakarta and its surrounding areas. It has a strong presence in developing residential areas in Jakarta’s suburbs. In Bekasi, it has built 780 houses and plans another 3,200 houses and 6,000 apartments. The company is also eyeing property opportunities outside Java, with Bali and Makassar being mentioned as possible project locations. Financially, the company is doing well: Net income in 2011 was Rp388 billion, a 38% increase on the year earlier, with average growth above 28% over the past three years.

62. Hutomo M Putra, 50
Shipping, property, investment
$530 million

Hutomo Mandala Putra, known as Tommy Suharto, used to control a large group of companies in diversified businesses. His flagship company, PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk, has incurred losses followingthe economic crisis in the past but has slowly pickeed up over the years. Tommy has interests in the oil and gas sector through subsidiary PT Humpuss Patragas which is growing steadily and relocating a refinery in Cepu, Central Java. He also owns a charter air operator, Gatari as well as in the property sector such as the Pecatu resorts in Bali.

63. Benny Subianto, 70
Persada Capital Group
Mining, investments
$568 million

Benny is another graduate of the Astra International empire founded by William Soeryadjaya. He graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology’s mechanical engineering faculty in 1968 and enjoyed a productive career at both heavy equipment unit PT United Tractors and holding company Astra International, where he rose to the position of vice-president. In 2002 he teamed up with college friend and fellow Astra veteran TP Rachmat to establish Bhakti Energi Persada, a coal miner with estimated reserves of 5.6 billion tons. Bhakti is now focusing on boosting production to 12 million tons of coal a year by 2015. A cash injection of $500 million came when Adaro Energy, Indonesia’s second-largest coal miner, acquired more than 10% of Bhakti’s shares. There is talk that Adaro wants to become the majority shareholder of Bhakti, thus elevating its position to become the number-one coal miner in Indonesia.

64. Kuncoro Wibowo, 57
Ace Hardware
House ware equipment
$485 million

Kuncoro started out with a small retail operation in Jakarta’s old Chinese quarter of Glodok and has grown his business to encompass main-street retail brands. As well as controlling an equipment hire company, he is the majority owner of PT Ace Hardware Tbk., with 207 branches across the country, as well as Krisbow, producer of many of the tools and other do-it-yourself home maintenance gear it sells. Furniture and homeware retail unit Index is another popular spot for middle class consumers. Kuncoro was the pioneer in modernizing the hardware business and also represents a number of major international manufacturers. Ace recorded revenue of Rp2.43 trillion in 2011 and is targeting Rp3 trillion in sales this year.

65. Amirsyah Risjad, 45
Risjadson Group
Agribusiness, energy, investments
$470 million

Amirsyah is working to expand the family business through investment firm PT Risjardson Holding & Investment Co., which currently has interests in palm oil, coal and energy. He took the reins of the business from his late father Ibrahim, a member of the once-powerful “gang of four,” composed of businessmen close to former president Suharto including Liem Sioe Liong of the Salim Group. The group sold its interests in top-ranked Berau Coal for $1.48 billion in a deal with Recapital Advisors in 2009. Meanwhile subsidiary Ibris Agri owns 170,000 hectares of palm oil, sugar and forestry plantations across the country, while mining unit PT Delma Mining Corporation is scheduled to deliver its first 500,000 tons of coal this year. Delma also plans to build a $125 million nickel smelter in East Kalimantan.

66. Surjadinata Sumantri, 62
Renaissance Capital/Borneo Lumbung Energy
Private equity, investments
$465 million

He teamed up with Samin Tan, a colleague from his accounting years at Deloitte Touche, to form Renaissance Capital Asia, where Surjadinata is a commissioner. Renaissance’s Borneo Lumbung Energy is a hot property producing coking coal for the metal industry as well as a presence in the battle to breathe life into Bumi Plc., the London listed company. He is active at the University of Indonesia’s alumni association as an adviser.

67. Arifin Panigoro, 66 and Hilmi Panigoro, 56
Medco Energy International
Energy, agribusiness
$463 million

PT Medco Energi Internasional, the country’s largest private oil and gas company, was founded by the two brothers in 1980. They came close to selling the family stake to state-owned Pertamina in 2010 but both parties agreed to drop the deal shortly before the company’s 30th anniversary. Medco operates in Indonesia, Cambodia, Oman, Yemen, Libya, Tunisia, and the United States and owns a single LPG plant and three power plants. It is currently cooperating with Korea Gas Corporation, the world’s largest LNG buyer, in the development of the coal-bed methane business. In February, the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) and a group of investors led by Saratoga Capital injected $112 million into Medco ubsidary PT Medco Power Indonesia in exchange for 51% of shares, with the IFC taking 11%.

68. John Chuang, 62
Petra Foods Ltd.
Agribusiness, energy, investments
$450 million

John Chuang is the founder and CEO of Petra Foods, a leading chocolate confectionery firm with a global presence. Founded in 1984, the company emerged as a dominant player in the business, supplying household names like Nestlé and Cadbury. It also markets over 30 brands
of chocolate for consumers in Southeast Asia. The Singapore listed company has a market capitalization of $1.13 billion, while net income climbed 36.2% to $60.6 million last year.

69. Tan Siong Kie, 96
Rodamas Group
Manufacturing, flat glass, consumer goods
$450 million

Tan Siong Kie established Rodamas in 1960 and banked a huge profit from partnerships with Japanese companies at a time when multinational companies were obliged to partner with local firms. Tan worked hard to make the relationships work and formed long-lasting links with major Japanese companies such as Ajinomoto and US firm Nabisco. Since the late 1990s, Tan and his family have lived in Singapore while son Mucki Tan takes charge of the company. Rodamas is now a diversified company with interests in infrastructure, energy and construction. It owns a 40.68% stake in glassmaker PT Asahimas, a company with net income of Rp336 billion and Rp2.6 trillion in assets last year. Recently, Rodamas established a joint venture with two Japanese firms, Itochu Corp and Megmilk Snow Brand Co. Ltd, to build a cheese processing plant in Bekasi.

70. Subianto Tjandra, 68
Ateja Group
Textiles, property
$440 million

Subianto’s Ateja has proved that being smart can also mean significant business success. He has driven the growth of the company which produces specialist fabrics for the home, hotel and car interiors, among other uses. Its products are exported to more than 55 countries with giant clients like Japanese car manufacturers Honda and Toyota. The company’s fabrics were also used in high-profile facilities like Singapore’s Changi Airport and several prominent hotels. Ateja owns six plants and a design center, all operated using environment-friendly standards. The company was founded in 1974 in Bandung and has representative offices in Singapore, Malaysia and China.

71. Adyansyah Masrin, 92
Lautan Luas Group
Chemicals, paper, trading
$445 million

From simple beginnings in 1951 as an importer and distributor of basic chemicals, Lautan
Luas has mushroomed into a manufacturer and exporter of basic and specialty chemicals. The company produces over 1,000 different chemicals for 2,000 industrial end-users in the Asia-Pacific region. It has 17 production facilities in Indonesia, two in China and is building another in Vietnam, while its interests are represented by offices in Singapore, Thailand and China. Although revenue climbed 29% to Rp5.5 trillion, 2011’s net income fell 20% to Rp90.8 billion.

72. Tan Kian, 54
Dua Mutiara
Textiles, hotels, property
$420 million

Dua Mutiara began life in 1953 as a distributor of chemical dyes but after taking charge of the company Tan transformed it into a major force in the property market. Duta Mutiara’s first property project was Lippo Plaza in 1991 and now it controls some of Jakarta’s most prestigious buildings, including the Pacific Place shopping mall, and the JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton Hotels in Mega Kuningan, as well as several apartment buildings. Dua Mutiara is currently involved in the construction of the 52-story Sahid Sudirman Center, which will be Jakarta’s tallest.

73. Paulus Tumewu, 60
Ramayana Lestari
Fashion retail, property
$410 million

Benefiting from its long experience in Indonesia’s retailing business, Paulus’ Ramayana has now set its sights on opportunities in small cities to avoid the intense competition in major cities like Jakarta. Ramayana has long dominated the lower-middle class segment, suggesting that the strategy is a winner. Paulus’ business focus, too, has changed from mid size stores selling clothes to the construction of huge shopping malls, where he can garner steady income from rentals. Ramayana recently opened its 108th branch in Lampung, Sumatra’s southernmost province, and will open at least four more this year. In 2011 Ramayana, which has been listed since 1997, booked net income of Rp377 billion in 2011 and declared Rp3.7 trillion in assets.

74. Sudhamek, 56
Garuda Food, Tudung Group
$405 million

Sudhamek is a highly-esteemed businessman, having won multiple awards for his feats. He has driven his Garuda Food a long way since its beginnings in 1958 as a simple peanut producer. The Kacang Garuda brand of peanuts is the market leader in the domestic market and the company’s products are exported to over 24 countries, while there is a stand-alone manufacturing and distribution facility in China. In a bid to boost its presence in the regional market and squeeze more revenue from it beverages unit, Garuda Food has established a 49/51 partnership with Japan’s Suntory Group, a household name in Asia Pacific, to start a non-alcoholic beverage company. Tudung Group, the holding company for Sudhamek’s businesses, is expanding into new areas including palm oil and baby formulas. In palm oil, it plans investment of Rp500 billion to purchase 50,000 hectares of plantation.

75. Sofjan Wanandi, 68
Gemala Santini
Batteries, automotive parts, trading
$410 million

As the chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo), Sofjan is a vocal presence in the national debate on issues affecting business. He was seen as the main adversary of the labor unions when they pressed for higher wages at the start of the year, although he claims that his own workers get a far better deal than the minimum wage. An effective lobbyist since the days of the Suharto regime, his argument that business couldn’t cope with a range of cost hikes was probably the main consideration in the government’s decision to delay a plan to increase electricity tariffs. His Santini Group has a wide range of interests includes automotive parts, infrastructure, property, investment consultancy and hotels. Sofjan is a member of Deutsche Bank’s Asia-Pacific advisory board. He and brother Jusuf, the co founder of prominent think tank the Center for International and Strategic Studies, were leading figures in the student movement that ousted founding President Sukarno in 1965.

33. Harjo Sutanto
Wings Group
Consumer goods
$400 million

Co-founder of Wings Group, the second biggest consumer goods producer after Antony Salim’s Indofood, it is believed Harjo’s family controls 40% of shares in the group. Some of his grandchildren are now teaming up with Ferdinand Katuari’s grandchildren in managing the group’s sprawling business. Among his relatives active at Wings is Fifi Sutanto, a niece who runs the group’s oleochemical business Ecogreen.

74. Ginawan Tjondro, 58
Citra Nusa Insan Cemerlang
$388 million

Ginawan, through his PT Citra Nusa Insani Cemerlang, known as CNI, is the pioneer of multi level marketing in Indonesia. With over 26 years experience, CNI has established itself as a market leader in Indonesia and has ventured overseas to Singapore, Malaysia, India, the Philippines, China, Brunei and Hong Kong. This year, the company plans to tap the online market with new services. CNI has received many awards for its achievements.

76. Mohammad Riza and Chalid, 52
Global Energy Resource
Oil and kids Entertainment
$350 million

Riza Chalid has earned his reputation to be one of Indonesia’s most under-the-radar oil businessman. Under Global Energy Resources Pte Ltd, based in Singapore, Chalid enjoys several brokerage engagements with Pertamina. His business has allowed him to expand to other areas. In 2007, Chalid showed a different approach to entertainment when he opened KidZania Indonesia, an interactive center for children to role play adult activities. Managed under PT Aryan Indonesia, his “edutainment” business is located on the 6th floor of Pacific Place Mall, Jakarta. Chalid, also known as Mr Moh, also focuses on religious matters. He chaired Al Jabr School, an islamic, bilingual international level school. The school has a lavish mosque; both are located at the Pondok Labu area.

78. Henry Pribadi, 65
Napan Group
Mining concession, manufacturing, investments
$345 million

A member of the Salim family, Henry Pribadi made his first strides in business working at his cousins’ PT Waringin Kentjana, a cement company that was to become the embryo of the Salim empire. From there, he had the privilege to learn from some of Indonesia’s most powerful tycoons, including the ‘gang of four’: Liem Sioe Liong, Sudwikatmono, Sutanto Djuhar and Ibrahim Risjad. He went on to build his own Nawa Pandu (Napan) Group, a holding company with interests in agribusiness, electronics, communication, property and trading. He has fallen out with fellow businessman Prajogo Pangestu over the ownership of petrochemical producer Chandra Asri. That dispute may have been the reason for Henry’s decision in 2010 to quit the consortium for the long-delayed 558-meter tall Jakarta Tower, where Prajogo also has a stake.

79. Dahlan Iskan, 61
Jawa Post Group
Media, energy
$340 million

No-nonsense Dahlan Iskan has graduated from the ranks of business to become the minister for state-owned enterprises since the government’s cabinet reshuffle last year. His background is unusual for both government and business, having started out as a journalist. Based in Surabaya with newsmagazine Tempo, he saw the chance to rescue the failing Jawa Pos newspaper and turned it into a thriving media company. Taking charge in 1982 when the newspaper’s circulation was a miserable 6,000, he boosted sales to 300,000 within five years and went on to create a media network of more than 200 newspapers, 20 local TV stations, a paper mill and printing plant equipped with power plant as well as three landmark buildings, all called Graha Pena. He was president director of two private power companies, PT Cahaya Fajar Kaltim in East Kalimantan and PT Prima Electric Power in East Java, before being appointed president director of state power utility PLN in 2009 before being elevated to the ministry.

81. Sutanto Djuhar, 83
First Pacific
Property, telecommunication, investments
$340 million

Sutanto Djuhar played an important role in the establishment of some of Indonesia’s best-known firms, such as Indofood’s PT Bogasari Flour Mills and PT Indocement, the country’s second-largest cement producer, now controlled by Heidelberg Cement Group. He served as a non-executive director at the Salim family’s Hong Kong-based First Pacific Investment Ltd. until 2010. He is also a co-founder of TPV Technology Ltd., the world’s third largest LCD manufacturer, where he served as non-executive director until 2004. His son Teddy is vice president commissioner at Indocement.

82. Hendro
Gondokusumo, 62
$121 million

Hendro learned about the property business by helping his father and uncle develop a housing estate for Pertamina. In 1983 he founded PT Intiland Development Tbk. As a self-taught businessman, Hendra has consistently incorporated ideas that were ahead of their time. His Wisma Dharma Sakti, built well before “green” had become a buzz word, remains a major landmark in the architecture of Jakarta’s business district and is widely considered one of the city’s best examples of green building. He began a beach-reclamation project back before the availability of land became the major hurdle in property development. One of his projects, Regatta Apartments, was built at a beach-side location to the design of a prominent architect.

83. Soegiharto Sosrodjoyo, 78
Rekso Group
Beverages, food, property
$335 million

Soegiharto Sosrodjojo faced jibes in the 1950s when he started a company selling bottled tea, with many insisting the product would be a flop. To the surprise of his doubters, the company’s Teh Botol took off, leading to the development of today’s extensive business empire. Rekso has interests in tea, food and beverages, property, plantations, printing and packaging. The group’s centerpiece is its tea unit, Sinar Sosro, whose bottled tea continues to perform well under the original brand as the market leader in the country. In 2009, Rekso acquired a perfect partnership with the takeover of the McDonald’s fast food franchise, which operates more than 100 outlets across the country. The group claims to be the owner of the largest private tea plantation in Indonesia while property unit PT Asia Pasifik Property controls the Raffles Amartha Hotel in Bali and plans to open another in partnership with the Jumeirah Group.

84. Rosan Roeslani, 43
Recapital Group
Private equity, investments
$322 million

Teaming up with former classmate Sandiaga Uno, Rosan set up PT Recapital Advisor in 1997 after the two had worked together at Texas Pacific Group. The firm never looked back, and now has interests ranging from coal to publishing. The partners’ prime asset is Bumi, the largest coal miner in Indonesia, where the firm is the second-largest shareholder and Rosan sits as a non-executive director. He currently serves as president director of Recapital, and sits on the boards of commissioners at several companies, namely PT Lupita Amanda, PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya, Mitra Global Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Sriboga Raturaya and Kemang Jaya Raya.

85. Alim Markus, 61
Maspion Group
Consumer goods
$321 million

In the consumer goods business, where mainly multinational and giant companies reign, Alim’s Maspion can take pride in being a truly Indonesian achievement. The company, which was founded by his late father Alim Husin in 1962, is a major manufacturing presence in Sidoarjo in East Java, producing homeware, kitchenware, electrical appliances and pipes. The group also has interests in property, financial services and trading. The company has representative offices in Japan, Taiwan, China, Singapore and France and operates five factories in Indonesia. Last year, China Construction Bank, the second largest lender in the world by market capitalization, planned to buy Bank Maspion, but pulled out at the last minute.

86. Yos Sutomo, 78
Sumber Mas
Timber, property
$320 million

Timber brought a fortune for Yos Sutomo and his family. His company has more than 40 years of experience in the business and now specializes in producing high-quality plywood. From his hometown in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Yos first learned about the timber businesses in 1966, and now his Sumber Mas exports plywood to major markets including Europe. In property, he owns three hotels and two golf courses in Kalimantan, while his PT Kartanegara Indah Permai is in coal mining. He is a prominent personality in Kalimantan, frequently seen at political and military gatherings.

87. Luntungan Honoris, 63
Modern Group
Property, trading, film distribution
$315 million

Luntungan has seen his Modern Group, now led by holding company PT Modern Internasional Tbk., develop into a large corporate entity with diversified interests. Modern Group hit the big time as the sole distributor of Fuji Film products in the early 1960s, and as technology developed the group made a swift transition from developing film to printing digital photographs. The company now has a wide footprint in the digital market with interests in digital imaging, medical imaging and printing businesses. More recently the company took its extensive experience in retailing into play with the 7-Eleven franchise, which proved an instant hit in Jakarta. It is also distributing Hitachi appliances to a wider Indonesian market. In property, PT Modern Realty Ltd. Tbk. controls three housing developments, a hospital and a golf course. In natural resources, the company’s latest venture, subsidiary PT Bumi Modern Sejahtera owns two nickel mines with production of 1 million tons in North Sulawesi and plans to build three nickel smelters with Chinese partner Baosteel. Modern Internasional made Rp56 billion in net income last year, with another Rp53 billion coming from the property unit. Luntungan and his family are active in Jakarta business and social circles.

88. Hendro Setiawan, 59
Pikko Group
Property, investments
$310 million

Hendra’s Pikko Group is one of the most active players in Jakarta’s booming high-rise apartment sector. Having already completed at least 10 property projects, the company has another eight in the pipeline including the 52-story Sahid Sudirman Center, which will cost the company at least Rp1.5 trillion. The group’s main corporate vehicle is Royal Oak Development Asia, a listed property developer with Rp2.2 trillion in assets and 68.9% owned by Pikko. Royal Oak recently paid Rp72 billion for the acquisition of another property developer, PT Megatama Karya Gemilang, and plans to spend at least Rp428 billion for another six acquisitions. Royal Oak previously relinquished financing unit PT Transpacific Mutual Capita to PT Swadayanusa Rencana Raharja in a deal worth Rp730 billion.

89. Putra Masagung, 52
Gunung Agung
Hotel, property, construction, bookstores
$305 million

Putra Masagung is the founder and principal owner of bookstore operator PT Toko Gunung Agung, which has incurred Rp12 billion in losses since 2010. With the market share of his Gunung Agung trimmed down by new competitors and other established players like Gramedia, Putra diversified his business interests to property. He is a substantial shareholder in Singapore-listed developer Guthrie GTS, where he serves as non-executive chairman. Guthrie has interests in the Pullman Hotel in Jakarta, Novotel Coralia Benoa in Bali and Indah Puri Resort in Batam.

90. Jahja Santoso, 67
Sanbe Farma
Pharmaceuticals, trading, hotels
$292 million

As a pharmacy graduate from the Bandung Institute of Technology, Jahja Santoso decided in 1975 that he didn’t just want to mix up medicines behind a shop counter. Instead he founded PT Sanbe Farma, now one of the country’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturers. Now serving as president commissioner, Jahja nurtured Sanbe into position as a dominant player in the lucrative sector. Domestically, out of the top 10 prescription products, four are made by Sanbe while overseas the company’s network has expanded to 20 countries. Jahja also founded PT Bina San Prima, a national healthcare, consumer product and raw materials distributor, and PT Caprifarmindo Laboratories, with a manufacturing facility in Bandung. He also owns the Santosa Bandung International Hospital. He is the Honorary Consul for the Republic of Latvia.

91. Dick Gelael, 78
Fast Food Indonesia
Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise, supermarket
$285 million

Dick entered the supermarket business in 1957 before acquiring the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in Indonesia, setting up holding company PT Fast Food Indonesia in 1978. Back in its early days, Dick’s Gelael supermarkets, with Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets nearby, attracted a lot of Indonesian consumers. Now, the company’s supermarkets have disappeared from view but its fast-food business is still growing strong. Dick controls 43.8% of the company, which went public in 1993, and still sits as the president director, while Salim Group has a 38% stake. Last year net income was Rp229 billion, a 14% increase on the year before.

92. Muljadi Budiman, 56
Honda Prospect Motor
Automotive distribution
$278 million

At the depths of Indonesia’s economic crisis in 1999, Muljadi Budiman made a smart bet in using his PT Prospect Motor as his vehicle in a 49-51 joint venture called PT Honda Prospect Motor with Japanese car giant Honda Motor Co. Ltd. The crisis didn’t last for ever, and Muljadi has been minting money with the popular brand. The joint venture with Honda operates as the sole assembler and distributor of Honda cars. Currently, the company’s assembly plant in West Java has a production capacity of 60,000 units and it operates 88 dealerships across Indonesia. Honda has set its sight on a bigger share of the Indonesian market, with a Rp3.1 trillion investment planned for its second assembly plant and a plan to increase dealerships to 150.

93. Djoenaedi Joesoef, 79
Pharmaceuticals, consumer goods
$267 million

Djoenadi’s Konimex began in 1967 as a small pharmaceutical store in Solo, Central Java, and has now become a leading pharmaceutical company. Konimex’s over-the-counter drugs are popular with the lower-middle class market, with brands like Paramex, Inzana and Temorex. Konimex entered the food business with the completion of its biscuit processing plant in 1994, and now sells a wide variety of products including the popular Nano Nano candy. Djonaedi reportedly plans to build a hotel in his hometown, Solo, which will be managed by Sheraton’s Four Points.

94. Rudy Suliawan, 61
Karangmas Sejahtera
$265 million

In 2009, Rudy fell out with partner Ritz-Carlton and decided to go separate ways and manage his own Ayana Resort & Spa. He is best known for his holding company, MidPlaza Group, which operates several subsidiaries, mostly active in property except for PT Supra Primatama Nusantara, which controls Biznet Networks, a leading internet service provider. Properties under Rudy’s management include Jakarta CBD’s Mid-Plaza 1 and 2 office blocks and the adjoining Jakarta Intercontinental Hotel and the 90-hectare Riverside Golf Club in Bogor, West Java. Construction of an apartment project in Bali began this year.

95. Oesman Sapta Odang, 62
Oso International Group
Property, mining, agribusiness, finance, fisheries
$265 million

Businessman-turned-politician Oesman Sapta built his busi-ness empire, OSO Group, from scratch. His life story is an inspiration: He started selling cigarettes in the port at his home-town, Pontianak, when he was just a teenager and now his business interests range from fisheries to airlines. His company’s most recent push is in the South Sulawesi capital of Makassar, the major hub for eastern Indonesia, with plans to build a 2×200 MW coal-fired power plant and an integrated central business district. Total investment of both projects is estimated at over Rp7 trillion. He recently handed over control of OSO Group to Tanri Abeng to give himself more time to lead the National Unity Party, a consolidation of 10 political parties which didn’t meet the parliamentary threshold at the 2009 general election, including his own Regional Unity Party. His son Raja Sapta Oktohari heads the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI).

96. Kris Taenar Wiluan, 63
Citra Mas
Heavy industry, energy, manufacturing
$247 million

Activities of Kris Taenar Wiluan’s Citra Mas are concentrated in manufacturing equipment for oil companies. Citra Mas is a holding company for around 35 subsidiaries, including the listed PT Citra Tubindo, which has emerged as a leading player in the tubular gear business, with 2011 net income at Rp50 billion. Kris also has interests in three public companies in Singapore: KS Energy Services Ltd., AquaTerra Supply Co. Ltd. and Sin Soon Huat Ltd.

97. Didi Dawis, 66
Ling Brothers
Trading, property, consumer foods
$245 million

Didi Dawis now oversees Ling Brothers, a trading and property company, from the sideline, spending most of his time running several not-for-profit organizations, including LPK Indonesia Bersatu which campaigns for the recognition of the role of Chinese-Indonesian figures in the nation’s history. He also runs a charitable organization for the families of members of the ethnic Chinese community who originated from China’s Fujian, which in Indonesia comprises quite a sizable group of people. Didi also has interests in building materials, real estate development, hotels and banking. He owns a 9.6% stake in QAF Ltd., a diversified food company listed in Singapore with S$977 million worth of assets, where he serves as a non-executive director while son Trijono Darwis is chairman. Brother Saiman Ernawan is a non-executive director and a minority shareholder in Boustead Singapore Limited, a Singapore-listed engineering firm with S$237 million worth of assets.

98. Tatang Hermawan, 61
PT Bank Nusantara Parahyangan
Textiles, property, hotels, banking
$240 million

The Hermawan brothers have been involved in a number of textile companies, including PT Fuji Palapa Textile Industri, PT Nam Nam Fashion and many more, while PT Hermawan Sentral Investama is an investment vehicle. They have an interest in the Oriental Indah Bali Hotel, while banking interests are centered on their 15% stakes at PT Bank Nusantara Parahyangan Tbk., a Bandung-based lender with assets of Rp6.5 trillion and net income of Rp68 billion.

99. Sugiono Sugialam, 49
$232 million

One of the relative newcomers to the top ranks of Indonesian business, Sugiono founded
PT Trikomsel Oke as a telecommunication retailer, hitting immediate success with Indonesian consumers’ love affair with their cellular phones. The company is now listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and is eyeing further expansion this year, with plans to swallow rival Global Teleshop. Addressing a slowdown in revenue, the result of a maturing market, the company secured distribution rights from Taiwan’s HTC, China’s Lenovo and Hewlett-Packard in a move into the computer hardware market. Trikomsel last year opened its 847th outlet and posted a net income of Rp303 billion, up from Rp204 billion a year earlier.

100. Airlangga Hartarto, 50
Fajar Wisesa
Engineering, chemicals, manufacturing
$230 million

Airlangga, the surviving son of a former close aide to the late President Suharto, is also politically active as chairman of Commission VI on trade and industry at the House of Representatives. His primary business interest is PT Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk., which produces paper and packaging products. Airlangga sits as president commissioner at the company which posted Rp132 billion in net income last year. As the chairman of the Public Listed Companies Association, Airlangga is considered to have played a key role in the introduction of tax incentives for listed companies. He is president commissioner of Danareksa Sekuritas.

101. Sukamdani Gitosardjono, 84
Sahid Group
Hotels, property
$226 million

Sukamdani is an experienced player in the hotel business, with his Sahid Hotel network operating since 1954. The company, which is now run by the patriarch’s five children, controls 30 hotels and plans to add another 20 to its network by 2013. The group is also eyeing opportunities in Southeast Asia, with expansion to Vietnam and Cambodia reputed to be in the pipeline. Sahid recently acquired Rp180 billion in debts to refinance maturing debt and refurbish its existing facilities. The group posted a meager Rp10 billion of net income last year. The group also has interests in education and hospitals and expects to see its 52-story Sahid Sudirman office tower completed by 2014. The businessman also controls the Bisnis Indonesia daily.

102. Suryadharma Paloh, 61
Media Indonesia/Metro
Media, hotel
$220 million

Media mogul Surya Paloh, who is also the market leader in the catering business, has always been deeply involved in politics, initially as a student activist and then for many years as a leader of the Golkar Party. After a number of rejections by the party of his attempts to gain senior leadership positions he finally became disenchanted and formed the National Democrats mass organization, where he serves as chairman. The organization is closely affiliated with the National Democrats political party, which has won the right to contest the 2014 elections. His recent emergence as a party patron fueled accusations that both organizations are one and the same. With another media mogul, Hary Tanoesoedibjo, teaming up as secretary general of the party, many analysts believe it has a legitimate legitimate shot in the next general election. In business, Surya controls Media Indonesia newspaper, news channel MetroTV and several top-name hotels, while his catering business Indocater is considered the market leader. His Surya Energi Raya is reported to have a stake in the lucrative Cepu oil field in Central Java.

103. Henry Onggo, 79
Ratu Sayang Group
$218 million

Property developer Henry’s PT Ratu Sayang International group made a fortune acquiring strategic locations to build Jakarta’s Landmark office complex and the Ratu Plaza offices and shopping center on Jl. Jend. Sudirman. He also has interests in textiles and owns a 9.4% stake in PT Unitex, a manufacturer and exporter of polyester and cotton fabrics based in Bogor, West Java. The company, which posted Rp8 billion in losses last year, is a subsidiary of Japan-based manufacturer Unitika Ltd.

104. Chandra Lie, 48
Sriwijaya Air
$215 million

When Chandra Lie founded Sriwijaya Air in 2003, the airline had just a single aircraft. Now it is a frequent flyer in Indonesia’s airspace, with 32 planes flying to 38 domestic and international destinations. Chandra has more plans for the airline to serve longer routes more frequently. The airline’s newest addition of its first Boeing 737-800 provides a cost-efficient workhorse. Sriwijaya expects a total of 20 Boeings to be delivered by 2015, allowing the airline to expand its routes to areas such as Papua. One task still ahead of the businessman is to improve his airline’s safety record. Last year a Sriwijaya aircraft skidded off the runaway at Yogyakarta’s airport, and although it has never had a serious crash, the airline is still banned from entering European skies.

105. Kaharudin Ongko, 75
Ongko Group
Property, ceramics
$210 million

Kaharudin made a sound investment when he joined with PT Keramika Indonesia Asosiasi Tbk., the first Indonesian company to produce ceramic tiles. He later bought out the other shareholders and developed it into Indonesia’s fifth largest leading ceramic producer. Last year, Thailand’s Siam Cement Plc. purchased 93.5% of the company. Although no details were provided, based on the tender offer price of Rp85 per share, the transaction should be valued at around Rp669 billion. In property, the company owns several assets in Jakarta and was reported to have interests in a palm oil estate in Jambi.

106. Anton Setiawan, 66
Tunas Group
Car dealership
$208 million

With over 30 years experience in the business, Anton has represented both Japanese and European brands. His initial agency opened in 1976, selling and servicing Fiat, Holden and Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Anton introduced modern management systems to the company, winning many awards for his business acumen. In 2006 he took the prestigious Ernst and Young award for his dedication to developing entrepreneurship in the country. Rico Setiawan, 40, is now president director of the group and has continued the task of making it one of the best automotive dealerships in Indonesia.

107. Siswono Yudohusodo, 69
Bangun Cipta Sarana
Infrastructure, property, tourism, agribusiness
$205 million

Siswono founded Bangun Cipta Sarana, a construction company, in 1969, just a year after he graduated as a civil engineer from the Bandung Institute of Technology. Over the years, the company got involved in numerous construction projects including the development of Belawan Port in Medan. The company controls several subsidiaries engaged in clean water distribution, livestock breeding, real estate, property and hotels. Siswono has significant experience in government, having served as Minister of Public Housing and then as Minister of Transmigration between 1988 and 1998. He was the running-mate of Amien Rais in the 2004 presidential election, but the pairing won little support.

108. Benny Suherman, 65
Studio 21 Group
Cinema chain
$203 million

Last year’s policy shift on imported film taxation not only isolated Indonesian movie goers from blockbuster movies but also put Benny’s Studio 21 Group, Indonesia’s largest cinema network, in the middle of a major storm. The government argued that three film importers, which it alleged were affiliated with Studio 21, thus creating a near-monopoly situation, had failed to pay taxes amounting to Rp300 billion. The saga has yet to be concluded and there continue to be grave concerns over the lack of competition in the sector. Founded in 1987, the company runs 122 theaters across Indonesia and introduced Indonesia’s first IMAX theater in May. Studio 21’s position as an established played was challenged by the emergence of competitor BlitzMegaplex in 2006 but it remains a minor irritant. Benny himself is far less prominent, with Group 21 now run by Harris Lesmana.

109. Pontjo Sutowo, 62
Nugra Santana Group
Hotels, property
$185 million

The Sutowo family fortune began when Ibnu Sutowo, one of Suharto’s loyal generals, was appointed head of Pertamina in the early years of the New Order era. Somehow, despite Ibnu nearly bankrupting the country with outrageous deals on tankers, the family came to control a sizeable chunk of land at Senayan, one of Jakarta’s most prestigious sites. Pontjo runs the family businesses; PT Indobuilco runs the Sultan Hotel and apartments, the Jakarta Convention Center and related properties. He has media interests at the MRA Group, which is active in radio and magazine publishing. Agribusiness is handled by PT Adiguna Mesin Tani, while PT Adiguna Shipbuilding and Engineering works in steel fabricating and the oil and gas sector. A pharmacy unit is called PT Sunthi Sepuri. The family enterprise also includes the Harley Davidson and Ferrari licenses, with Haagen-Dazs ice cream to sweeten the blend. As a son of a former serviceman, Pontjo is active as the chairman of the Communication Forum of the Children of Indonesian Veterans.

110. Jusuf Kalla, 70
Hadji Kalla Group
Trading, heavy industry, shipping
$182 million

The former vice president took over the PT Hadji Kalla business founded by his father in 1952 in hometown Makassar, South Sulawesi, operating in trading and automotive distribution. Jusuf, or JK as he’s widely known to the public, now runs the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and is hoping for a political party to back him in the 2014 presidential elections. While he failed in a bid for the presidency in 2009, his campaign slogan “faster is better” has caught on with many Indonesians who believe the current administration has been far too cautious about pushing change. The third generation is now in charge at the Hadji Kalla Group, which has diversified into manufacturing, energy, agribusiness, property and shipping. The group’s latest push is in infrastructure. Having already secured a Rp1.3 trillion project to construct a monorail system in Makassar, the group is now eyeing a similar project in the East Java capital of Surabaya.

111. Tan Tjai Kie, 58
Gunung Steel Group
Manufacturing, mining
$170 million

Tan was the first to demonstrate that there was money to be made in steel in a market long dominated by state-owned behemoth PT Krakatau Steel. His Gunung Steel Group is a one-stop shop for all steel products and related services. The group comprises PT Gunung Garuda, the first company in Southeast Asia to manufacture structural steel products and hot rolled steel sections, PT Gunung Raja Paksi, which produces hot rolled steel plate, PT Bukit Terang Paksi Galvanizing, which provides galvanizing services, and PT Gunung Raja Paksi, which operates an ironworks in North Sumatra. Founded in 1986, the company produces 1.95 million metric tons of steel annually, of which 50% is exported to 41 countries. The company has secured a deal to supply materials for the Krakatau-Posco integrated steel mill project in Cilegon, Banten.

112. Ilham Habibie, 49 and Thariq Habibie, 47
Ilthabi Rekatama
Plantation, mining
$168 million

The brothers have revitalized PT Ilthabi Rekatama, an investment holding company established by their father, former President BJ Habibie. The company has interests in a variety of sectors including energy, mining, manufacturing, transportation, aviation services and more. The company’s centerpiece is its shareholding in London-listed Sound Oil, which controls an offshore concession in Central Kalimantan and where Ilham sits as non-executive director. The brothers recently sold PT Ilthabi Bara Utama, which controls a major coal concession area in East Kalimantan, to coal major Bayan Resources. Their latest push is in coal-bed methane, with three concessions already on hand and more to come. Ilham Habibie actively supports the government’s move to empower Indonesians through the development of a national broadband service.

113. Bambang Trihatmodjo, 59
$165 million

The past few years have been stressful for the second son of former President Suharto as he struggled to divorce his angry wife, Halimah or ‘Baby,’ in order to marry showbiz vamp Mayang Sari. Bambang founded PT Bimantara Citra in 1981 with a group of friends who once played in a band, starting out Ilham Habibie in the energy business and then diversifying into a range of other ventures. Most of the Bimantara interests survived the 1998 economic crisis but in the wake of the crisis and his father’s fall from power, low-profile Bambang went even further underground. Management of Bimantara was taken over by Hary Tanoesodibjo, who transformed it into what is now media company PT Global Mediacom Tbk. Bambang is said to have sold his remaining reported 11% shares in the company recently, resulting in the replacement of his representative on the board of commissioners, Laksono Sugianto, by former National Police chief Sutanto. No details were reported about the transaction, but the company has Rp13.1 trillion worth of assets. In property, he controls a number of developments, mostly registered under the name of his PT Asriland.

114. Boyke Gozali, 62
Mitra Adi Perkasa
Property, hotels, trading
$161 million

Mitra Adi Perkasa (MAP) sprang to life as a side business for Boyke Gozali, the nephew of tycoon Sjamsul Nursalim, some 22 years ago. Now the company operates 1,065 stores selling more than 100 top-name brands across the country. With a rising middle class and strong consumer growth, MAP’s Rp360 billion in net income last year pointed to even more impressive gains in years to come. In property, Boyke is teamed up with Franky Widjaja and Rosano Barrack in PT Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk., a company that controls Jakarta lifestyle malls EX and FX, the Grand Hyatt Jakarta and Plaza Indonesia shopping mall. Boyke serves as commissioner at MAP and vice-president director at PT Plaza Indonesia. As of April, shares of MAP were trading 140% higher than their price a year earlier. The holding company of MAP, PT Satya Mulia Gema Gemilang, also owns a 26% stake in chemical producer PT Polychem Indonesia.

115. Mardjoeki
Atmadiredja, 64
Surya Toto Indonesia
Sanitary ware
$155 million

Mardjoeki Atmadiredja is the president director of PT Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk., the distributor of Toto brand sanitary and plumbing products and bathroom accessories. He has proved to be a solid long-term partner for Japanese principal Toto Ltd., which has 39.48% of the Indonesian operation. Other shareholders in the company, founded in 1977, are PT Suryaparamitra Abadi with 25.34%, PT Multfortuna Asindo with 25.1% and the remainder’s held by the public. Through his investment vehicles, Mardjoeki is believed to own a substantial share in the company, which posted a net income of Rp218 billion in 2011. With Rp1.3 trillion worth of assets, it opened its seventh $17-million factory in Banten last year. The company recently established a subsidiary, PT Surya Graha Pertiwi, to handle the management and expansion of the company’s showroom facilities.

116. Stanley S Atmadja, 56
Asco Automotive
Autofinance, mining, agriculture support, property
$152 million

After years of working with PT Adira Dinamika Multifinance, a company which he founded and led to its current status as one of the leading automotive financing companies in the country, Stanley officially resigned as its president director in May. Stanley founded Adira in 1990 together with the late Adi Rachmat, father of Teddy Rachmat of the Triputra Group. In 2004 Bank Danamon paid Rp832 billion for 75% of shares in Adira, with Stanley staying at the helm of the company until May. Adira reported net profit of Rp1.5 trillion in 2011, up from Rp1.4 trillion a year earlier. Stanley also teamed up with Teddy to form Asco Automotive, a car dealership for Isuzu, Nissan and Daihatsu vehicles, and PT Green Planet, which produces organic fertilizer. Old cars are Stanley’s great love and he spends much of his spare time at a private museum for his 100-car collection at Sentul south of Jakarta. He also takes an active role in supervising Asco Media Utama, an automotive-focused media company with several publications and TV shows.

117. Sendi Bingei, 83
Sumatra Tobacco Trading
Tobacco, food
$150 million

Sendi Bingei early on saw commercial advantage in the fine tobacco grown in many areas of North Sumatra. He shares ownership of PT Sumatra Tobacco Trading Company with family members Edwin and Timin Bingei. The company, based in Medan, North Sumatra, produces white cigarettes for export markets, while its sister company manufactures and sells some of the lesser-known cigarette brands popular with cigarette fanciers in Sumatra. Meanwhile PT Sari Incofood Corporation is engaged in tea and coffee processing and packaging.

118. Budi P Hadisurjo, 75
Optik Melawai
Optical stores, restaurants
$148 million

Budi demonstrated early flair in the marketing of optical services, including high-price frames, to the Indonesian middle class, establishing his Optik Melawai outlets as a leader in the sector. The company is named after the South Jakarta street where it still retains a branch. What has now become the Melawai Group represents a holding company active in optical, pharmaceutical, hearing aids and restaurants. Optik Melawai continues to lead group performance, representing Indonesia’s largest eye-wear retailer with more than 150 outlets including several spin-off stores selling specialty items. In the restaurant sector, Sari Rasa Group owns Tham Nak Thai, Sate Khas Senayan, Tamani Kafe and TeSate chains. The Sari Rasa Group, which is managed by son Benny, is the distributor of Epic Comics.

119. Anna B Mathovani, 58
Kirana Tanker
$145 million

Anna Bambang Surjo Sunindar was thrust into taking over the controls of the shipping and
coal mining interests of her late husband, Prince Bambang Suryo Sunindar of the Surakarta royal family. While the companies are now run by professionals, she has added a feminine touch to her group’s operations. Under PT Annapola, she owns and manages four colonial-theme restaurant and function houses: Rumah Kartanegara, Rumah Daksa, Rumah Imam Bonjol in Jakarta and Rumah Sleman in Yogyakarata. She is also president director of PT Penny Roos, a company which controls Capocaccia Sandwich Bar and Bistro Baron French Fine Dining Restaurant.

120. Sri Sultan
Hamengkubuwono X, 66
Sultan of Yogyakarta
$142 million

As the monarch of Yogyakarta, a highly symbolic and highly influential position, the wealth of Sri Sultan Hamengkubowono X is constituted by the estates and assets controlled by his family. Land rent is the main source of the patriarch’s income, while his relatives control several companies in Yogyakarta. An influential figure in the movement to force Suharto to resign in 1998, the Sultan continues to play a role on the national political stage. However he can still see no end in sight to the saga over whether he should be the province’s governor for life. A new draft law on the issue remains under discussion at the House of Representatives. Many argue that there is no reason why people in Yogyakarta should not have the same right as other Indonesians to choose their regional leaders, but the people of Yogyakarta themselves still appear to believe in his feudal right to rule.

121. Widarto, 67
Sungai Budi Group
$140 million

The Sungai Budi Group is one of Indonesia’s largest upstream food producers with a sound record for innovation, although the company’s reputation has been recently soiled by conflict over land. Established by Widarto in Lampung in 1947, the company has production facilities in West Java, Lampung, Jambi and East Java and produces potatoes, tapioca and chemical products such as sulfuric acid, citric acid and monosodium glutamate. Subsidiary PT Tunas Baru Lampung, which produces Rose Brand vegetable cooking oil and rice flour, posted a net income of Rp421 billion last year. The company was a pioneer in the use of industrial waste to produce power but suffered a blow when one of its affiliated companies, Silva Inhutani, was implicated in the death of nine people near its operations in Lampung. The government’s fact-finding team suggests that the situation may get worse. Silva Inhutani is said to be a joint venture between state-owned Inhutani and Sungai Budi’s subsidiary PT Silva Lampung Abadi.

122. Honggo Wendratno, 64
Asrari Pratama
Energy, Petrochemicals
$135 million

Honggo Wendratno has extensive experience in the petrochemical industry. His PT Tuban Petrochemical Industries owns a 30% stake in PT Tuban Petrochemical Industries (TPI), which in turn owns a 59.5% stake in debt-ridden PT Tuban Petrochemical Indotama (TTPI). TPPI owes $300 million to Pertamina and another $180 million to oil and gas regulator BP Migas. TPPI used some of Honggo’s shares in TPI to raise a $500 million loan from Deutsche Bank. Honggo is a long-term partner of Hashim Djojohadikusumo and a stakeholder in Hashim’s business group.

123. A Tong, 66
Roda Vivatex
$130 million

A. Tong is a low-profile businessman whose PT Rodatex Tbk. produces polyester filament woven fabrics for domestic use as well as the European, US, Asia and Middle East markets. The company last year posted a net income of Rp113 billion and controlled Rp1.08 trillion worth of assets. Its most recent addition is PT Chitatex Peni, a subsidiary engaging in construction, which plans to invest Rp155 billion for a project in South Jakarta.

124. Rachmat Gobel, 50
Gobel International
$128 million

Rachmat, heir to a long-standing business arrangement with Japanese major Matsushita,
is also a tireless fighter for better conditions for the electronics industry. He has also developed a reputation as an avid environmental campaigner, and now heads the Indonesian Society of Renewable Economy. The family’s PT Gobel International has partnered with Matsushita since 1970, creating PT Panasonic Gobel International where Rachmat now sits as president commissioner. Last year, he spent most of his energy chairing the Southeast Asia Games organizing committee and won credit for the success of the event. Rachmat has become involved in the Churchill Mining saga, spending $12.8 million for a 16.5% stake in the company, whose valuable coal concession has been grabbed by other parties. His PT Gobel International also plans to develop a tourism resort and a water treatment plant in West Nusa Tenggara. In electronics, Panasonic Global Indonesia continues to perform well in the highly competitive electronics market. With the acquisition of Sanyo by Panasonic Japan, it intends to enter the medical devices market in Indonesia this year. Although no financial data has been released, the company predicts sales would be up by around 30% in 2011 from 2010’s figure of Rp3.8 trillion.

125. Siti H Rukmana, 63
Citra Lamtoro Gung Persada
Toll roads, entertainment
$127 million

Tutut, the late President Suharto’s oldest daughter is known, has spent much of her energy in recent years concentrating on her legal battle with Hary Tanoesoedibjo over ownership of 75% of the former TPI television station. While Tutut won the first round, Hary’s appeals have dragged out a conclusion to the case, which puts the future of his MNC TV on the line. Tutut was a long-serving president director of Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada, a toll-road operator, where her daughter Danty Indriastuty Purnamasari now sits as independent commissioner. Citra and San Miguel Corp. of the Philippines established a joint venture recently to acquire indirect equity interest in the South Luzon Tollway Corporation (SLTC) and Manila Toll Expressway Systems Inc. Both companies are also negotiating over the possibility of partnership in the construction of a toll road connecting several coal mines in South Sumatra.

126. Tjandra M Gozali, 59
Gozco Group
Plantation, bank, property
$122 million

Originally a manufacturer of footwear in Surabaya, Tjandra turned to the palm plantation business a decade ago. He and his family control Gozco Planta- tion, a medium-sized plantation business with more than 35,000 hectares of land in production and a further land bank of about 110,000 hectares in Sumatra and Kalimantan. The family also runs small Bank Yudhabakti and has a number of property develop- ments in their home town.

127. Sugianto, 66
Metro Group
$120 million

Another major textile producer, Sugianto’s Metro Group makes clothings for some of the most famous brands in the world. Amongst his clients are global names like Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein. The company has six plants than can produce over 100,000 shirts per month and is looking to expand as Indonesia’s reputation vis-a-vis China con- tiues to grow.

128. Johanes B Kotjo, 66
Apac Group
Textiles and diversified business
$118 million

Johanes made his fortune by getting close to the Indonesian elite and the center of political power. He spent over a decade climbing up the corporate ladder at a Salim Group company before going into business with Suharto son Bambang Trihatmodjo and others to form Apac Group. In its early days, the company had diversified interests, but even before the 1998 financial crisis hit, it was accused of fraudulent activity, hitting the company hard. With that story now just a piece of history, a more low- profile Kotjo concentrates on the core business of textiles, where it made Rp1.9 trillion in revenue last year. Known for having a good eye for investments, Kotjo is reported to have interests in plantations, coal and infrastructure sectors in Sumatra, including through PT Pathaway International, which is currently constructing a 300-km coal railway in Bengkulu.

129. Iskandar Widyadi, 75
Bank Jasa Jakarta
$118 million

Iskandar is the principal owner of Bank Jasa Jakarta, one of the best-performing non- foreign exchange lenders in the country. Before taking control of the bank, formerly known as Bank Pasar Jasa Jakarta, Iskandar had made his way to the top of the Indonesian banking profession, in 1982 serving as vice president director of Bank International Indonesia. His takeover of Bank Jasa Jakarta proved to be based on sound business instinct, with the bank sailing through the 1998 financial crisis. In 2011 the lender reported Rp4.1 trillion in assets and posted Rp107 billion in pre-tax income.

130. Rudy Unjoto, 63
Daliatex Kusuma
$115 million

Rudy, the president director of PT Daliatex Kusuma, knows what it takes to survive in the textile business. He has been forced to steer the company through tough times, but now states that his business has proved more resilient than many people claimed it to be. Rumors continue however that the business is in decline, countered by Rudy with a complaint that human resources are hard to find. The company produces 40 million meters of woven fabrics and other related products annually, with 90% going to export markets.

131. Stefanus Batihalim, 47
PT Nojorono Tobacco
$114 million

Although many Indonesian com- panies are family-owned, having five families controlling one com- pany, like Nojorono Tobacco, is rare. Founded in 1932 by brothers Tjoa Kang Hay, Tan Tjiep Siang and Tan Kong Ping at a village in Pati, Central Java, they expanded to nearby Kudus by taking on new partners Ko Djie Sion and Tan Dhing Dhay. Although the com- pany’s products are rarely visible in big cities, with the exception of biggest seller ClassMild, launched in 2003, they have a strong hold in small cities and villages across Java. One specialty, waterproof cigarettes, is naturally popular among fishermen. In its attempts to break into the major market, the ClassMild brand is being pushed through event sponsor- ships and tagline advertising.

132. Joe Kamdani, 76
Office equipment, digital technology
$112 million

Joe is a multi-faceted man often seen around Jakarta with his friends, many of them veteran journalists. As a young man, his time at the University of Indonesia’s faculty of law was cut short and in 1959 he took on a job as a freelance office supplies salesman. The move proved to be a life-changing decision for Joe, who went on to open up a small office supplies business under the name PD Matahari, the embryo of today’s Datascript. The company retails a wide variety of products from pens and pencils to photocopiers and surveillance systems. Datascript owns the distribution rights in Indonesia for all products of Japanese electronic giant Canon, while sister company PT Matahari Alka, producing sheet metals and wood panels, provides additional revenue. Son Irwan Kamdani is now running Datascript, while Joe finds more time for his love of water sports and other interests.

133. Soedjono, 63
Wira Sakti Adimulya
$108 million

Soedjono has one major project to his name as he pushes to command a position in the upper end of the property market. His company took charge of building Metro Marina, a luxurious townhouse project at Ancol in North Jakarta in a joint venture with the local government’s PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol and real estate management and development company PT Paramitha Mitra Sejati. According to Pembangunan’s Etty Djody, Setiawan Djody, Sarita Thaib and Tantowi Yahya annual report for last year, Soedjono has now settled a Rp34.8 billion debt for land purchases. He is known to control large land banks in Kapuk, West Jakarta and Kelapa Gading in North Jakarta.

134. Fajar Suhendra, 60
Sumatra Growth Group
Steel maker
$106 million

Sumatra Growth Group is a collective of investors that mainly focuses on foundry and steel manufacturing. Founded in 1970, the company has won three Primaniyarta Awards as the country’s best exporter, a testament to the company’s strong position in the industry. Fajar partnered Singapore’s Lee Metal to establish PT Indoferro to produce 250,000 tons of nickel pig iron with the completion of its facility in Banten due this year, while a second plant will be completed in 2014 to double production capacity. Fajar also controls iron pipe manufacturer PT Growth Pamindo and PT Growth Pakanindo, a feed mill operation supplying the Sumatra Market. Fajar’s son Peter Suhendra, 37, is now in charge of day-to-day operations.

135. Karmaka Surjaudaja, 78
$105 million

Karmaka Surjaudaja led Bank NISP, established by father-in-law Lim Khe Tjie in the 1960s, though the 1998 financial crisis unscathed and maintained momentum to claim a place on the national stage. In 2005, recognizing that NISP could not realize its potential without significant outside help, he made a tough decision to sell 74% of the bank to Singapore’s OCBC. For his work at the bank, OCBC awarded him with the life- time title of chairman emeritus, and his daughter carries on the family tradition as its president director. Karmaka is known for his humility and friendly nature, as well as his strong leadership skills, while his stories of battling with cancer and a liver transplant have inspired many.

136. Bambang Setijo, 70
Pan Brothers
$101 million

Bambang’s PT Pan Brothers Tbk. was one of Indonesia’s best- performing textile firms last year. In 2011, sales were up 52% to Rp2.1 trillion, while net income hit Rp72 billion, up from Rp35 billion a year earlier. After selling 72% of its shares for Rp1,350 apiece in a rights offer, the company has plenty of funds for expansion. Its first move has been to acquire a 51% stake in garment buyer PT Hol-lit for around Rp43 billion, cutting its distribution chain. Pan Brothers now intends to boost production with two new factories expected to up and running this year. The number of machines in use will double by 2015. That leaves another Rp65 billion from the rights issues, to be used to create a new retail division, completing the full inte- gration of the company. Bambang is believed to maintain his inter- est in the company through his investment vehicle PT Trisetijo Manunggal Utama, which owns a 26.5% stake in Pan Brothers and also has a 9.9% stake in PT Indo Acidatama Tbk., a chemical producer where Bambang sits as president commissioner. He also owns a 5% stake in Hana Bank.

137. MS Hidayat, 59
MSH Group
$98 million

Previously the chairman of the In- donesian Chamber of Commerce (Kadin), MS Hidayat put his busi- ness interests aside in 2009 when he was appointed Minister for Industry. Despite early fears that he would be too cautious about pushing his former colleagues to change, he has been able to tread a fine line between the government view and his deep understanding of the needs of business. Before joining the government, he was a leading property player, with his holding company PT Mandiri Sejahtera Hutama (HSM) and its subsidiaries building office towers, luxury housing and hotels in Jakarta and beyond. Hidayat was also active in mining as a contractor at PT Nusa Resources Minergy.

138. Setiawan Djody, 63
Setdco Group
Shipping, oil and gas
$97 million

Djody has largely put business aside and concentrates on his role as “Renaissance man,” staging a concert with rocker friend Iwan Fals and attending art exhibitions in Jakarta and Bali. He was diagnosed with liver disease in 2008 and received a transplant in 2009, forcing him to cut back most of his activities. Benefiting from a relationship with the Suharto family, he started his Setdco Group as a tanker company in 1975 and then expanded into property, energy, agribusiness and telecommunication. The company operates several oil fields overseas and has a plan to build a refinery and petrochemical complex in Batam, with a refining capacity of 300,000 barrels per day together with partner PT Intan Mega. Last year, Djody, Iwan Fals and fellow rocker Sawung Jabo staged a new performance of their critical Suharto-era Kantata Takwa rock concert, in memory of their late collaborator, the internationally acclaimed poet WS Rendra.

139. Jacobus Busono, 72
Pura Group
$95 million

Jacobus, commonly known as Pak Bus, dominates the printing and packaging industry. Started by his grandfather as a small printing company in 1908, Jacobus has taken the enterprise to a far higher level by investing heavily in sophisticated technology. Now the company generates most of its revenues from printing smart cards, phone vouchers, bank notes, holographic devices and other high-priced items. Four subsidiaries have contracts to print currency from Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, India and a number of African countries. Pak Bus, who is fluent in German, English, French and Dutch, was the sole Indonesian member of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s World Entrepreneurship group. He has also steered his company into renewables with an environmental-friendly stove and a plan to grow jarak, a source of bio-fuels, on land in Central Java.

140. Purnomo Prawiro, 65
Blue Bird
$95 million

Purnomo and brother Chandra used two family cars to start a taxi service in 1965 to pay for their college fees. They formalized the arrangement in 1972, forming Blue Bird, a firm that has since developed into the country’s best-known taxi company. As the first taxi firm to introduce meters, the company won swift consumer acceptance and continues to guard its reputation for high- quality services and reliability. Over the years, the company has expanded from a taxi operator with 25 cars to a company that operates 21,000 Blue Bird taxis, 750 luxury Silver Bird taxis, a fleet of Golden Bird limousines and Big Bird buses. The company also owns a logistic service division, a coachwork division and a hotel in Lombok. A graduate of the University of Indonesia, Purnomo serves at his alma mater as the chairman of its Board of Trustees.

141. Raam Punjaabi, 69
Multivision Plus
$94 million

Raam’s Multivision Plus con- tinues to be a major force in the Indonesian television production house business. The chance that an Indonesian has never watched a Multivision show is small, with a consistent output of tear-jerk- ers. Like many ethnic Indians in Indonesia, he started out in tex- tiles before grabbing the oppor- tunity to import and distribute Bollywood movies. From there, he entered the movie-making business, scoring big bucks from several blockbuster movies. With the advent of television Raam turned his attention to the small screen. Last year he and two part- ners established a new company hoping to break the Studio 21 cinema chain’s virtual monopoly of the imported film business.

142. Marimutu Maniwanen, 57
Busana Apparel Group
$93 million

Maniwanen has succeeded in maintaining his reputation in business circles despite the spectacular crash of his relative, Marimutu Sinivasan, at the ill-fated former engineering and textile giant Texmaco. Maniwanen is chairman and CEO of one of Indonesia’s biggest textile manufacturers. His companies include PT Ungaran Sari Garment and PT Citra Abadi Sejati, with factories in Purwakarta and Lippo Cikarang in West Java. The group produces high quality men’s and women’s garments and has developed long-term relationships with a number of major international clients from North America and Europe, including brands such as Adidas, Ann Taylor, Calvin Klein, Chaps, Esprit, Jones, Liz Clairbone, Macys, Marks and Spencer, Nike, Polo Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger and others.

143. A Siang Rusli Ali, 50
Kurnia Tetap Mulia
Entertainment, property
$92 million

A Siang has long been mentioned in connection with Medan’s criminal underworld and gambling industry and other questionable business operations, but such claims have never been verified. He is known as a close friend of the late Bang Olo Panggabean, Medan’s own “godfather.” A Siang is a respected figure in Medan, where he is a shareholder in the JW Marriott hotel, which opened in 2009, and owns several other properties.

144. Ishak Charlie, 58
Kurnia Tetap Mulia
Hotels, palm oil
$92 million

Ishak had a quiet year in 2011, compared with 2010 when he faced legal battles and accusations of destroying the environment. Ishak is an owner of Medan’s JW Marriott Hotel and president director of PT Indoterminal Belawan Perkasa, which in the past was contracted to operate Medan’s Belawan port CPO terminal and pipeline network. In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that Indoterminal had violated anti-trust laws by raising its tariffs without the consent of consumers. It ordered the company to pay Rp13 billion in settlements. A move into palm oil came under scrutiny too when environmental activists and residents accused him of cutting down 30 hectares of mangrove forest, damaging the stability of the local ecosystem, while for several years he has been in dispute over the status of land for a planned housing project, Citra Garden Padang Bulan.

145. Boedi Mranata, 60
Adipura Mranata Jaya
Birds’ nests, food and beverages
$91 million

As the first Indonesian to earn a PhD in marine biology, Boedi’s initial business interests fol- lowed his academic expertise. He began work as a director of four fisheries companies under the Fega Group, focusing on shrimps, but then decided his future was in the sky rather than the sea. He switched to the lucrative market of birds’ nests, which he exports to China to make birds’ nest soup. Closer trade ties with China continue to benefit Boedi’s business. He is also an ecotour- ism enthusiast and an avid collec- tor of Chinese porcelain.

146. Mintardjo Halim, 57
$91 million

With over three decades of business experience, Mintardjo is good at spotting trends. After an engineering degree in Germany, he formed PT Sandratex in 1978 in a joint venture with Hong Kong interests. To take advantage of lower labor costs, he entered a joint venture in Cambodia to produce woven shirts and blouses. Some analysts now believe that Sandratex might have fallen on tough times, with its last big deal back in 2000 with the US ‘May’ department store. He currently serves as the head of the Africa committee of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a position that has put him close to some of the world’s leading cotton producing countries like Mozambique. Mintardjo shares his expertise with the industry as deputy chairman of the Indonesian Textile Association.

147. GS Margono, 72
Gapura Prima
$90 million

A growing love of travel by Indo- nesians promises sound prospects for Gapura Prima, a property developer founded by Gunarso Susanto Margono in 1980. The company recently completed con- struction of its 500-unit Condotel building in Serpong, to be opened in June with management by Best Western, the world’s largest hotel chain.GapuraPrimathisyear set aside Rp417 billion for capital expenditure to be used mainly to boost revenues from hotels. This year, the company expects to open hotels in Bali and Jakarta, with five more scheduled for next year. The program will give the company a total 1,000 rooms and boost recurring income from 30% to 70% in two years. Gapura Prima posted Rp44 billion in net income last year. Gunarso’s son Rudy became president director of the group in 2007.

148. Usman Admajaya, 67
Investment Company
$89 million

The 1998 regional crisis forced Usman Admajaya to relinquish Bank Danamon to the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA). Today, the flashy dresser is no longer involved in the bank which posted a net income of Rp3.4 trillion last year, except for debate over whether he still owes money. The former banker claims he has paid his debts of Rp12 trillion, although the government says there is still Rp10 trillion to pay.

149. Hadi Surya, 76
Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk.
$88 million

Times have been tough for Hadi Surya, who founded PT Berlian Laju Tanker in 1981 and now serves as president commissioner. Between 2008 and 2010, the company made a total of $487 million in losses, a result of a fall in trade during the global financial crisis, just after it had absorbed a major international shipping line in a move to dramatically expand its fleet. The company clawed its way back to profitability last year with net income of $142 million but was forced to default on Rp421 billion in debts. The courts have provided the company with temporary protection from creditors looking to seize its assets. Some good news came from subsidiary PT Buana Listya Tama, which raised Rp1 trillion when it went public last year. Berlian Laju Tanker operates 93 tankers, while Buana Listya Tama owns 14 and leases six.

150. G Lukman Pudjiadi, 55
Jayakarta Group
Property, hotels
$87 million

Two listed companies are controlled by Lukman and hisfamily: PudjiadiPrestige Tbk. and PT Pudjiadi and Sons Tbk. which controls Jayakarta hotels. The companies posted a combined Rp65 billion in net income last year. The group operates 13 hotels and resorts in Indonesia and has built a number of medium-scale apartment blocks in Jakarta and Bandung. The company’s subsidiaries include PT Bali Realtindo Benoa, PT Jayakarta Realti Investindo and PT Hotel Juwara Warga. Lukman oversees Jayakarta Group but day-to-day operations are handled by his son Loki Pudjiadi.


19 Orang Indonesia Masuk Jajaran Terkaya Dunia, Ini Daftarnya

Angga Aliya – detikfinance
Selasa, 04/03/2014 13:02 WIB
Halaman 1 dari 3

Jakarta -Majalah Forbes kembali merilis daftar orang terkaya dunia. Tahun ini memuat 1.645 miliuner dari seluruh dunia. Dari jumlah itu 19 di antaranya berasal dari Indonesia.Rata-rata kekayaan US$ 4,5 miliar. Total harta para miliuner ini tercatat sebanyak US$ 6,4 triliun, naik US$ 1 triliun dari jumlah total harta tahun lalu.Sedangkan jumlah harta 19 orang terkaya di dunia ini mencapai US$ 47,65 miliar atau sekitar Rp 476,5 triliun. Siapa saja mereka? Simak daftar lengkapnya di sini seperti dikutip dari Forbes, Selasa (4/32014).

19. Lim Hariyanto Wijaya Sarwono
Peringkat di Indonesia: 19
Peringkat dunia: 1.565
Total kekayaan: US$ 1 miliar

18. Harjo Sutanto
Peringkat di Indonesia: 18
Peringkat dunia: 1.465
Total kekayaan: US$ 1,1 miliar

17. Hary Tanoesoedibjo
Peringkat di Indonesia: 17
Peringkat dunia: 1.372
Total kekayaan: US$ 1,2 miliar

16. Edwin Soeryadjaya
Peringkat di Indonesia: 16
Peringkat dunia: 1.372
Total kekayaan: US$ 1,2 miliarNext

15. Low Tuck Kwong
Peringkat di Indonesia: 15
Peringkat dunia: 1.284
Total kekayaan: US$ 1,3 miliar

14. Ciputra dan keluarga
Peringkat di Indonesia: 14
Peringkat dunia: 1.284
Total kekayaan: US$ 1,3 miliar

13. Achmad Hamami dan keluarga
Peringkat di Indonesia: 13
Peringkat dunia: 1.092
Total kekayaan: US$ 1,6 miliar

12. Martua Sitorus
Peringkat di Indonesia: 12
Peringkat dunia: 1.046
Total kekayaan: US$ 1,7 miliar

11. Murdaya Poo
Peringkat di Indonesia: 11
Peringkat dunia: 1036
Total kekayaan: US$ 1,75 miliar

10. Tahir
Peringkat di Indonesia: 10
Peringkat dunia: 973
Total kekayaan: US$ 1,85 miliar

9. Theodore Rachmat
Peringkat di Indonesia: 9
Peringkat dunia: 973
Total kekayaan: US$ 1,85 miliar

. Bachtiar Karim
Peringkat di Indonesia: 8
Peringkat dunia: 869
Total kekayaan: US$ 2 miliar

7. Sukanto Tanoto
Peringkat di Indonesia: 7
Peringkat dunia: 828
Total kekayaan: US$ 2,1 miliar

6. Mochtar Riady dan keluarga
Peringkat di Indonesia: 6
Peringkat dunia: 687
Total kekayaan: US$ 2,5 miliar

5. Peter Sondakh
Peringkat di Indonesia: 5
Peringkat dunia: 609
Total kekayaan: US$ 2,8 miliar

4. Sri Prakash Lohia
Peringkat di Indonesia: 4
Peringkat dunia: 446
Total kekayaan: US$ 3,5 miliar

3. Chairul Tanjung
Peringkat di Indonesia: 3
Peringkat dunia: 375
Total kekayaan: US$ 4 miliar

2. Michael Hartono
Peringkat di Indonesia: 2
Peringkat dunia: 184
Total kekayaan: US$ 7,3 miliar

1. R. Budi Hartono
Peringkat di Indonesia: 1
Peringkat dunia: 173
Total kekayaan: US$ 7,6 miliar


Thursday, December 01, 2016       16:47 WIB
Di Indonesia, 49,3 Persen Kekayaan Rumah Tangga Dimiliki 1 Persen Orang Kaya


Ipotnews – Laporan terbaru distribusi kekayaan global menunjukkan satu persen populasi dewasa tetap mengendalikan setengah dari total kekayaan rumah tangga di Indonesia, mencerminkan kesenjangan ekonomi yang lebar yang tidak mungkin dipersempit dalam waktu dekat. Total kekayaan rumah tangga Indonesia tumbuh 6,4 persen pada 2016 yang mencapai USD1,8 triliun, dengan 88 persen berbentuk aset riil seperti properti atau tanah, sisanya berupa aset keuangan seperti deposito, obligasi, atau saham.

Dalam laporan tahunan yang dirilis Credit Suisse Research Institute untuk ke-7 kalinya tahun ini, bertajuk Global Wealth Report, tercantum bahwa per Juni 2016, 1 persen dari 164 juta populasi dewasa Indonesia, menguasai 49,3 persen dari total kekayaan rumah tangga yang senilai USD1,8 triliun, turun dari 53,5 persen pada tahun lalu.

Dengan data itu, Indonesia tercatat merupakan negara dengan distribusi kekayaan paling senjang ke-4 di dunia, di bawah Rusia yang 1 persen orang kayanya menguasai 74,5 persen total kekayaan, India (58,4 persen), dan Thailand (58 persen).

“Angka-angka tersebut menunjukkan bahwa keadilan sosial di Indonesia belum terlihat,” ujar ekonom pada Kenta Institute di Jakarta, Eric Alexander Sugandi, seperti diberitakan thejakartatglobe.com, Kamis (1/12). Hal itu diperkuat dengan data dari laporan yang sama bahwa 30 juta orang dewasa Indonesia berada di kelompok bawah yang disebut `bottom billion`, yakni mereka yang memiliki aset kurang dari USD248 (sekitar Rp3 juta).

Menurut Eric, meski jumlah kekayaan yang dikuasai 1 persen orang kaya itu menurun – dari 53,5 persen menjadi 49,3 persen – namun kekayaan mereka cenderung meningkat lewat akumulasi melalui warisan dan investasi. “Indonesia tak punya pajak warisan seperti Jepang. Sehingga kekayaan kelompok 1 persen itu berlipat dan makin sulit terkejar kelompok warga lain (99 persen),” kata Eric.

Lana Soelistianingsih, ekonom pada Samuel Assets Management mengungkapkan, penurunan penguasaan kekayaan itu bisa jadi karena kelompok 1 persen itu mengalami pukulan akibat anjloknya harag komoditas dunia, terutama CPO dan batubara yang merupakan aset utama kelompok orang kaya di Indonesia.

Selain penurunan harga komoditas, depresiasi nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar AS juga menjadi penyebab penyusutan nilai kekayaan mereka.

Selain itu, laporan itu juga mengungkapkan bahwa ada sejumlah peningkatan kekayaan di kelompok 99 persen lainnya, yang fungsinya lebih pada “sumber pembiayaan untuk konsumsi masa depan, terutama untuk pensiun, dan untuk mengurangi kerentanan terhadap guncangan seperti pengangguran, kesehatan yang buruk, atau menghadapi bencana.”

Rata-rata kekayaan orang Indonesia adalah USD1,966 per kepala orang dewasa, naik 22 persen dari data tahun lalu. Total kekayaan rumah tangga Indonesia tumbuh 6,4 persen pada 2016 yang mencapai USD1,8 triliun, dengan 88 persen berbentuk aset riil seperti properti atau tanah, sisanya berupa aset keuangan seperti deposito, obligasi, atau saham.

Jumlah kekayaan rumah tangga Indonesia diproyeksikan naik 44 persen menjadi USD2,6 triliun dalam lima tahun ke depan dan dalam jangka waktu yang sama jumlah miliarder Indonesia akan meningkat 55 persen menjadi 173 ribu orang.

Dalam setahun terakhir, Indonesia mencetak 13 ribu miliarder baru, menambah 112 miliarder yang memiliki kekayaan total USD500 miliar pada pertengahan 2016.

Laporan itu menentukan jumlah kekayaan pribadi berdasarkan aset finansial dan properti dikurangi utang yang dimiliki rumah tangga bersangkutan.

Jumlah miliarder Indonesia akan meningkat 55 persen menjadi 173 ribu orang

Sekitar 84 persen dari populasi orang dewasa Indonesia memiliki kekayaan kurang dari USD10.000.

Secara keseluruhan, kekayaan global meningkat 1,4 persen menjadi USD256 triliun, dengan pertumbuhan kekayaan terbesar dinikmati orang Jepang yang tumbuh 19 persen.(ha)

Site Meter

Kamis 01 Dec 2016, 11:42 WIB

Hartanya Melonjak Paling Tinggi, dari Prajogo Pangestu Hingga Boy Thohir

Angga Aliya ZRF – detikFinance
Hartanya Melonjak Paling Tinggi, dari Prajogo Pangestu Hingga Boy ThohirBoy Thohir (Foto: Ardan Adhi Chandra)

Jakarta – Ekonomi Indonesia mulai menggeliat setelah di 2015 lalu sempat melambat. Membaiknya ekonomi ini membuat harta orang-orang terkaya Indonesia rata-rata naik.

Forbes baru saja merilis harta 50 orang terkaya di Indonesia, Kamis (1/12/2016). Dari daftar tersebut, sebanyak 36 orang kaya hartanya naik, termasuk 3 di antaranya yang tahun lalu sempat keluar dari daftar bergengsi itu kini kembali lagi.

Prajogo Pangestu jadi orang terkaya yang hartanya naik paling tinggi tahun ini berkat lonjakan nyaris 1.000% di saham PT Barito Pacific Tbk.

Prajogo akhirnya kembali masuk daftar 50 orang terkaya Indonesia berkat lonjakan saham ini. Selain itu, Handojo Santosa pemilik Japfa juga masuk lagi daftar bergengsi ini.

Saham Japfa melonjak 80% tahun ini setelah disuntik modal US$ 81 juta oleh perusahaan investasi KKR.

Taipan lain yang hartanya naik tinggi adalah Garibaldi ‘Boy’ Thohir. Presiden Direktur PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO) ini hartanya melesat berkat lonjakan 165% di harga saham produsen batu bara tersebut.

Harga saham Adaro melonjak berkat permintaan batu bara dari China dan India kembali bertambah. Harta Boy juga termasuk kepemilikan saham di dua klub sepakbola asing melalui adiknya, Erick Thohir.

Dua klub bola tersebut adalah Inter Milan di Italia dan D.C. United di Amerika Serikat (AS). Keuntungan klub D.C. United sudah naik 74% tahun ini. (ang/dnl)

155 Responses to “Daftar 150 orang terkaya di Indonesia, (updated)”

  1. Duh…

  2. Lokasi Strategis di kawasan Bandung Timur,Jl.Soekarno Hatta -Kota BDG.Lt.6ha s/d 18ha.Lm.145mtr.Hub :081214674036

  3. mbok ya orang tuh sedekah sama kami sekurity griya patra ndak usah banyak 100 jt saja per orang

  4. yth: org2 kaya sedunia kiranya sudi melihat kami rakyak kecil, sy pnya anak dg lahir kurang sempurna d tangan dg kurang jari, rencna akan kmi operasi tp kmi kekurangan biaya,kiranya bpk2 mw sdkit menyumbng kn atau mw membntu kmi dg iklas, kami pun tdk tnggal diam dg keadaan ini,kami mencoba bisnis apapun tp kami blm brhasil,kiranya ckup skian dan ap bila berknan tlg hubungi kmi, mksh byk,081353610658

  5. Dijual lahan sawit : 2 hektar, 5 hektar, 10 hektqr, 40, hektar, 70 hektar, 115 hektar, 224 hektar, 280 hektar, 500 hektar, 700 hektar.
    Harga berkisar 45-120jt / hektar sesuai dengan umur tanaman sawit & kondisi lahan. Bila minat hubungi : bagusgo@yahoo.com, 085263654758,07517736121

  6. Agung Sedayu Oktavinanta (US$ 134 miliar)

    • PT. Mandiri Dipta Cipta (Agung Sedayu Group)
      Agung Podomoro Group
      Summarecon Agung
      Pemilik: Drs. Agung Sedayu Oktavinanta SE

    • PT. Mandiri Dipta Cipta (Agung Sedayu Group)
      Agung Podomoro Group
      Summarecon Agung
      Pemilik: Agung Sedayu Oktavinanta

      • luas tanah 7.5 hektar lokasi dipinggir jalan didaerah jalan raya lontar pakuhai tangerang sangat cocok untuk perumahan surat sertifikat harga 500 ribu / meter hubungi nurdin 02197616969

      • Kepada YTH.
        Bapak / ibu Agung Sedayu oktavinanta
        Pemilik PT. Mandiri Dipta (Agung sedayu Group)
        PT. Agung Podomoro Group
        PT. Summerecon Agung
        Perkenalkan saya
        Nama: wayan
        Asal: Desa mundeh kec. Selemadeg kab. Tabanan propinsi Bali.
        Saat ini saya tinggal di kota Denpasar, tepatnya di sanur
        Saya mulai belajar menjadi perantara (broker) property (tanah) di area bali
        Baik itu tanah untuk perumahan atau akomodasi pariwisata
        Dan saya hanya meminta fee 2,5% dari pemilik tanah, dan itu sudah lebih dari cukup buat saya.
        (Untuk UP harga atau menaikan harga itu trus trang saya tidak brani ambil resiko) karena itu akan berdampak negatif nantinya, disamping pemilik jengkel karna tanah di UP, pembli juga tidak akan bisa percaya lagi sama saya nantinya
        Intinya disini saya mencari pelanggan atau relasi yg benar2 menaruh kepercayaan sama saya
        PT. Agung Podomoro Group itu tidaklah asing di telinga saya, karena nama perusahaan itu konon Perusahaan property ternama dan terbesar di indonesia.
        Nah dari situ saya berkomitmen dan bertekad gimana caranya saya bisa berkenalan, menjadi ajudan ( siap melayani ) perusahaan tersebut ?
        Dan yg terpenting saya bisa menjadi kepercayaan perusahaan tersebut nantinya ?
        Apakah itu mungkin ?
        Oleh sebab itu saya mencoba membranikan diri untuk mengajukan beberapa lahan di bali yg siapa tau bapak / ibu ada berkeinginan investasi di bali
        Waktu saya akan selalu ON buat bapak / ibu
        Tolong hub saya di HUB: 081239403225
        PIN: 26B047D8


    • Di jual lahan untuk plot industri se luas 80Ha dengan harga 250.000/meter di dalam kawasan KIIC tepat di depan PT. Surya lengo containers. hub dengan abdul gopur 08159454035 emai: abdul72gr@yahoo.com

  7. 151. Fajar Patoeng US$ 1 Million

  8. mengapa banyak orang kaya di indonesia

    tapi lebih banyak lagi orang miskin di indonesia

  9. Yang MISKIN Kayak kelen bagus diam ajalaaaaahhh……..

    Gak bakalan ntu yang 150 orang tadi ngasi kelen duet

    Bagus kelen bukak usaha grosir kelontong….,
    Byar ada uang sekolah anak kelen…,,,

    Sekolahkan tinggi tinggi anak kelen
    Byar bisa jadi orang kaya…..

    Klo tengok dari kelen
    Gak bakalan laaaaaaaaaaaa……….

  10. “A leader in well testing and early production facilities for the oil & gas industry”

    As a group company with world-class capabilities in well testing and fluid, our top priority is to offer the best service for business-based energy and resources in Indonesia. Dwipa Group was established as a company providing Non Destructive Testing for the oil and gas industry. We believe that through commitment, determination and passion for growth, opportunities are endless.

  11. Berikan Bantuan kepada kami, bagi orang pedesaan…! Tuhan Allah akan membalaskannya, kepada-mu, melalui dalam kehidupan sehari2, dalam keluarga & dalam segala rencana” Amin…!!

  12. pengusaha terkaya dapat dideteksi yh…tp kenapa pejabat terkaya tak bisa terdeteksi yh??…

  13. saya jiga punya perusahaan ( nur untung abadi group )

  14. Adakah di Indonesia orang kaya yang peduli kepada orang miskin ???

  15. pak,bagi dong uangnya,pinjam jg gpp,buat modal usaha..

  16. maaf sebelumnya …. orng-orng terkaya diindonesia atau didunia … saya minta bantuan dari kalian semua karena teman saya yg sedang sakit dengan keadaan yang menyedihkan … Dia mempunyai penyakit TBC dan Dia sekarang sudah tidak mempunyai paru-paru yang utuh .. dan demikian saran dari saya … mohon dibantu doa dan dzikirnya

  17. Pemilik Saham Terbesar di PT. Agung Podomoro Group

  18. Pemilik Saham Terbesar di Summarecon Agung

  19. bagi siapa yg ingin berinvestasi dgn cara membeli kebun !!
    silakan Hub ; 085384133144

    di jual kebun karet = 4 ha , 12 ha , 40 ha , 70 ha,. harga rata rata 65 juta per ha.
    di jual kebun sawit = 2 ha, 10 ha , 45 ha , .


  20. yang kaya makin kaya,yang miskin makin lebih sengsara mohon bantuan nya kepada BAPAK/IBU bwat uang kulia saya gak usah bnyak” yang se ikhlas nya aja ini no rek.BCA saya 8435038294 dan ini no hp saya.08994409993 saya bener-bener butuh bantuan nya

  21. Yang kaya makin kaya yg miskin makin melarat

  22. semoga saya segera nyusul kalian untuk jadi pengusaha yang kaya tetapi tetap istiqomah :D. amiin

  23. data tidak valid, masak sih R Budi dan Michael Hartono; 15 miliar dollar AS, yang paling kaya. Gimana dengan bos lion air yang baru aja beli boeing 201 pesawat dan airbus 236 pesawat, itu aja udah hampir 500 trilyuuun man?.. yang teritung aja belum yang dulu2 pesawatnya. Globe Asia tidak Valid

    • kpd yth bpk/ibu yg masuk daftar orang terkaya sy mohon jk anda membangun rumah apartemen dll sy siap melayani anda dlm bidang landscip jk berminat hbg ibu audy 081315368598

  24. tnh di jual daerah bekasi bumi bakti 20 ha hrg 170 rb/m2 jk berminat segera hbg 0821 2555 2001 ibu titin

  25. tnh d jual daerah urip jaya bekasi 100 ha hrg 100 rb/m2 nego surat sertifikat jk berminat segra hbg 0821 2555 2001

  26. wahhh,, kapan ya ane juga akan masuk daftar itu.. hehehe,, semacam ngarep.. 😛

  27. kebanyakan orang yang kaya karna warisan tu lupa akan perjuangan orang tuanya!

    • Cuman syg org kaya matinya gak bw duit… jadi sebelum mati perbanyaklah amal bagi org miskin, mudah2an dpt berkah, didoain byk org utk jadi bekal ke akhirat.. amin..

  28. hahhaahha serem ui jd org kaya,org2 dah pd msuk sorga dan neraka dia malah masih aja di hisab selama 500 taon

  29. duh ente urutan ke 41 nih jd ngakmsasuk dalam daftar, tahun depan hrs masuk 40 besar ahh

  30. sodara-sodara yg terkaya di indonesi saya doakan mudah-mudahan kekayaan anda menjadi menambah amin????/
    and saya minta bantuan dari bapa- bapa. membantu sodara-sodara kita yg tidak punya orang tua untuk membeli baju lebaran saya minta bantuan seiklasnya pa?
    no rek bca2454080351> no telpon 087809358386

  31. Tidak susa klau mau jd org kaya, asl ada kemauan…!

  32. Bagi yang mau invest tanah untuk plot industri di daerah bekasi,karawang dan cikampek bisa hubungi saya,harga sangat murah,karena langsung dari A1, “di jual tanah di dalam kawasan industri KIIC karawang seluas 80Ha dengan harga 250.000/meter,tepat di depan PT. Surya Lengo Containers. hub. abdul 08159454035

  33. Bagi yang mau invest tanah untuk plot industri di daerah bekasi,karawang dan cikampek bisa hubungi saya,harga sangat murah,karena langsung dari A1, “di jual tanah di dalam kawasan industri KIIC karawang seluas 80Ha dengan harga 250.000/meter,tepat di depan PT. Surya Lengo Containers. hub. abdul 08159454035 atau E-mail : abdul72gr@yahoo.com

  34. Pak saya butuh bantuan modal usaha di jember jawa timur, saya mau kembangkan bengkel ac, audio dan variasi mobil, mohon bantuanya, 085746121925

  35. kapan ya ane bisa gantikan posisi mereka?? haha,, ngayal,,

  36. di jual tanah seluas 270 m2 di daerah joglo dengan harga 900 juta,status hak milik harga bisa nego,di jual cepat hub.juna 085 890 464 503

  37. siapa yang punya data orang kaya kalo ada saya minta ? soalnya saya mau investasi dgn orng” tsb ?

  38. wow…sedekah ke saya kenapa!!!!!

  39. Bapak2 yg pada kaya,jangan lupa perbanyak sedekah ,karna kekayaan bukan lah segalanya.

  40. Waw sugi nia, mintek ui sen

  41. aset bangsa berasal dan untuk bangsa berasal

  42. dijual tanah luas 10ha. lokasi di KP3B(Kantor Pusat Pemerintah Provinsi Banten)depan kantor pemerintah provinsi banten,harga 1jta/mtr,sertifikat satu nama,sangat cocok untuk perumahan,hotel,rumah sakit dan usaha lainnya,bagi yang berminat bisa hubungi di 085216399815/081912527922 a/n: asep saepul misbah atau di e-mail, asepsaepul_77@yahoo.com..terimakasih

  43. Jual lokasi strategis di jalan ir hj juanda/dago,bandung. Lt 7 h,Lm 50 m. Cocok untuk perhotelan dan apartemen. Contact person 081214992131.

  44. Mudahan sampean2 menjadi orang kaya juga …saya doakan dan kalian juga berusaha….tapu kalo dah kaya jangan seperti yang didaftar 150 orang tadi ya….wkwkwkwk

  45. smua krn allah, tidak ada yg tidak mungkin di dunia ini

  46. tolong dong sy minta bantuanya kepada bapak2 yang merasa kaya, u/ membantu modal usaha saya.ni no saya (085227365667).tanks

  47. Apapun nama orang terkaya itu ane moga jadi kaya juga deh gan,, hehehe

  48. selamet malam…. Mohon bantuannya….. smoga ada yang berbaik hati….

  49. selamet malam…. Mohon
    bantuannya….. smoga ada yang
    berbaik hati….

  50. Kepada Bpk.Sugianto kusuma atau Bpk.aguan.maaf sebelum nya,nama saya alvian panggilan nya vian.saya ingin memberitahukan kepada bpk.sugianto kusuma.paling enak di sapa nya bpk.aguan/ko aguan aja ya.soal nya saya jga berasal dari org tionghoa.saya punya informasi dari teman saya pak aguan.ada lokasi tanah luas ± 128.000 m2.tanah bekas hak elgendom verponding.yg berada di jl.harsono,kelurahan ragunan,kecamatan pasar minggu,jakarta selatan.lokasi tersebut,memang pas jg elegan pak aguan.soal nya keberadaan lokasi tersebut pas di sebelah jalan raya pak aguan.saya harap,pemberitahuan ini bisa langsung di baca sma pak aguan.jika bpk aguan bersedia untuk membeli tanah tersebut,bisa langsung menghubungi saya di no 082181552589 & 021415768.Saya ucapkan terima kasih buat bpk aguan yg bisa membaca pesan saya ini.

  51. Dijual tanah di bandung, bagus buat invest, perumahan, industri:
    +/- 16 hektar jalan raya rancaekek-majalaya @ 350rb/m2 (harga masi murah, ntinya bakal naik dgn pembangunan tol gedebage-majalaya)
    +/- 26 hektar jalan raya cipatik-soreang @ 450rb/m2 (harga masi murah, ntinya bakal naik dgn pembangunan tol soroja)
    +/- 7 hektar jalan raya cipatik-soreang @ 450rb/m2 (harga masi murah, ntinya bakal naik dgn pembangunan tol soroja)
    +/- 1 hektar dago bawah @ 35jt/m2 (good location, limited area dgn lahan yg besar)
    bisa hubungi ke nomor 082130251580/ pin:225b26b7, thx

  52. tetap saja nabi sulaiman yg paling kaya sedunia

  53. Wujudkan mimpi anda untuk berinvestasi di superblock yang keuntungan bisa mencapai 10-20%,,harga mulai dari 500 jt-an dengan fasilitas bintang 5,,cukup membawa KTP dan NPWP serta booking fee 5 jt,,anda dapat berinvestasi di project apartemen kami :

    Alamat : Jl MT Haryono kav 20 cawang jakarta timur atau anda dapat hubungi YULIUS 085710767771 /021 91740089…

    Stock terbatas segera Hubungi YULIUS 085710767771 / 021-91740089.

  54. yusuf merukh satu2nya orang terkaya indonesia asal ntt khusunya rote ndao, dimana sumbangsinya terhadapo rote ndao boss?

  55. bpk yth.saya sdh tau nama org terkaya dan memohon kpd bpk utk kiranya mmperhatikan tetangga saya yg bpk nya meninggal 2 thn yg lalu dan ibunya kawin lg kpd laki2x lain dan anknya ketiga tsb terancam tdk yg ngurus.ap bila berkena bpk mmbantu ank ttgga tsbt tlh di hbg hp .082167741022

  56. semoga nanti saya yg selanjutnya.
    kunjungi web saya di: dhamarjanuaji.student.ipb.ac.id

  57. satu lagi admin daftar orang terkaya diindonesia yg tidak terdaftar Yaitu : “KORUPTOR”. DAFTAR KEKAYAAN KORUPTOR DIINDONESIA UNLIMITED USD$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$….. 🙂

  58. cermin bangsa indonesia bisa dilihat dari komen2 ini…..!
    inilah mental bangsa kita

  59. untuk yang komen2nya jualan….salut deh, terus berusaha jangan menyerah.
    tp utk Pak wayan, kayanya lugu amat n salah alamat ya…!

  60. Dijual tanah luas -+ 2 ha.. lokasi strategis di jakarta barat.. tepatnya cengkareng barat dan rawa buaya. Harga dibawah standar NJOP.. hub:081314580600.

  61. jual kuda laut 180 kg lokasi kendari sulawesi tenggara anda berminat hub 082395691210

  62. buat orang terkaya di indonesia bantulah kami yng sedang membutuhkan dana untuk memberikan lapangan pekerjaan buat orang2 yng pengaguran ,kmi sdah mengajukan proposal tpi sampe sekarang blum ad realisasi nya,klw bapak berniat membantu kami kirimkan dana di no rek 7910575842 terimakasi, ,

  63. Saya, mencari investor untuk usaha saya dibidang IT dan PHOTOGRAPHY daerah bondowoso-situbondo-banyuwangi-bali, jawa timur bagi bpak investor yg berminat bisa hubungi saya di nomor telpon atas nama rahmat hidayat 085258811230

  64. halo,kalau kita ingin lebih maju,yuk belajar bisnis yg baik,kebiasaan kita yg buruk kta tinggalkan,biasakan bekerja keras,cerdas,dan gak usah ngurusi hal hal sepele yang negatif…ya berpikirlah sepertiorang 2 pengusaha itu..oke,terima kasih. 🙂

  65. perkenalkan kami panitia yang akan membangun sebuah rumah ibadah,namun sudah hampir 7 bln bahkan kami belum sanggup untuk bangun pondasi, apabila bpk/ibu bersedia menyumbang
    kami sangat gembira, alamat kami Kp.Malati RT.01/07 pas di tapal batas Ds.singasari ,Jonggol,beberapa kilo saja dari Rumah Presiden SBY, No.kontak kami 0823 1044 6000,kami senang apabila bpk/ibu survey kelokasi kami pinggir jalan raya Ds.Singasari IPB Jonggol, trimakasih

  66. saya mau jual tanah 2 are dengan harga 25 juta/ are untuk menyambung hidup anak dan istri lokasi di gunaung sari kecamatan batu layar senggigi Lombok. walaupun hidupku susah tapi aku masih Memiliki Allah yang lebih kaya dari kalian tempat ku memohon segala2nya.untuk menjual tanah.aku yakin masih ada org yang mau beli walau hanya 2 are.semoga dengan 2 are itu menjadikan aku lebih kaya dari kalian orang kaya yang takut mati dan miskin .hati ku hancur melihat penderitaan orang indonesia miskin.

  67. jika berminat hubungi nomer hp saya 087864086131
    dengan rekening Bank BCA Cabang Cakranegara norek 0560971575 an.salimun terima kasih yang berminat semoga Allah melimpahkan kekayaan seluas2 untuk kalian yang selalu ikhlas,sabar dan bersyukur.Aminn saya bukan seorang penipu.jika tertarik saya bisa kirim surat jual belinya.

  68. aku tidak meminta sedekah dari harta kalian tapi aku mau menjual apa yang Allah berikan kepada Ku.kepada kalian yang punya harta banyak.karena orang yang ikhlas,sabar dan bersyukur yang aku Do’a kan dunia dan akhirat.Aminn

  69. @salimun.”.hidup susah masih memiliki Allah apa hubungannya yak”.?
    Dari daftar orang kaya memang ada yang memiliki Allah ??
    Sudahlah Kalau tidak mau hidup susah ya banyak bekerja dan jangan percaya tahayul, bos !

  70. Buat org kaya supaya tambah kaya. Anda punya uang kami punya skill. Kami berdua setelah 15 tahun mengamati dunia Trading Major Currencies, telah melakukan riset cara trading(hasilnya hi accurate). Beberapa org berduit telahkami presentasikan dan di simulasikan..namun nyalinya belom siap, mungkin belium siap masalah risk. Kami ingin menawarkan kerjasama, Anda punya uang kami punya skill/keahlian. Tidak perlu banyak nilai kerjasama yg kami tawarkan cukup Rp 1 s,d 5 M saja. Bisnis ini legal karena pempunyai payung Undang Undangm dibawah naungan Kementrian Perdagangan RI.Anda siap hub via email : lukman.itb78@yahoo.com or 081214696671

  71. Buat Bp/Ibu/yang cari lahan di solo kami tawarkan tanah dipusat kota solo yaitu jl. slamet Riyadi solo kami tawarkan tanah luas 4500 M2 dan 700 M2, Peruntukan untuk hotel , Mall, Apartemen Perkantoran dan pertokoan dengan harga dibawah setandar pasar jika bp beminat hubungi kami Aziz M Tlp 08121523169

  72. lah ini ko jadi pada jualan & minta2 disini

  73. This post provides clear idea designed for the new users of blogging, that really
    how to do running a blog.

  74. Yang mau investasi uangnya supaya lebih aman silahkan di investasikan di BNI SYARIAH dan yang mau punya rumah harga miliaran atau mu puya emas juga boleh kita akan bantu untuk mewujudkan mimpi anda dengan cicilan yang terjangkau dan uang muka 30% dari harga agunan yuk yang mau hubungi saya Hana di 081311262245

  75. Lengkap banget pembahasan daftar orang terkaya indonesia disini,, bisa 1 per 20 nya dari mereka aja udah lumayan ya sepertinya 🙂

  76. Mohon maaf bila mengganggu,nama sy imam muhajir,,saya dulu kerja Cuma sebagai reseller yg menjual prodak dari toko toko online di tokopedia,dl lumayan ada hasil pas buat makan sehari hari,tapi sekarang sudah ga ada lagi yg order semenjak tokopedia bikin iklan di televisi,,dan mungkin semuah costumer sudah langsung ke web tokopedia..dan sekarang saya sdh ga bisa kerja lagi karna saya cacat fisik dan ga mampu berkerja berat, bila di ijinkan saya mau mohon bantuanya seihklasnya untuk membuka usaha kecil kecilan,Mungkin berkenan membantu saya ini rek saya BRI KCP UNAAHA : 0644-01-009850-50-1 An.Imam muhajir ,hp.082348222027…Trimakasih

  77. ass..D jual tanah dengan harga 350 miliar lokasi strategis di kota makassar.. jika bapak/ibu minat ingin meninjau lokasi tersebut harap hubungi saya 0812-4114-434…

  78. semua itukan hanya titipan Allah, meskipun punya rumah luas, yg di buat tidur gg lebih dari 2 meter.
    meskipun punya banyak mobil, gg bakalan di pakek sekaligus. meskipun banyak uang gg bakalan dibawa semua.

    semua akan mati, naik kereta kencana, paling poll ambulan APV,… hanya dibungkus kain kafan, paling mahal Rp10.000/m….

    kekayaan sesungguhnya ada di tempat sesudah kehidupan…. kalau kita mau beramal insyaallah akan menjadi tabungan kita diakhirat, dan punya bangunan yang lebih megah daripada didunia..

    bersyukurlah bagi orang kaya yang suka beramal dam membantu kesulitan orang lain…

    • Apakah uang, harta bendanya (si orang-orang kaya tersebut) didapat dengan cara yg baik ? / halalkah kira-kira ? Jawabnya: hanya Allah yg tau detilnya !
      Yg tentunya kita berharap semoga saja baik (halal)…
      Sebaik-baiknya teman kematian adalah amal kebaikan (sewaktu masih hidup di dunia ini)
      “Sebaik-baik manusia diantara kita ialah yang paling banyak manfaatnya bagi orang lain.”

      Salam santun untuk semua 💟
      Terima kasih telah memperingatkan (pesan-nasehatnya) semoga bisa membawa manfaat bagi kita semua.

  79. Dibalik uang bapak ada uang saya,karena saya pelanggan rokok jarum super & gudang garam,semoga kekayaan bapak ada dijalan Allah

  80. Kepada Yth : Para Investor Atau Para Buyer di seluruh Indonesia, kami menawarkan Jual Lepas Lokasi Tanah Siap Bangun sangat murah hanya Rp 2.000.000,- / M2 (Khusus Pembeli Tercepat) untuk Segala Jenis Property Real Estate yang sangat Strategis dimana lokasi trsbt perizinannya resmi dari instansi pemerintahan setempat yang terletak di Blok Saradan desa Jelegong Kecamatan Rancaekek Kabupaten Bandung dan yang terletak di blok Cigabus, blok cijokjok, blok Sayang, blok Munggang Desa Mekargalih Kecamatan Jatinangor Kabupaten Sumedang Jawa Barat seluas kurang lebih 33 Hektar (Perluasan dapat nambah -+ 3 Hektar lagi) dengan kepemilikan Sertipikat Hak Milik dan Akta Jual Beli Tanah, maka kami pihak pengelola menawarkan kepada para Investor yang berminat untuk memiliki dan mengembangkan usahanya di lokasi tanah tersebut, sebagai gambaran dan bahan pertimbangan kami akan mengulas sekilas situasi dan kondisi mengenai lokasi kami ini, Lokasi Strategis Tanah Sawah (SHM) ini seluas 33 Hektar yang perizinannya untuk pembangunan Real Estate ada di Pinggir Jalan Raya Rancaekek Bandung Timur (Lebar Muka -+ 150 Meter), PROSPEK DAN PELUANG PEMASARAN : Pengembangan Pemukiman dan peningkatan jumlah penduduk yang cenderung terus meningkat membuka peluang prospek ke depan untuk mengembangkan usahanya di lokasi tersebut mengingat lokasi tersebut cukup strategis dilihat dari segi diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Jalur Transportasi = a. Dari arah jalur timur seperti dari arah Garut, Tasikmalaya dan kota kota lainnya sangatlah mudah untuk menjangkaunya. b. Sedangkan dari arah Barat dengan melalui jalan Tol Purbaleunyi baik dari arah kota Jakarta, Bandung dan kota kota lainnya dapat ditempuh dengan mudah dan cepat terhindar dari kemacetan. 2. Sosial Budaya Masyarakat = a. Terciptanya masyarakat yang aman, tenteram dan kondusif. b. Mendukung perluasan yang mau mengembangkan usahanya. c. Menjalin kerjasama yang baik antara masyarakat dan pengusaha / pengembang. 3. Segi Ekonomi = Meningkatkan ekonomi lahan, melalui pemanfaatan lahan kosong yang saat ini ditanami sawah dan perubahan fungsi dari lahan kosong menjadi lahan komersil. b. Peningkatan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat. c. Pemenuhan kebutuhan fasilitas dan rekreasi bagi penduduk sekitar. d. Penyediaan lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat sekitar. e. Peningkatan pendapatan bagi investor. f. Meningkatkan kontribusi bagi pemerintah setempat. 4. Segi lingkungan = Lokasi tersebut terhindar dari rawan banjir. b. Lokasi tersebut ramah akan lingkungan. c. Terciptanya lingkungan yang bersih, nyaman dan asri. Pemasaran bagi investor yang mau mengembangkan usahanya dilokasi tersebut terdapat beberapa hal pokok yang mendasari pemikiran dan pertimbangan antara lain : 1. Secara Nasional = Dalam rangka mendukung dan membantu program pemerintah di bidang pembangunan dan pengadaan fasilitas fasilitas guna memenuhi adanya keinginan bagi masyarakat. 2. Secara Regional = Mendukung pengembangan pembangunan kota kecamatan Jatinangor melalui pembangunan dan penyediaan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, layak huni, sehat, teratur dan terjangkau oleh masyarakat. 3. Rencana perluasan pembangunan cukup strategis terjangkau oleh masyarakat luas, bebas dari kemacetan, bebas banjir dan memberikan akses untuk terciptanya lingkungan yang nyaman. 4. Banyaknya perbankan yang dapat menunjang terlaksananya pembangunan. Demikianlah kami sampaikan, maka atas segala perhatiannya dan tanggapannya kami tunggu “SURAT PEMINATAN” dari pihak Investor dan kami ucapkan terima kasih ??? Bantuan survey lokasi dan negosiasi harga hingga transaksi jual beli hingga final transaksi silahkan menghubungi pihak kami Sigit Putranto, SH di 081221169659 / 089632477930. Terimakasih atas segala atensinya.

  81. Kepada Yth, Para Buyer atau Investor atau Developer Real Estate Dimanapun anda berada, kami tawarkan lagi lokasi strategis di tepi jalan raya ramai aktifitas usaha, industri, Mall, Kampus, Perbankan dll cocok untuk Apartement dan Perumahan Cluster tepatnya berada di Dangdeur di Jln. Raya Rancaekek Timur No. 116 (Depan Masjid Al’Masoem). Di Jual Lepas Rp 4.000.000,- / M2 Khusus untuk Pembeli tercepat dengan harga plus bangunan meliputi : 3 Toko, 2 Rumah, 1 GOR, 30-an Kamar Kost, Satu Bidang Kebun, Dua Bidang Sawah dengan total luas tanah -+ 12.350 M2 (6 SHM & 1 AJB) Lokasi berbentuk Ngagentong bisa bawa Hokky, Untuk Bantuan Survey lokasi dan Transaksi jual beli silahkan menghubungi Sigit Putranto, SH di ┃081221169659 /// 089632477930┃ Terimakasih atas segala atensinya???

  82. Kepada Yth, Para Investor atau Buyer atau Developer Real Estate atau Pengusaha Property dimanapun anda berada, kami tawarkan lagi Lokasi Produktif khusus untuk Pembeli Tercepat yaitu Di Jual Lepas hanya Rp,- “Tempat Usaha : Satu Ruko Dan 50 Kamar Kontrakan” posisi sudah ada penyewanya sehingga pemilik baru tinggal meneruskan usahanya untuk dikelola selamanya dimana posisi bangunan sedang dalam tahap renovasi baru berjalan 30% bangunan 2 lantai mau dijadikan 3 lantai untuk bangunan kamar kontrakan tersebut berada di Jln. Kolonel Ahmad Syam Nomor 4, 5 & 6 Jatinangor Sumedang Kode Pos 45363, dengan Luas Bangunan 1020 M2 & Luas Tanah 1190 M2 (2 SHM An.1 Pemilik). Sisa lahan di belakang seluas -+ 600 M2 dapat dipergunakan untuk lapangan parkir, dan bangunan baru untuk Hotel dan kontrakan sehingga Potensi pendapatan di lokasi ini dapat menghasilkan di atas Rp,- / Tahun, karena Rencana Pembangunan 14 Tower Apartement termasuk milik Agung Podomoro Group di sekitarnya dan rencana pindahnya ITB ke Jatinangor dapat meningkatkan potensi bisnis di daerah Jatinangor dimana potensi lokasi ini berada di 50 meter dekat Kampus UNPAD Jatinangor, di 75 meter dekat Kampus ITB / UNWIM, 700 meter dekat Lapangan GOLF Bandung Giri Gahana, 900 meter dekat Bumi Perkemahan Bukit Manglayang, 700 meter dekat Kampus IKOPIN, 900 meter dekat Kampus IPDN, 50 meter dekat Masjid, 90 meter dekat Mall Jatinangor Town Square, 200 meter dekat Puskesmas / Klinik, Rumah Makan / Kantin dan Minimarket, untuk jalur transportasi dilalui Angkutan kota 24 jam non stop, 50 meter Bus Damri Antar Kota Bandung, Lintasan Bus Antar Kota (Jalan Utama), Untuk Bantuan Survey Lokasi dan Transaksi Jual Beli lokasi tersebut, Silahkan menghubungi Sigit Putranto, Sh di ┃081221169659 /// 089632477930┃ Terimakasih atas segala atensinya ???

  83. Saya selalu mengikuti kuliah on line dari UCC – UCEO baik berupa T.100 dan lain2nya dari program untuk mencip –

    takan enam juta enterpreneur di tahun 2030.Yang diperkirakan penduduk indonesia ada 300 juta dan ideal 2% dari

    jumlah kisaran ada 6 juta enterpreneurnatinya.Demikian kira2 benang merah dari program UCEO-nyaBpk.Dr.Ir.Ciputra.

    Tidak terasa waktu empat tahun berjalan dengan cepatnya dan ilmu kehidupan dari beliau Bpk.Dr.Ir.Ciputra langsung

    saya terapkan di usaha kecil2an (UKM) milik saya secara langsung selaku murid UC-On Liner.Saya merasa beruntung

    bisa secara gratis/tidak membayar untuk belajar dari beliau2 : Bpk.Sudhamek (Garuda Group) -Bpk.Dahlan Iskan (Ja-

    wa Pos Group) -Bpk.Sandiaga Uno (Saratoga Capital) dan Ibu Martha Tila’ar (Sari Ayu Cosmetika).Kalau benar2 kita

    tidak neko2 dan mau mengikuti nasehat2 ataupun pelajaran beliau saya yakin se-yakin2nya akan memperoleh kesuk-

    sesan seperti yang saya alami empat tahun perjalanan usaha saya sekarang ini.Belum lagi dari beliaunya Bpk.Dr.IrCi-

    putra beserta staff2nya : Bpk.Antonius Tanan -Bpk.Nur Agustinus -Bpk.Dharma Kusuma dan para staff yang lain tidak

    bisa saya sebutkan satu-persatu tentu karena banyak sekali para staff2nya.Memang benar saya sama sekali tidak per-

    nah bertemu-muka apalagi bertatap muka dengan Bpk.Dr.Ir.Ciputra dengan para staffnya.Sungguh mulia ajakan dari

    program UCEO untuk menularkan jiwa kewirausaha’an dengan menciptakan (paling sedikit) ada enam juta jumlah en-

    nterpreneur di tahun 2030 menuju masyarakat adil-makmur-sejahtera dan kejaya’an bangsa indonesia.Ajakan saya

    kepada yang baru lulus untuk membuka kran wirausaha dan mengikuti program UCEO maupun mengetrapkanya.

    Lebih agung dan mulia lagi seperti yang diucapkan Bpk.Dr.Ir.Ciputra ” Untuk menularkan virus enterpreneur apabila

    sudah memperoleh kesuksesan di bidang wirausahanya ” Dari saya…………Famillia Group – doktertoeloes “swiss van –

    java “malang……………………Salam Hyppocrates Cerdas !!..SALAM ENTERPRENEUR..!! (tiga jari tangan kanan).

  84. saya hanya butuh pekerjaan apa saja yg penting halal ..adakah yg mo membantu???jgn d bidang marketing krn sy sdh tua hub.saya ke no 081291759963 dgn ibu nunik trimakasih

  85. terimakasih mas infonya menarik.

    semoga yang membaca tulisan ini tergerak untuk bisa bersama mengentaskan kemiskinan bukannya sekedar mengutuk kekayaan.


  86. Saya suka sama Tahir Gan bos CEO Mayapada Group. Kepedulian dia untuk memuliakan orang lain sangat diacungi jempol, bill gates aja dibela belain kunjungi indonesia demi tahir.. 🙂

  87. Ada baiknya artikel ini menjadi acuan kita untuk lebih bersemangat dan gigih dalam bekerja. Bagi kalian yang percaya bahwa rezeki sudah ada yang mengatur, ikhtiarlah dengan jalan yang benar karena rezeki tentu akan kita dapatkan jika kita berkualitas dalam bekerja. Janganlah menuntut untuk diberi jika kita masih memiliki kesempatan hidup dengan kesehatan jasmani dan rohani. Kan ada yang bilang kekayaan gak dibawa mati. Yaaaa… yang dibawa mati itu amalan kita semasa hidup.Yuk semangat :))

    • Sip mbak Novia √ : saya sangat setuju dengan semangatnya ! Bahwasanya kita memang harus seperti itu: Kita musti bekerja keras, bekerja cerdas, bekerja yg pantas, patut, baik & benar ! Supaya jerih payah kita menjadi berkah & di ridhoi oleh Allah: kita musti mau mengikuti ajaran/petunjuk-Nya ! – mari berpikir yg baik, bertindak yg baik, senantiasa usahakan yg baik² _yg halal² saja_ ((Lebih baik sedikit tapi mencukupi (yg penting halal) ! Daripada banyak tapi didapat dengan cara yg tidak baik alias dengan cara yg haram & apalagi sering merasa kekurangan))…
      Akhirnya jika ada kekurangan & kesalahan pada kata-kata saya: harap pemaklumannya & kemaafannya ! – Semoga Allah senantiasa menuntun & meridhoi kita.

  88. Mungkin kalu berminat para inpestor Mau berinvestasi di Kota kami di palembang kami sangat senang sekali.kami punya tanah 2.000.000 M2…lokasi strategis di dekat bandara Sultan Mahmud Badarudin ll palembang. berminat hubungi no saya 081377592928 .mohon pertimbangannya
    Beri Komen

  89. fggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

  90. Mohon Bantuannya seiklasnya Menyumbang krim kan ke Bank syariah Mandiri Reg 7080222507 atas Nama suwiyanto tlpn 085322227849 semoga ALLAH membalas kebaikkan anda di Ganti 10X Lipat amin.

  91. Asslm wr wb?? Buat orang yang terkaya di indonesia Mohon bantuan nya seiklasnya nyasih sedekah krim ke Bank mandiri syariah Reg 7080222507 atas Nama suwiyanto tlpn 085322227849 semoga ALLAH menyertai anda sebagai orang kaya di indonesia

  92. Kpd.yth bp/ibu.para pengusaha di tmpt. Sy ingin mnwr kan pabrik yg bergerak di bidang kawat baja luas tnh 4 hktr mau di jual seluruh aset nya pabrik msh jln.mdh2 an ada pengusaha yg mau.komisi akan sy gnkan untuk kaka sy yg lg sakit.trima kasih hub.087870456373

  93. assalammu’alaikum…sy putri dr alm.H. MULYONO dari istri HJ. HARNIATY (Jln Veteran III ) jak pus. sy hanya ingin menyampaikan salam hormat sy tuk JAN DARMADI. Adakah bapak masih mengingat kami ?? krn kami pernah membina hubungan baik dengan bapak. Harapan sy smg bpk masih memiliki kepribadian yang rendah hati, dermawan, dan low profile. aminnn………..

  94. Assalammu’alaikum,..Sekedar mengingat sejarah bpk JAN DARMADI dgn alm MULYONO ayah saya, PANTAI SALIRA INDAH di serang JAWA BARAT pernah menjadi saksi sejarah perjalanan dan perjuangan ayah saya alm MULYONO dgn JAN DARMADI. Jika bpk JAN DARMADI masih memiliki kepribadian yg sama seperti dulu rendah hati, dermawan dan low profile, saya sangat mengharapkan kontak silahturahmi beliau di no saya ( iin ) 081288385596./ (ibu saya ) 081342502042 Terima kasih banyak..smg slalu dalam lindungan Allah Swt. Aminnn…

  95. Bagi anda org” terkaya biasanya tidak lepas mengoleksi rumah” antique,
    Saya menawarkan; ( rumah adat kudusan )
    Bagi anda” yg berminat silahkan kiranya sudi menghubungi
    No ; 087746477708

      Perkenalkan saya yang berperan penting membangun seni di dalam rumah adat kudus milik : H.DARWINTO jepara/jawa tengah, salah satu relasi anda
      Saya di sini mau menawarkan ( rumah adat kudus )
      * joglo kudus
      * gasebo
      * gebyok ukir 3 dimensi
      * relief dsbg
      Silahkan kiranya sudi menghubungi
      No; 087746477708
      Sebelum/sesudahnya saya ucapkan byk trm kasih


    Blitar, 22 Maret 2016
    Yth. Pendanaan Kredit

    Dengan hormat,
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