Posts tagged ‘Job Opportunities’

April 17, 2011



Dramcroft Survey Indonesia is a market survey and research company that leverages leading edge technology and survey methodology to serve our customers.We offer opportunities for qualified, highly motivated and energetic professionals who desire to grow in our high performance organization.

We invite highly qualified professionals to fill the following position:
Survey and Research Origination (Jakarta Raya)

Female/Male, maximum 35 years old
S1/bachelor’s degree in any major
At least 5 years of working experience in origination or marketing to corporate client, non-profit organization and/or government organization.
Possesses excellent communication & presentation skills (in english and bahasa)
Previous experience in project management, quantity survey, internal audit, quality control, and/or investigating, analyzing, and developing a course of action to detect and prevent process lapses would be desirable
Has the ability to work independently with little supervision

If you have the commitment to grow with us, please send your detailed CV in English with the most recent photograph and a statement listing the desired position within 2 weeks All applicants will be treated confidentially
only short-listed candidates will be notified


PT Dramcroft Survey Indonesia
Menara BCA 50th floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin. No: 1
Jakarta 10310

November 22, 2010

Peluang Pekerjaan + Karir di PT INTI

Peluang Karir

PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia memberikan kesempatan kepada tenaga-tenaga muda yang enerjik, berkepribadian menarik, memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, dan berkemauan maju dalam karir untuk bergabung sebagai tim yang tangguh dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan Customer.

Kode A
Minimal S1 jurusan Telekomunikasi / Elektronika / IT / Teknik Fisika / Marketing / Ekonomi atau jurusan lain yang memiliki pengalaman selling/ketertarikan dalam bidang Elektronika, telekomunikasi dan informatika, memiliki kemampuan influence & impact yang baik, mudah bergaul serta membangun relasi, berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tertulis secara baik, bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta dalam bidang Account Management
Kode B
Minimal S1 jurusan Telekomunikasi / Elektronika / IT / Teknik Fisika (yang memiliki interest/ketertarikan dalam bidang Elektronika, telekomunikasi (wireless & line) dan Informatika), memiliki kemampuan influence & impact yang baik, mudah bergaul dan membangun relasi, berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tertulis secara baik, menguasai dan pengalaman bekerja di bidang wireless/line communication system lebih diutamakan, untuk ditempatkan di bidang Sales Engineering
Kode C
D3 Akuntansi, memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tertulis dengan baik, jujur, teliti, dan mahir menggunakan komputer sebagai pengolah kata dan spreadsheet, untuk ditempatkan di Bidang Akuntansi dan Keuangan
Kode D
S1 jurusan Akuntansi, memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tertulis dengan baik, jujur, teliti, dan mahir menggunakan komputer sebagai pengolah kata dan spreadsheet, untuk ditempatkan di Bidang Sekretariat Perusahaan
Kode E
S1 jurusan Hukum, memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tertulis secara baik, mahir menggunakan komputer sebagai pengolah kata dan spreadsheet, untuk ditempatkan di Bidang Sumber Daya Manusia
Ketentuan dan Syarat

Bersedia menandatangani perjanjian kontrak kerja selama maksimal 2 tahun dan Pernyataan tentang Conflict of Interest bila memenuhi persyaratan & lolos tahapan seleksi, serta dapat diangkat sebagai karyawan tetap perusahaan bila memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan sesudahnya
Format Rincian Curriculum Vitae dan Resume Lamaran dapat diunduh di sini
Penamaan file untuk pengiriman Surat lamaran : nama pelamar_SL.doc
Penamaan file untuk pengiriman Rincian Curriculum Vitae : nama pelamar_RCV.doc
Penamaan file untuk pengiriman Resume lamaran : nama pelamar_RSM.xls
Surat lamaran, Rincian Curriculum Vitae, Resume lamaran yang telah dilengkapi dan file-file hasil scanning dalam format .PDF untuk ijasah/Legalisir*), transkrip akademis*), IPK, Surat Keterangan Berkelakuan Baik*) serta dokumen pendukung lain yang dianggap penting dikirimkan sekaligus melalui email ke :, yang diterima selambatnya pada tanggal 19 Nopember 2010 dengan mencantumkan Kode Pilihan (A, B, C, D atau E) pada subjek email. Satu pelamar hanya diperkenankan mengirim satu (1) kode.
*) Penamaan file untuk pengiriman ijasah/legalisir : nama pelamar_IJZ.PDF
*) Penamaan file untuk pengiriman transkrip akademis : nama pelamar_TR.PDF
*) Penamaan file untuk pengiriman Surat Keterangan Berkelakuan Baik : nama pelamar_SKKB.PDF
Pelamar yang mengirimkan berkas lamaran di luar ketentuan di atas tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut
Tim Rekrutasi dan Seleksi berhak melakukan seleksi atas lamaran yang masuk
Pelamar yang terseleksi pada point 6 (pada ketentuan dan syarat) akan dihubungi melalui email untuk mengikuti proses validasi dan verifikasi dokumen fisik
Keputusan Tim Rekrutasi dan Seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat
Tim Rekrutasi dan Seleksi tidak melayani korespondensi dalam bentuk apapun terkait dengan hasil seleksi dan selama proses rekrutasi & seleksi berlangsung

April 16, 2010

Kementerian Keuangan Buka Lowongan 1.722 CPNS

Kementerian Keuangan Buka Lowongan 1.722 CPNS
Laporan wartawan PERSDA Hasanuddin Aco
Kamis, 15 April 2010 | 15:36 WIB

JAKARTA, — Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) diperkirakan akan membuka peluang kerja bagi para lulusan sarjana Strata 1 (S-1) dan Strata 2 (S-2) pada tahun 2010 ini sekitar 1.722 calon pegawai negeri sipil (CPNS) baru. Untuk mendapatkan peluang ini, dilaksanakan penyaringan yang terdiri dari empat tahapan, yakni tes potensi akademik, psikotes, tes kesehatan dan kebugaran, serta wawancara.

Demikian siaran pers Kepala Biro Humas Kemenkeu Harry Z Soeratin di Jakarta,
Kamis (15/4/2010).
“Diperkirakan, kebutuhan pegawai baru Kementerian Keuangan tahun ini sebesar
1.722 orang. Di mana jumlah tersebut akan dibagi ke dalam 12 unit eselon I sesuai
dengan kebutuhan tiap instansi. Walaupun berbasis keuangan, tampaknya
Kementerian Keuangan tidak hanya memberikan kesempatan bagi sarjana lulusan jurusan ekonomi dan jurusan-jurusan terkait keuangan lainnya,” katanya.
Dijelaskan, Kementerian Keuangan pun akan membuka peluang bagi sarjana lulusan dari jurusan desain komunikasi visual, ilmu sejarah, sastra Arab, sastra Jepang, sastra China, pendidikan bahasa Indonesia, hingga pendidikan Matematika.
Dikatakan, persyaratan yang diberikan pada penyaringan kali ini lebih kurang sama
dengan persyaratan pendaftaran penyaringan CPNS Kementerian Keuangan pada tahun 2008.
Persyaratan tersebut terkait dengan usia, kualifikasi pendidikan, indeks
prestasi kumulatif, kesehatan, dan kesediaan penempatan saat lulus nantinya. Informasi lengkap mengenai persyaratan dan tata cara pendaftaran secara lengkap dan resmi akan diumumkan pada awal bulan Mei 2010. Pendaftaran penyaringan ini secara keseluruhan akan dilaksanakan secara online.
Namun, calon peserta diharapkan sudah mempersiapkan segala keperluan sejak dini
khususnya yang terkait dengan kebutuhan administrasi, misal surat keterangan
sehat, surat keterangan kelakuan baik, kartu kuning, dan legalisasi ijazah.
“Selain itu, tampaknya dalam pelaksanaan proses penerimaan nanti, grading penerimaan akan diperketat dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya, terutama untuk hal-hal yang terkait dengan integritas dan kompetensi dasar. Khusus untuk tes kesehatan dan kebugaran akan disesuaikan dengan standar yang ada, maka setiap peserta harus berada dalam kondisi yang benar-benar sehat dan tidak dalam kondisi yang memberatkan, misal hamil,” kata dia.

Site Meter

April 9, 2010

Indonesia Butuh 10.000 Penilai

Indonesia Butuh 10.000 Penilai
Jurnal Nasional Jakarta | Fri 09 Apr 2010
by : Widyasari
KETUA Masyarakat Profesi Penilai Indonesia (MAPPI) Hamid Yusuf mengatakan bahwa hingga 10 tahun ke depan, Indonesia membutuhkan sekitar 10.000 penilai. Hal ini dikatakannya dalam acara konferensi pers Pan Pacific Congress, yang diselenggarakan di kantor Kementerian Keuangan, Jakarta, Kamis (8/4).
“Kebutuhan akan jasa penilai berbanding lurus dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi, selalu dilihat dari Gross Domestic Brutto (GDP). Di negara setara Indonesia, sebanyak satu juta orang dilayani oleh 50 penilai. Namun, yang terjadi di Indonesia, sebanyak satu juta penduduk hanya dilayani kurang dari 10 penilai. Pada tahun 2012, kami membutuhkan penilai sebanyak 5.000-6.000 orang. Dalam 10 tahun ke depan, kami butuh 10.000 orang (penilai),” katanya.
Sementara itu, Kepala Pusat Pembinaan Akuntan dan Jasa Penilai Kementerian Keuangan, Langgeng Subur menambahkan, jumlah penilai teregistrasi di Indonesia saat ini baru sekitar 307, yang berasal dari 107 kantor, terdiri dari penilai publik dan penilai pemerintah. “Jadi, masih dibutuhkan banyak sekali (penilai) di Indonesia. MAPPI punya peran penting dalam menjaga aset negara, perbankan, asuransi, pasar modal dan dana pensiun,” katanya.
Menurut Hamid, saat ini MAPPI memiliki anggota sekitar 2000 orang, dengan pertumbuhan anggota sebesar lima hingga 10 persen per tahun. “Sekitar 450 lebih kabupaten/kota sekarang butuh penilai misalnya untuk neraca aset publik,” katanya.
Dalam waktu dekat, pada tahun 2012, Indonesia akan mengadopsi International Reporting Standar. Oleh karena itu, maka peranan profesi MAPPI akan sangat penting.
Lebih lanjut, Hamid menjelaskan di Indonesia, profesi penilai ini merupakan profesi di sektor keuangan yang berdiri sejak 29 tahun lalu, yang diinisiator oleh Kementerian Keuangan pada masa itu. “Di negara maju, profesi ini sudah berumur 50 hingga 100 tahun, dimana lebih banyak bergerak di sektor pertanahan. Sektor yang terkait kebutuhan penilai, pada tahun 1970-an dibutuhkan oleh ipeda (iuran pembangunan daerah). Sehingga seluruh area berbasis tanah, membutuhkan jasa penilai,” katanya.
Langgeng menambahkan, pada era ekonomi global yang kompetitif saat ini, informasi mengenai properti ataupun nilai bisnis sangat penting, dalam rangka pengambilan keputusan dibidang ekonomi. Oleh karena itu, informasi yang akurat dan transparan akan menentukan harga yang kompetitif.
Sementara itu, Ketua Panitia Pan Pacific Congress, Rengganis Kartono mengatakan pada masa krisis, jasa penilai meningkat, karena dalam situasi normal, misalnya bisa mengatakan nilai pasar itu berlaku untuk jangka waktu tertentu. Akan tetapi, dalam situasi krisis, keadaannya tidak menentu, dimana angka bisa berubah capat sekali. “Pagi hari, misalnya, minyak berubah dalam hitungan jam. Dalam hal ini, penilaian menjadi sangat dibutuhkan, dimana disesuaikan dengan frekuensi dalam kondisi normal. Ini tantangan kami untuk memberikan indikasi yang akurat,” katanya.
Menurut Rengganis, salah satu hal yang menjadi pekerjaan rumah asosiasi penilai adalah menentukan nilai tanah dalam rangka kompensasi dalam pengadaan tanah. “Infrastruktur selalu terkendala masalah tanah. Ini pekerjaan rumah (PR) kita untuk menentukan harga tanah. Prinsipnya, mengompensasi secara wajar dan yang dikompensasi bisa mendapatkan untung, tidak lebih buruk,” katanya.
Hamid mengatakan, kendala yang ada di Indonesia saat ini adalah belum adanya infrastruktur yang baik. Misalnya, dalam ketentuan hukum, Indonesia belum memiliki regulasi. “Sekarang sedang disusun draf untuk bisa menghadirkan undang-undang (UU) penilai. Di negara tetangga, tahun 1981 sudah ada UU penilai. Dengan begitu, semua transaksi infrastruktur sudah diatur oleh negara, sehingga tidak ada yang bisa menipu. Siapa membeli apa, bisa dilihat. Itu menjadi rujukan data pasar penilai, sehingga bisa dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum,” tandasnya.

January 6, 2010

Grant Officer ICCO

ICCO (Interchurch
Organizationfor Development
Co-operation) in affiliation with INFID is going to open a Regional
Working Office which will be based in Bali. Areas of concern of ICCO is access to basic rights, democratisation and
peacebuilding, Economic development and emergency response. For this regional
Office, ICCO is seeking for experienced
and highly motivated individuals to fill positions of:

The main responsibility of the Grant Officer is to conduct financial
monitoring, analysis, assessment and evaluate ICCO Partners in South East Asia
Regionand to contribute to proper utilization of funds made available
by ICCO/Kerkin Actie to projects/programmes and programme coalitions.

The main tasks of the Finance officers will be;

* Financial analysisand assessment of
programme and project proposals including revenues, spending,and cash flow forecasts
* Financialmonitoring and
evaluation of the partner organisations, programmes and projectsby analysis of
financial reports and audits.
* Preparations of
payments in the contracts between ICCO/ Kerk in Actie and local organisations
* Financial handlingof institutionally
funded projects
* Assist withpreparation and review
of plans, budgets, performance reports, project proposals, and return on investment analysis.
* Assist with thepreparation of medium
term and long term financial plans,
* Assess and adviseon the financial
capacity of partner organisations and accountability systems
* Facilitatecapacity building and
expert knowledge in financial administration and control
* Contribute to thedevelopment and
implementation of building ICCO/ Kerk in Actie financialmanagement capacities
* Contribute to thestrengthening of the control environments of the RWO Profile
of the Finance Officers

Qualification needed for this position:
* Appropriatedegree, for example in
Finance or other relevant professional qualification
* Competence anddemonstrated experience
in the use of computerized systems, including financialsoftware applications
is essential
* Experience withinstitutional donors
* Substantialexperien ce in finance
with a demonstrated track record on financial monitoringof projects.
* Budgetaryresponsibi lity in an
international environment would be preferable but not essential
* Knowledge on ICTsystems used by ICCO/
Kerk in Actie desirable. ICCO uses MS Office andMicrosoft Dynamics.
* Strong interpersonalskills , attention to
detail, discretion and high integrity are imperative
* Excellent languageskills in English and
* Ability andwillingness to work
with people of different backgrounds and to contributeconstruct ively to a
working environment based on mutual respect and trust
* Willing to travel within the country and outside the country

Please send your applicationletteran d CV in English
by email to HR Department at the email address iccoasiadesk@ yahoo.comno later than4 January 2010.

Only short listed
candidates will be interviewed. Women are encouraged to apply.

January 6, 2010

Positions Announcements United States Peace Corps

Positions Announcements

The United States Peace Corps program in Indonesia seeks qualified and motivated candidates for the following positions. Peace Corps Indonesia is a US government program partnering with the government of Indonesia to help meet training needs in Indonesia and encourage the bond and cultural understanding between the two countries. Peace Corps brings volunteers from the United States to work in Indonesian schools to assist in the development of English language instruction. Our mission here will be opening in or around January, 2010.


Position description: The Information Technology (IT) Specialist is an essential position which keeps all the network and communication systems at post functioning so that data can be accessed and exchanged securely at all times. The IT Specialist is the primary contact for first-tier technical support at an overseas post: administering the local IT systems, maintaining ITS mandated configurations, ensuring that all IT systems adhere to Peace Corps and US Government policy, and training Peace Corps staff in use of technology. This position requires high levels of problem solving skills and the ability to work independently, but within the bounds of policies and guidance set by Peace Corps Headquarters.

Qualifications Required:

Language Requirement: Fluency in Bahasa Indonesian and English.

Academic: Completion of education or training resulting in a baccalaureate degree in information technology or computer science, or the completion of five-years of work experience providing equivalent qualification.

Work Experience: At least two years experience in network administration, troubleshooting Windows computer systems and training computer users.


Position Description: The General Services Manager is responsible for post logistics, maintenance, purchasing, and inventory records. GSM coordinates Peace Corps’ motor pool and oversees official vehicle maintenance. The GSM is responsible for locating and obtaining various services and materials needed or the operation of the post. The incumbent is responsible for the delivery of mail and shipments, and works with the US Embassy and Consulate and customs officials to ensure timely customs clearance of Peace Corps property. The GSM also monitors utility providers ensuring the most reliable service possible. Other logistical, reporting, and monitoring tasks will be assigned to the GSM as required to aid the operation of the Peace Corps program. This is a multi-function position requiring a great degree of energy, flexibility and creativity. Due to the myriad of duties required, the GSM will need an internal sense of prioritization and organization.

Qualifications Required:

Language Requirement: Fluency in Bahasa Indonesian and English.

Academic: Completion of secondary education required. University degree preferred.

Work Experience: At least three years experience in related field.


Position Description: The Safety and Security Coordinator provides safety and security support to post. The role of the SSC is to support Volunteer site inspection and selection, site visits, and revision of the Emergency Action Plan. The SSC has primary responsibility to monitor and maintain appropriate documentation regarding post compliance with security policies and be the contact point with the Peace Corps Safety and Security Officers (PCSSO), Safety and Security Desk Officers, Consulate security officials, and local law enforcement agencies in carrying out duties to ensure the safety of Volunteers and the Peace Corps Indonesia mission. The nature of Peace Corps requires safety to be integrated in cultural understanding and Volunteer integration into communities. The SSC must possess cultural acuity and sensitivity, and the ability to explain aspects of Indonesian culture to foreigners and provide advice for appropriate behavior.

Qualifications Required:

Language Requirement: Fluency in Bahasa Indonesian and English.

Academic: Completion of university degree required.

Work Experience: At least three years work experience in cultural training or security related field.

Qualified and interested candidates should send a description of their qualifications and CV by e-mail to pcjobs@mk.peacecorp no later than January 9, 2010. In subject area, state position for which you are applying.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

December 21, 2009

Programme Administrator/ Programme Officer HIVOS

Title: Programme Administrator/ Programme Officer
Duty Station: Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia
Responsible to: Programme Manager Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme
Coordinates with: IDBP Program staff at national and provincial level, Hivos PO SED, Hivos ROSEA Director, Technical Advisors, support staff and stakeholders.
Duration: October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010 (extension possible).
Closing date : 14 September 2009

Since 15 May 2009, Hivos is running the Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme (IDBP), funded by the Dutch government. This programme is undertaken in close cooperation with SNV Netherlands Development organisation.

The overall objective of the Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme is to disseminate domestic bio-digesters as a local and sustainable energy source through the development of a market oriented sector in selected provinces.

The specific objectives of the Programme contributing to its overall objective are:
• To support implementation of provincial bio-digester programmes and increase the number of quality domestic bio-digesters with 8,000 in maximum eight provinces, of which 2,000 installations will be outside Java;
• To ensure the continued operation of all bio-digesters installed under the programme;
• To maximise the benefits of the operated bio-digesters, in particular the optimal use of digester slurry;
• To develop the capacity of existing organisations and institutions and to facilitate establishment of organisations and institutions for the continued and sustained development of the bio-digester sector;
• To develop financial services to enable poor farmer households to participate in the biogas programmes;
• To effectively exchange knowledge between all relevant actors in the programme and with relevant international actors.

The Programme intends to recruit a Program Administrator who supports the Programme Manager in securing the quality of the Program Administration.


The Program Administrator will, as part of the Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme team in Jakarta, be responsible for the proper implementation of Programme Administration at the national level and provide backup for the Provincial Coordinators in the Provincial Programme Offices.

Main responsibilities

• Draft, discuss, negotiate and finalize partnership agreements, contracts and other agreements with stakeholders (gov, NGOs, private sector, cooperatives) .
• Liaise with stakeholders (gov, NGOs, private sector, cooperatives) and maintain a network to support the development of a biogas sector
• Draft job descriptions, lead or assist in recruitment of IDBP staff at national and provincial level.
• Assist in the preparation of Terms of Reference for consultants and programme activities.
• Assist in discussing, drafting and updating of standard operation guidelines for the IDBP.
• Assist in monitoring the internal management of the IDBP.
• Assist in developing a knowledge base within the IDBP for wider use.
• Contribute to Programme development strategies.
• Assist the Programme Manager in additional tasks as requested.

Requirements for the job

The successful candidate must have the following qualifications and/or skills:


• University degree in business, finance, economy, social sciences or a related field.

Work experience
• 7 years relevant work experience with proven track record in programme management or business management.
• Proven track record in programme administration, both the programmatic as well as the financial-administr ative side;
• Experienced in drafting and executing contracts, partnership agreements, procurement of goods and services;
• Experience with the functioning of government/public sector, private sector and civil society organizations, including private public partnerships;
• Knowledge of and experience with community development, social inclusion and gender, renewable energy sector and non-for-profit sector preferred;
• Experience with participatory techniques, coaching, knowledge management, learning and team building;
• Excellent English language skills (TOEFL 575 or higher) – an English language test may be part of the selection procedure;
• Willingness to travel (around 20%)

Starting date: October 1, 2009 (negotiable)


Interested candidates can send CV and a cover letter to the following email address :
hrd@hivos.or. id with reference code “VacProgram Admin/PO Officer – Biogas”.
Applications without a proper cover letter will not be considered.
Applications should include the names of at least three references.

Further information on Hivos :

December 3, 2009

Lowongan World Vision Indonesia

Lowongan World Vision Indonesia

World Vision Indonesian is a Christian humanitarian organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families, and communities living in poverty. Inspired by our Christian values, World Vision is dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender

World Vision Indonesia is seeking the folowing position :
Program Manager(Code: ADPM)
Major Roles:
Manage the implementation of community development program to ensure quality deliverables that bring impacts to the well being of children in the community


* S-1 Degree in any dicipline, Master Degree is preferred
* Competent in project management with proven track records
* Minimum of 2 years experience in managing projects and leadership roles is a must
* Exoeruebce ub the humantarian work
* TOEFL Score is 500

* Based in Papua(Jayapura, Wamena);NTT (Kupang); Sulawesi/Maluku( Parimo, Touna); Kalimantan (Sekadau, Landak)

Submit your application with updated CV and copy of ID Card within 10 days from this advertisement to:

Human Resources Development
World Vision International, Indonesia
Jl. Wahid Hasyim No. 33 Jkarta 10340
Or Email: RecruitmentIndonesi
As child focused organization. WV is comitted to the protection of children & doesn’t employ staff whose background is not suitable for working with children . All employment is conditioned upon the sucessful completion of all applicable background checks.

December 1, 2009

Job Opportunity @ Coffey

Job Opportunity @ Coffey
Finance Manager
-Based in Jakarta
-One year contract with possible extension

Coffey International Development is a global development consultancy focused on making a difference by improving the lives of world communities. We are the trusted advisers to many donor agencies, national governments, and private sector organisations around the world. Part of Coffey International Group with offices throughout Middle East, Asia, The Pacific, Africa, Europe,and the US, Coffey international Development has provided project management and specialist services to more than 800 projects in over 75 countries.

We are currently recruiting for a Finance Manager to work in our Jakarta office. As Finance Manager, your key focus will be managing the financial affairs of the Coffey International Development office, including financial analysis and reporting for management. This position has oversight for general accounting, project accounting, internal audit, cost accounting, tax audit and budgetary controls for the Coffey International Development Indonesia office and its project in Indonesia. The Finance Manager will work with other members of the Coffey International Development leadership team in supporting the Chief Representative in the management and administration of the Jakarta Office.

You will be degree qualified in Accounting, Finance, Commerce or related discipline.
You will have extensive experience in project accounting and budgeting; management reporting; excellent English proficiency in both written and spoken English, proven management and a solid knowledge of principle and techniques of cost management and control; approaches to systems review and improvement and proven knowledge of relevant accounting software applications in QuickBooks.

The ideal candidate will have ability to think clearly and logically, well developed verbal and written communications skills at all levels; demonstrated ability to communicate with persons of various cultures and disciplines; excellent analytical skills, business-like presentation, skills in problem identification and resolution; ability to meet deadlines; ability to allocate and review priorities and work in a team environment.

You will also have a high degree of flexibility in work and personal life; ability to work independently with limited supervision; management and leadership skills including coaching and mentoring; computer operating skills at a level sufficient to prepare budgets on spreadsheets and to monitor project progress and expenditure

The Application Process: A detailed job and person specification and online application form for this position are available via our website or from Evy Suryanti (Evy_Suryanti@ quoting reference number COFF – 863

December 1, 2009

Job Opportunities @ Bank Dunia | The World Bank

Job Opportunities @ Bank Dunia | The World Bank

Public Finance and Regional Development (PFRD) is a team within the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PREM) unit of the World Bank Office Jakarta that analyzes public spending at both the national and sub-national levels. The team manages a sub-national database of public finance data and is implementing a program (Public Expenditure Analysis and Capacity Harmonization – PEACH) to analyze public spending at the provincial and district level, together with activities to enhance the capacity of local governments for budgeting and planning. To support this program, the World Bank Office in Jakarta is recruiting for the position of:

Economist #092109

The applicant should possess the following qualifications:
-Minimum of M.A in Economics or related discipline
-Minimum five years of relevant working experience
-Excellent knowledge of decentralization and public finance in Indonesia
-Excellent data skills and familiarity with statistical methods and standard econometric software packages, especially STATA
-Excellent knowledge of principal sources and retrieval systems of economic and social development data.
-Experience in leading production of major reports and/or programs specifically on public expenditure
-Understanding of Bank policies and practices related to analytical work and operations;
-Fluency in English and good writing skills
-An excellent team worker who can also work independently and is self-motivated

This locally hired appointment shall be for a period of a two-year Coterminous appointment.
Complete job description and how to apply are available at our website:www. worldbank. org/id.

Application should be submitted though our on-line system no later than 8 December 2009.
Application sent through email and postal services will not be acceptable. Phone inquiries will not be entertained.


Job Opportunity @ Coffey
Finance Manager
-Based in Jakarta
-One year contract with possible extension

Coffey International Development is a global development consultancy focused on making a difference by improving the lives of world communities. We are the trusted advisers to many donor agencies, national governments, and private sector organisations around the world. Part of Coffey International Group with offices throughout Middle East, Asia, The Pacific, Africa, Europe,and the US, Coffey international Development has provided project management and specialist services to more than 800 projects in over 75 countries.

We are currently recruiting for a Finance Manager to work in our Jakarta office. As Finance Manager, your key focus will be managing the financial affairs of the Coffey International Development office, including financial analysis and reporting for management. This position has oversight for general accounting, project accounting, internal audit, cost accounting, tax audit and budgetary controls for the Coffey International Development Indonesia office and its project in Indonesia. The Finance Manager will work with other members of the Coffey International Development leadership team in supporting the Chief Representative in the management and administration of the Jakarta Office.

You will be degree qualified in Accounting, Finance, Commerce or related discipline.
You will have extensive experience in project accounting and budgeting; management reporting; excellent English proficiency in both written and spoken English, proven management and a solid knowledge of principle and techniques of cost management and control; approaches to systems review and improvement and proven knowledge of relevant accounting software applications in QuickBooks.

The ideal candidate will have ability to think clearly and logically, well developed verbal and written communications skills at all levels; demonstrated ability to communicate with persons of various cultures and disciplines; excellent analytical skills, business-like presentation, skills in problem identification and resolution; ability to meet deadlines; ability to allocate and review priorities and work in a team environment.

You will also have a high degree of flexibility in work and personal life; ability to work independently with limited supervision; management and leadership skills including coaching and mentoring; computer operating skills at a level sufficient to prepare budgets on spreadsheets and to monitor project progress and expenditure

The Application Process: A detailed job and person specification and online application form for this position are available via our website or from Evy Suryanti (Evy_Suryanti@ quoting reference number COFF – 863